Biologia plantarum, 1960 (vol. 2), issue 3


Sugar absorption, callose formation and the growth rate of pollen tubes

Jaroslav Tupý

Biologia plantarum 2:169, 1960 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920646

1. The growth rate of apple pollen tubes at a temperature of 25°C in 10% sucrose solution, with or without boron (0.001% H3BO3), shows a practically linear relation to time for 6 hours;Nicotiana alata pollen tubes, which are slower in growth, show a decrease in growth rate after 10 to 15 hours.2. The greater part of the sucrose in the culture solution is inverted by the pollen tubes. The rate of this reaction increases with time until the substrate is exhausted. When the sucrose concentration drops to 5%, chiefly as a result of the inversion process, the growth rate of the pollen tubes decreases.3. The growing pollen...

The effect of two mucoproteins on infection by tobacco mosaic virus

Zdenko Polák

Biologia plantarum 2:181-187, 1960 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920647

The inhibitory effect of mucin on infection with purified TMV in a mixture of the two components in the proportion of 1∶1 attains 76.8%. Mucin solution tested in the same proportion with infective juice reduces the infectivity of the mixture by only 20-35%. In human saliva compared with mucin as regards their inhibitory activity there is evidently another inhibitor at work, which does not exert an immediate inhibitory influence as in the case of mucin.Urinary mucoprotein mixed with infective juice in the proportion of 1∶1 reduces infectivity by 78.7%. Infection with purified TMV is inhibited by it by almost 100%. All the results mentioned...

Zur Problematik der endogenen Virusbildung

Gerhard Staar

Biologia plantarum 2:188-200, 1960 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920648

Es wird über laufende Arbeiten berichtet.-Bei virösen Erkrankungen gehen dem Auftreten äusserlich erkennbarer Symptome cytologische Veränderungen voraus. Als solche werden u. a. charakteristische Zelleinschlüsse in jungen Keimen von Kartoffelknollen beschrieben. Mit ihrer Hilfe lässt sich nachweisen, dass viröse Prozesse auch in "gesund" getesteten Knollen vorkommen können.-Das unterschiedliche Auftreten spindelförmiger Zellkerne im Palisadenparenchym der Blätter von Solanum tuberosum wird als Zeichen verschieden stark ausgeprägter Neigung zu viröser Erkrankung (Virophilie) angesehen. Versuche zur chemisch-physikalischen Induktion viröser Prozesse...

Dry weight increase of leaf disks as a measure of photosynthesis

Jiří Bartoš, Štěpán Kubín, Ivan Šetlík

Biologia plantarum 2:201, 1960 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920649

Isolated leaf disks are illuminated under constant conditions in a specially arranged chamber and their increase in dry weight within a certain time is taken as a measure of photosynthetic intensity. The weight increment is estimated by comparing the dry weight of the illuminated disks with that of control disks sampled in the close vicinity of the former and dried immediately after sampling. Disks are taken from the leaf blades following a pattern which allows the average original weight of the control and experimental disk sets to be taken as identical within ±0.5%. During illumination in the assimilation chamber the disks are inserted into...

The seed progeny ofSolanaceae chimeras

Vladimír Fučík

Biologia plantarum 2:216-222, 1960 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920650

A description is given of the production of two types of chimera between tomato and nightshade (Solanum koelreuterianum Winkler andS. geartnerianum Winkler).In the case ofS. gaertnerianum the micromorphological and anatomical characters showed no signs of the significant specific reciprocal effect of one tissue on the other.The seed progeny of theS. gaertnerianum chimera resembled the control nightshade plants in all the characters investigated.The following characters were studied: Size of stomata, shape of stomata, shape of trichomes, fruit epidermis, section through the petiole, section through the leaf blade...

Respiratory pathways in gibberellin-treated wheat the effect of fluoride on the respiration rate

Jiří Luštinec, Jan Krekule, Věra Pokorná

Biologia plantarum 2:223, 1960 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920651

1. It was found that fluoride has a more pronounced inhibitory effect on the respiration of wheat leaves in plants grown in a solution of gibberellic acid than on that of control plants grown in water, during the entire development of the first leaf.2. Respiration is markedly inhibited even in old leaves of gibberellintreated plants while the respiration of equally old control plants is stimulated by fluoride by 10-100%.3. It is assumed that the shift in the equilibrium of respiratory pathways to glycolysis, as is indicated by respiration experiments, is associated with the growth effect of gibberellic acid.

Etude microcalorimétrique de l'accélération de la germination des graines, traitées par les ultra-sons

George Obolensky

Biologia plantarum 2:227-239, 1960 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920652

On a traité des graines d'orge à différentes fréquences ultrasonores (30, 80, 570, 720, 960 kHz) avec des puissances de 2 à 5 W/cm2, de 5 à 25 minutes, en vue d'étudier le mécanisme d'action des ultra-sons sur le processus de la germination.A cet effet, nous avons effectué des enregistrements microcalorimétriques au laboratoire de Monsieur le ProfesseurE. Calvet à la Faculté des Sciences de Marseille, en vue de comparer les courbes représentant la cinétique de la thermogénèse dans le cas des graines traitées ou non traitées par les ultra-sons.Les courbes montrent que la durée de la thermogénèse...

Staining of chromosomes in root tips of cloverin toto with aceto-gallocyanine

Jiří Bartoš, Naděžda Avratovščuková

Biologia plantarum 2:246, 1960 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920655

Brief Communications

The effect of some pyrimidine derivatives on the multiplication of tobacco mosaic virus

Marie Ulrychová-Zelinková

Biologia plantarum 2:240, 1960 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920653

The effect of 17 pyrimidine derivatives on tobacco mosaic virus was tested in leaf disk cultures. The greatest antiviral effect was found with 2-amino-4-methyl-6-chloropyrimidine, which in a concentration of 500 μg./ml. caused a 98% inhibition of TMV multiplication. The structurally closely related 2-amino-4-methyl-6-hydroxypyrimidine gave a 77% inhibition. An equal concentration of uracil caused a 36% stimulation of TMV multiplication. Also the ethyl ester of S-(4-methyl-6-hydroxypyrimidyl-2)-thioglycolic acid had a 30% stimulatory effect. The following preparations were toxic in the concentration mentioned above: 2,6-dichloropyrimidine, 2,6-dichloro-4-methylpyrimidine,...

Chenopodium Quinoa Willd. as a local lesion host ofMarmor cichorii Kvíčala (Cichorium virus 1 Kvč.)

Jaroslav Brčák

Biologia plantarum 2:244-245, 1960 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920654

Chicory blotch and yellows virus caused yellow local necrotic lesions on the leaves ofChenopodium Quinoa within nine days. Six strains of the common cucumber mosaic virus gave similar lesions in all cases, but in a shorter incubation period.