Biologia plantarum, 1962 (vol. 4), issue 1


Free amino acids and amides in the axial parts of apple-Trees and their relationship to flower-bud initiation

Josef Sahulka

Biologia plantarum 4:3-23, 1962 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02932223

Analyses of free amino acids and amides in the axial parts of apple-trees with and without flower-bud initiation were carried out. The results obtained mostly on the basis of investigations carried out during a single vegetation season, indicate that the ratio and content of free amino acids and amides in the axial parts of apple-trees are influenced primarily by the growth of the axial parts and by nitrogen supply to the roots. These findings are in agreement with the results of Oland (1959). In fruit-bearing trees a high content of free amino acids and amides could be demonstrated, together with an increased ratio of soluble to insoluble nitrogenous...

The effect of suppressors on the resulting segregation ratios of some characters of barley in higher hybrid generations

Josef Nečas

Biologia plantarum 4:24-46, 1962 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02932224

1. Suppressors were found in reciprocal crosses of some varieties of barley for the manifestation of recessive and dominant alternatives of the following characters: number of rows of the spike, presence or absence of glumes, character of awns and formation of the spike basis.2. A proof of the existence of suppressors is presented merely statistically on the basis of segregation ratios in the F2 generation, in the total F3 generation and in the individual segregating progenies of plants from the F2 generation and in the back crosses.3. It was confirmed that the inheritance of the characters investigated is independent...

Photosynthesis and chlorophyll content in different areas of fodder cabbage leaves

Zdeněk Šesták, Jiří Bartoš

Biologia plantarum 4:47, 1962 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02932225

The intensity of photosynthesis and the content of chlorophyll were estimated in disks cut out from different areas of fodder cabbage leaves (var. Coulet de Flandre). The content of chlorophyll per unit area was higher in the apical than in the basal part and in the central than in the peripheral part of the leaf. No significant differences were observed in the intensity of photosynthesis in samples removed from different parts of the leaf. The intensity of photosynthesis is not directly proportional to the dry weight of the sample although the dry weight per unit area is considerably higher in the apical than in the basal part of the leaf area.

Compatibility relations in some sweet cherry cultivars

Karel Hrubý

Biologia plantarum 4:54-60, 1962 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02932226

In the course of seven years, mutual compatibility relations in 16 Sweet Cherry cultivars, grown in Czechoslovakia were investigated. Successful pollinations were evaluated according to the percentage of fully ripe fruits. The results obtained are summarized in Table l.The fertility as well as the pollinating ability of the individual cultivars are recorded in Table 2.It was found that the cultivar Emperor Francis, cultivated in this country, differs from the variety of the same name grown in Western Europe, belonging to another incompatibility group and thus being also of another genotype. It must therefore be designated as Emperor Francis B....

A Comparative study on the reactions for protein sulphydryl, carboxyl and tyrosine in plant nuclei

Karel Beneš

Biologia plantarum 4:61-68, 1962 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02932227

Two techniques recently described for the demonstration of protein SH in animal material were appllied to plant objects in this work: the technique with β-oxynaphthylmercurichloride and that with p-nitrobromacetophenone. These techniques together with DDD1 and RSR1 usually produced more intense staining in plant cell nuclei than in the cytoplasm. When reactions for protein carboxyls and tyrosine were used, similar differences in the intensity of staining the nuclei and cytoplasm were observed. It appears that the differences in the intensity of reactions for protein SH groups correspond to the differences in the concentration...

Radiorespirometric study of the utilization of exogenous sucrose, glucose and fructose by germinating apple pollen

Jaroslav Tupý

Biologia plantarum 4:69, 1962 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02932228

The sequence of intensities with which pollen tubes utilize tested sugars from their 0.3 M solutions, is the following: sucrose >glucose >invert sugar > >fructose. The same sequence is maintained in sugar-agar media with the exception of the first two hours of incubation when sucrose, glucose and fructose are all utilized at a practically equal rate. During this period no pollen tubes were formed in the presence of fructose, in common with the sugar-free control, while in the presence of sucrose they reached a length of up to 450 µ. If sucrose was used as carrier for radioactive sugars, fructose-14C was utilized up to 12...


The ninetieth birthday of Prof. Dr. W. J. V. Osterhout

Biologia plantarum 4:1, 1962 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02932222