Biologia plantarum, 1963 (vol. 5), issue 1


Professor Bohumil Němec Nonagenarian

Rudolf Dostál

Biologia plantarum 5:1-14, 1963 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02933661

Die Selbstspaltung der mixoploiden Wurzelspitzen

Bohumil Němec

Biologia plantarum 5:15-18, 1963 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02933662

Bei der Sichtung meines reichen Materials von mixoploiden Wurzelspitzen habe ich Wurzeln gefunden, welche sich des polyploiden Sektors dadurch zu entledigen schienen, dass sie sich in einen diploiden und einen polyploiden Teil spalteten. Die Abspaltung von polyploiden Zellsträngen kommt zwar häufig vor, in den hier beschriebenen Fällen bildet jedoch der diploide Sektor eine neue Wurzelspitze, der polyploide Teil stellt allmählich sein Wachstum ein, während die neu differenzierte Wurzelspitze weiter wächst. Auch das ist eine Art von Bereinigung und Diploidisierung der mixoploiden Wurzelspitze. Sie setzt allerdings voraus, dass die Wurzelspitze etwa...

Über den anaeroben Stoffwechsel der Vegetationskegel des Weizens

L. Teltscherová, M. Dvořák

Biologia plantarum 5:19-28, 1963 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02933663

Die Ergebnisse der beschriebenen Versuche weisen darauf hin, dass in jungen Vegetationskegeln von Weizenpflanzen (2. Etappe der Organogenese), die aerobe Gärung eine wichtige Rolle spielt, während in älteren Vegetationskegeln die aeroben Oxydasensysteme in den Vordergrund treten. In den Vegetationskegeln werden die meisten Aminosäuren nicht in grösserer Menge synthetisiert, selbst wenn ihnen Aminostickstoff angeboten wird. Die wichtigste Quelle für die Eiweizsynthese stellen die aus den Blättern transportierten Aminosäuren dar. Die Umwandlung derselben im Vegetationskegel ist aber möglich. Dies geht nur unter aeroben Bedingungen vor sich. Die vorliegende...

Legumin, vicilin and proteins similar to them in the seeds of some species of theViciaceae family (a comparative serological study)

Josef Kloz, Věra Turková

Biologia plantarum 5:29-40, 1963 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02933664

1. A comparison of the immunochemical similarities in the proteins legumin and vicilin and the albumin fraction of pea seeds (Pisum sativum Poir), was carried out.Legumin and vicilin are globulins with different physical properties, but probably with a certain degree of immunochemical similarity as shown by serological cross reactions.Albumins from the pea seeds, on the contrary, have not only different physical properties but they also do not even show any immunochemical similarity to globulins.2. Immunochemical specificity of legumin and vicilin in the globulin fractions of the seeds of further species of the familyViciaceae...

Cytological and genetic effects of the insecticide systox onVicia faba L. andArabidopsis thaliana L. (Heynh)

Jiří Velemínský, Tomáš Gichner

Biologia plantarum 5:41-52, 1963 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02933665

The cytological effects of the insecticide Systox on the primary roots of Vicia faba and possible mutagenic effects on Arabidopsis thaliana have been studied. It was found that a 0.02% watery solution of Systox after a testing period of 3,6 and 9 hours under partially anaerobic conditions gives the following results:a) no inhibition of mitosis was produced;b) inhibition of the spindle was produced independently of the duration of action of Systox;c) the occurrence of chromosomal aberrations increased significantly after 3 and 6 hours without restitution and after 3 hours with restitution for 24 hours. The frequency of these...

Some findings on the course of infection caused by yellows-type viruses inTrifolium repens L. Plants

Miloš Musil

Biologia plantarum 5:53-58, 1963 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02933666

Experimental investigations on the course of yellows-type virus infections in plantsTrifolium repens L. gave the following results:During 24 and 48 hours after the completion of the test feeding period the clover phyllody and clover dwarf viruses spread in the plant maximally up to 5 cm. from the point of inoculation.In the infected plants, the reproduced clover phyllody and clover dwarf viruses appeared on the average 5-6 days earlier than disease symptoms.Acquisition feeding of leafhoppers onT. repens plants infected with the clover dwarf virus for different periods of time, revealed a decline in the virus concentration...

Necrosis of Aesculus hippocastanum L.

Jaroslav Smolák

Biologia plantarum 5:59-67, 1963 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02933667

The work described here was carried out during the last three years mainly on the castle premises at Lužany near Přeštice (Hlávka's foundation). It dealt with the disease of the horse chestnut-tree (Aesculus hippocastanum L.). The symptoms and their development have also been observed at a number of other places. According to the classification ofBose (Wageningen) the symptoms belong to the groups of Colour changes (II), Necrosis (IV), Deformation (VII) and partly also Growth reduction (of fruits). We are dealing here with a disease that was described bySorauer andThomas 60 years ago as abiosis. Since some of the symptoms suggested a virus origin...

Use of 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid in studies on the growth correlation differences between epigeous and hypogeous seedlings (Linum andPisum)

Rudolf Dostál

Biologia plantarum 5:68, 1963 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02933668

Decapitated seedlings ofLinum andPisum treated with TIBA paste either above or below the cotyledons, showed different morphogenetic changes especially on the epicotyl stumps, due to the differences in the correlations of their epigeous and hypogeous cotyledons respectively, these being also primarily responsible for the differing dominance of their shoot primordia.At the earliest phases of germination, an antagonism between TIBA and IAA can be demonstrated on the first internode inLinum, which is usually very short, as well as on the petioles of thePisum cotyledons. The former could be enlarged only by treatingLinum...

Biometric analysis of the relationship between the osmotic pressure of the cell sap and its refractive index

Vladimír Kozinka, Augustín Nižnánsky

Biologia plantarum 5:77-84, 1963 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02933669

Comparative cryoscopic determinations of osmotic pressure and the refractive index of cell sap were analyzed with the aid of correlation coefficients and characteristics of the trend of their course (by means of the slope of the regression lines and probability field). It was confirmed that an indirect estimation of the osmotic pressure of the cell sap is readily feasible refractometrically and that it is sufficiently reliable if a relationship between the two values is determined experimentally in advance. The biological homogeneity of the material tested influences this relationship, both genetic and ontogenetic. This conclusion followed from the...


B. Němec

Biologia plantarum 5:87-88, 1963 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02933670