Biologia plantarum, 1959 (vol. 1), issue 1
Catalase activity in thermal blue-green algae in relation to temperature
Štěpán Kubin
Biologia plantarum 1:3-8, 1959 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02927032
The author has studied the relation of the catalase activity in thermal blue-green algae to temperature. Experimental data were taken from the first phase of the reaction, so that oxidation of the enzyme by the substrate was eliminated. The relation of the activity of a homogenate of thermal blue-green algae to temperature gives a curve similar to that obtained bySizeR (1944) for pure enzyme preparations isolated from beef livers. The resistance of the enzyme to high temperatures is the same in thermal blue-green algae as in mesopholic seaweeds. The catalase of thermal blue-green algae does not exhibit any special characteristics differing from the...
Application of Humus substances to overground organs of plants
Zdeněk Sladký, Vladimír Tichý
Biologia plantarum 1:9-15, 1959 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02927033
The authors studied the effect of the application of humus substances to the leaves ofBegonia semperflorens Link etOtto. For spraying they ušed a dialysed extract of garden soil containing sodium humate with admixture of fulvic acid in total concentration of 300 mg/l. Doses of 2 ml. were applied twice a week during the period of the main growth phase.It was found that humus substances applied to the leaves cause a leng-thening of plant organs and increase of their fresh and dry weights. The chloro-phyll content and the amount of expired carbon dioxide are increased. The final result depends on the time when spraying was carried out and...
Observation of IEPM values of growing points of flower buds of the apple during the period before their morphological differentiation
Bořivoj Hořavka
Biologia plantarum 1:16-21, 1959 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02927034
1. During the period from June 11 to August 6, 1957 IEPM values were recorded for the meristematic tissues of growing points of apex buds of brachyblasts and for phloem and xylem of brachyblasts and growing spurs of apple varieties Transparent Yellow, Lord Lambourne and Watervliet.2. For a period of 7-14 days before the morphological differentiation of growing points of flower buds the shift of IEPM values towards the area of higher pH was observed. This shift was found both in the meristematic tissues of growing points and in the phloem and xylem of brachyblasts and growing spurs.3. After reaching a certain limit a shift...
The Influence of Gibberellic Acid on the Growth of Overground Parts and Roots of Wheat, Lettuce and Oats
Jan Krekule, Jaroslav Ullmann
Biologia plantarum 1:22-30, 1959 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02927035
1. The influence of varying concentrations of gibberellic acid on seedlings of wheat, lettuce and oats (up 10 days old) was observed and optimal concentration of 10 to 100 μg GA/ml. was established. Biometric evaluation of the experiments showed significant stimulation of the overground parts with all concentrations used (0.1 to 100 μg. GA/ml.) and significant inhibition of bhe roots with concentrations 1 to 100 μg. GA/ml.2. For lettuce only the concentration 10 μg. GA/ml. was used. In this case, too, increase in length of overground parts was significant and inhibition of root growth was observed. For oats the stimulating effect of...
Die Bioteknose beim Apfelbaum
Rudolf Řetovský
Biologia plantarum 1:31-38, 1959 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02927036
Bei drei Sorten von verschiedener wirtschaftlicher Qualitat, Klarapfel, Wealthy und Ontario, wurde während der Fruchteinlagerung die Vitalität exstirpierter Keime untersucht, und zwar naeh dem Grad der Grünung der Kotyledonen, nach der Wachstumsgeschwindigkeit der isolierten Keimlinge und nach der Wachstumsintensität der Keimwurzeln. Die Beziehungen dieser beobaohteten Charakteristika wurden mittels Faktorenanalyse ausgewertet und mit der als Bioteknose bezeichneten Erscheinung in Verbindung gobraoht.
Gradients of osmotic pressure of cell sap in the area of one leaf blade
Bohdan Slavík
Biologia plantarum 1:39, 1959 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02927037
Within one leaf blade there are considerable differences in hydration of its parts. Marked longitudinal, transverse and area gradients of the osmotic pressure of cell sap were ascertained within the leaf blade of sugar beet. The osmotic pressure was determined indirectly by the refractive index according to the empirically established correlation refractive index: osmotic pressure (measured cryoscopically) cf. fig. 1. The gradient from the base of the blade to the tip ranged around plus 40% of the osmotic pressure at the base. This and other gradients mentioned were not noticably changed even when the leaves were artificially saturated with water or...
The relation of the refractive index of plant cell sap to its osmotic pressure
Bohdan Slavík
Biologia plantarum 1:48-53, 1959 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02927038
Parallel measurements of the osmotic pressure (cryoscopic method) and the refractive index of cell sap were carried out on 246 samples from seven plant species. At the same time both values were ascertained as well as their relation for aqueous solutions of some sugars, organic acids and inorganic salts. The relations found with these model solutions are different for different substances. The quantitative composition of osmotically active components of cell sap changes in the course of ontogenesis and as a result the relation of refractive index and osmotic pressure also changes. By this comparison it has been shown that a reliable and more or less...
A study of metabolism of exogenous tryptophane and β-indoleacetic acid in extirpated wheat embryos
Milan Kutáček, Květa Rokosová, Rudolf Řetovský
Biologia plantarum 1:54, 1959 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02927039
The metabolism of exogenous tryptophane (3. 10-2M) and β-indoleacetic acid (3. 10-2M) in extirpated wheat embryos was studied chromatographically and electrophoretically.It was established that the external application of β-indoleacetic acid in wheat embryos leads to the formation of its complex, indoleacetylaspartic acid. Chromatographical demonstration of the components of the complex was made foliowing alkaline hydrolysis.A complex compound also arises from exogenous tryptophane, which again frees tryptophane following alkaline hydrolysis. The assumption has been put forward that this is malonyltryptophane,...
Untersuchungen über die durch Ultraschall hervorgerufenen Sofortveränderungen in der Zelle
Vladimír Raušer, Aleš Trnka
Biologia plantarum 1:63-70, 1959 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02927040
Die Autoren bringen eine kurze Mitteilung uber Beobachtungen der sofortigen Veränderungen in den Zellen der Epidermis von Allium cepa durch Ultraschallwirkung. Als Beobachtungsmethodik dieser Veränderungen wurde die Fluoreszenzmikroskopie mit Akridinorange-Pärbung verwendet. Es werden vier Stadien der hervorgerufenen Veränderungen unterschieden. Auf Grund dieser Beobachtungen wird angenommen, dass die quantitative Ausbeute der Energie des Ultraschalles für biologische Vorgänge verschieden sein kann, auch wenn in den sekundären Vorgängen die Ultraschallwirkung entweder zum Absterben oder Überleben der Zelle führt. Aus zytologischen Beobachtungen wird...
Humic acids with C14
Silvestr Prát, František Pospíšil
Biologia plantarum 1:71-80, 1959 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02927041
1. Leaves of sugar-beet (Beta saccharifera), which had assimilated active carbon dioxide C14O2, were subjected to the process of humification in soil. After three to five months of humification the dried soil was extracted with ether-alcohol, then with sodium or potassium hydroxide; the humic acids were separated from fulvic acids with hydrochloric acid. All fractions were radioactive.2. Maize plants (Zea mays) grown in diluted Knop's solution with the addition of active humic acid showed radioactivity in the roots and leaves. There was, however, a marked difference between the roots and the leaves. While the...