Biologia plantarum, 1963 (vol. 5), issue 4


Änderungen des Gehaltes an Sulfhydryl-Gruppen während der Pollenmeiose und Pollenentwicklung

H. F. Linskens, J. A. M. Schrauwen

Biologia plantarum 5:239-248, 1963 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02930901

1. Die Antherenlänge ist beiLilium henryi kein Massstab für das im Innern der Antheren ablaufende Stadium der Pollenmeiose und Pollenentwicklung. Es bestehen signifikante Unterschiede zwischen den Antheren-Längen gleicher cytologischer Stadien zu verschiedenen Zeitpunkten der Vegetationsperiode.2. Durch amperometrische Titration bei 0° C in Stickstoffatmosphäre konnte in Extrakten des Tapetums und des Archespors eine zyklische Änderung im Gehalt an Thiol-Gruppen während zweier Vegetationsperioden gefunden werden. Der Sulfhydrylgehalt zeigte, bezogen auf den Stickstoffgehalt, synchrone Maxima im Pachytän und nach der Tetradenbildung.3....

Anatomical studies on the origin of the apical meristem in axils of the highest pair of leaves in chickweed, [Stellaria media (L.) Vill.]

Bořivoj Hořavka, Eva Petrů

Biologia plantarum 5:249, 1963 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02930902

The authors have studied the anatomy of the apical meristem in axils of the highest pair of leaves in chickweed [Stellaria media (L.) Vill.]. The shoot apices in the axils of highest leaves start to grow at different times; this is one of the causes of the unequal development (different length and thickness) of the branches. This unequal development is repeated also in branches of the second, third orders etc.

Über den Gehalt an auxin- und gibberellinähnlichen Stoffen bei jarowisierten und nicht jarowisierten Embryonen von Sommer- und Winterweizen

J. Krekule, L. Teltscherová

Biologia plantarum 5:252, 1963 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02930903

In jarowisierten und nicht jarowisierten Karyopsen einer Winter- und einer Sommerweizensorte wurden die auxin- und gibberellinähnlichen Stoffe chromatographisch bestimmt. Die Chromatogramme wurden biologisch ausgewertet. Bei der Wintersorte wurden in Bezug auf die Verteilung der Wuchsstoffe keine Unterschiede zwischen der jarowisierten und nicht jarowisierten Variante festgestellt. Bei der Sommersorte bestanden solche Unterschiede. Auf Grund der Versuchsergebnisse wird angenommen, dass die Unterschiede zwischen beiden Varianten der Sommersorte auf eine unspezifische Wirkung der niedrigen Temperatur zurückzuführen sind und dass der Jarowisationsprozess...

Relationship between the osmotic potential of cell sap and the water saturation deficit during the wilting of leaf tissue

Bohdan Slavík

Biologia plantarum 5:258-264, 1963 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02930904

Changes in the osmotic potential of the cell sap in passive water balance (wilting) of parts of the leaf blade were determined in relation to increasing water saturation deficit. Theoretically it could be assumed that the water lost in passive water balance comes from the total cell water equally, hence also from an aliquot part from the water contained in the cell sap. In that case the concentration of the cell sap would increase in proportion to the growing water saturation deficit. In the absolute majority of investigated cases, the osmotic pressure increased (the osmotic potential fell) more steeply than corresponded theoretically to the loss of...

The influence of Na-humate on the respiration of wheat roots and leaves

Věra Pokorná, Jiří Luštinec, Eva Petrů

Biologia plantarum 5:265, 1963 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02930905

Sodium fluoride, iodoacetate and malonate inhibit or stimulate the respiration of wheat roots cultivated for 2-10 days in a solution of sodium humate (100 mg/l.) as compared with the respiration of roots cultivated in water. The influence of sodium fluoride on the respiration of leaves is similar. The ratio of the radioactivities of C14O2 from glucose, labelled in the position 1 or 6 (C6/C1) is distinctly higher in roots, but not in leaves. The change in this ratio is accompanied by a decrease in the total radioactive C14O2 from roots of plants influenced by humate, from glucose labelled...

The influence of streptomycin on the frequency of induced chromosome aberrations

Tomáš Gichner, Jiří Velemínský

Biologia plantarum 5:271, 1963 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02930906

1. Treatment with high to sublethal doses of streptomycin (1 m Mol, 0.5 m Mol) did not induce any significant increase in chromosome aberrations at the metaphase and at the ana- and telophase. The only significant increase in aberrant ana- and telophases was observed as a consequence of treatment with 1 m Mol streptomycin (30 °C, 48 hrs recovery). This increase was mainly caused by the presence of lagging chromosomes and was therefore the result of spindle damage and not of chromosome aberrations. This fact was verified by the nonsignificance of the increase in aberrant metaphases under the same treatment. The disadvantages of evaluation of chromosome...

Permeability of plant tissues to humic acids

S. Prát

Biologia plantarum 5:279, 1963 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02930907

When small branches of different plants were dipped after cutting into a solution of humic acid, a brown substance penetrated into vessels and coagulated there. The vascular bundles were stained to the height of 1-6 cm after a week. The presence of the humic acid in the parenchymal cells could not be demonstrated directly, but cells with a yellow or brown cell wall remained alive (they could be plasmolysed).Humic acid, labelled with C14 was distributed in the same way in sterile and in non-sterile plant cultures, mainly through vascular bundles.

Assimilation chambers for studying the photosynthetic rates of leaves and spikes of cereals

Lubomír Nátr, Josef Špidla

Biologia plantarum 5:284, 1963 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02930908

Some constructional adjustments of leaf chambers for photosynthetic rate measurements of leaves and spikes of cereals are described.

Participation of ascorbate oxidase in the respiration ofCucurbita roots

Miroslav Dvořák

Biologia plantarum 5:287, 1963 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02930909

Ascorbate oxidase was studied as one of the terminal oxidases in the roots of seven-day old squash cultures (Cucurbita pepo L.) in relation to calcium nutrition and the influence of calcium deficiency on the quantity and quality. The work led to the following conclusions:1) Ascorbate oxidase was identified inCucurbita pepo L. roots, sort "Kabačky". Identification was carried out according to substrate oxidation, and the sensitivity of enzymes to 10-4 M DIECA; the possibility of interference by other oxidase systems was eliminated during the study of the oxidation reaction by the use of acetone preparations.2) Dependence...

Polyphenol oxidase in the roots ofCucurbita pepo L.

Miroslav Dvořák, Jana Černohorská

Biologia plantarum 5:298, 1963 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02930910

From the roots ofCucurbita pepo L. an acetone preparation was obtained with a polyphenol-oxidase activity towards pyrogallol, less marked towards pyrocatechin and DOPA. It is competitively inhibited by DIECA and KCN, but is not indibited by NaN3, which is evidence that it is a copper enzyme of the polyphenol oxidase type. No quantitative differences between the two variants "NS" and "-Ca" were found nor qualitative differences expressed by the affinity for the substrate.

The study of proliferation of cambium and parenchyma of branches from trees in culturesin vitro

E. A. Bytchenkova

Biologia plantarum 5:302-309, 1963 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02930911

Proliferation of the cambium and parenchyma of branches from 34 tree species was studied by means of tissue culturesin vitro. The formation of callus tissue, the seasonal activity of cambium, the effects of indole-3-acetic acid on the reactivation of cambium and the polarity of callus formation were investigated.Various tree species are characterized by a different capacity for callus formation; in the majority of species, however, the reaction of cambium takes place in culturesin vitro. Some species produce callus from the cortex and the pith of branches and the lenticels simultaneously with the reactivation of cambium.Growth...

Quantitative determination of cyanogenesis in plants

Václav Pokorný

Biologia plantarum 5:310-317, 1963 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02930912

A method suitable for serial determinations in genetic experiments is described. Colorimetric determination of HCN (by 1-phenyl-3-methyl-5-pyra-zolone and pyridine, phenolphthalin or sodium picrate) facilitates processing of samples releasing 0.2 μg to 20 μg of HCN. Before hydrolysis of the glycoside the oil content in the seeds can be determined. Variance analysis of the cyanogenic properties of the particular seeds of two sorts of flax with an average HCN content of 0.4 and 0.9 μg shows that the differences between plants and between capsulae of the same plant can be determined.