Biologia plantarum, 1969 (vol. 11), issue 5
Vascular inter-relationships in someSolanaceae members
J. J. Shah, J. D. Patel
Biologia plantarum 11:329-333, 1969 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02921396
Vascular inter-relationships between axillary bud, axillant leaf and axis have been studied in fives pecies of theSolanaceae, Lycopersion lycopersicum (L. )Karsten,Cestrum nocturnum L.,Cestrum diurnum L.,Withania somnifera (L.)Dunal, andDatura innoxia Mill. The phyllotaxy is alternate and the node is unilacunar with one or more leaf trace strands. The bud traces arise either from the trace of the subtending leaf or of the strands flanking the leaf gap. The vascular relationship between the bud, axillant leaf and main axis is discussed.
The content of some amino acids in young apple shoots in relation to frost resistance
B. Benko
Biologia plantarum 11:334, 1969 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02921397
In the years 1963-1965 the content of proline, asparagine, glutamic and γ-aminobutyric acids in young apple (Malus cultivars) shoots was studied. Two groups of apple varieties differing in frost resistance were included into experiments: the Yellow Transparent and Oberländer Himbeerapfel varieties as frost-resistant ones and-the Ontario and Reinette du Canada varieties as sensitive to frost. In the course of experiment γ-aminobutyric acid showed a relatively balanced level but glutamic acid, asparagine and especially proline were found in greater amount in the frost-resistant varieties. According to the results of this experiment...
The dependence of the frequency of recessive lethal and vital mutations inArabidopsis thaliana (L.)Heynh. on the concentration of N-nitroso-N-methylurea
Milena Riesová-Kučerová
Biologia plantarum 11:338-346, 1969 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02921398
The dependence of the frequency of recessive lethal (two groups), chlorophyll and morphological mutations on the mutagen concentration was determined in M2 after subjection to N-nitroso-N-methylurea applied to seeds ofArabidopsis in three concentrations (0.05, 0.10 and 0.20mm). The observed frequencies were compared with the theoretically expected ones for the linear and for two exponential types of dependence, by using the t-test, according to the formulas m=k. C, m=k. C3/2, m=k. C2. No satisfactory agreement with any expected type of dependence was found when directly observed frequencies were used. Since a...
Study of the interactions between cereals with respect to the soil nitrate nitrogen
Hana Hrušková, F. Plhák
Biologia plantarum 11:347-355, 1969 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02921399
The interactions between cereals-wheat, barley, rye and oats-in combined cultivation in mixtures of always two species in relation 1:1 in the initial phase of growth were studied. During thirty days' cultivation in pots the growth of the experimental plants in pure cultures and in mixtures and the changes of the nitrate nitrogen content of the soil in the experimental vessels were followed.The experiments showed that all tested species of cereals interacted with each other during the growth in mixture. The growth changes began soon after sowing, were of a stimulating and inhibiting character and increased during the growth. An exception was the...
On the interaction of growth retardants with IAA and kinetin
J. Šebánek, J. Hradilík
Biologia plantarum 11:356-365, 1969 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02921400
In the pea test a highly positive response to the treatment with IAA reversed to a negative one or became 5 to 6 times weaker when CCC was applied together with IAA. In cultivating pea seedlings, following their decapitation, for two days in a 0.25 per cent CCC solution and then in water, growth of their cotyledonous axillaries (cotylaries) were inhibited. This inhibitive action of CCC could be made ineffective when the seedlings, following two-days' cultivation in the CCC solution, were grown further in kinetin solutions (0.37-3 mg per 1). Cotylaries of decapitated pea seedlings, when grown in kinetin solutions were inhibited. With kinetin solutions...
Mechanical transmission of beet yellows virus to Chenopodium quinoa Willd. And Chenopodium foliosum (Moench) Asch.
J. Polák, O. Klír
Biologia plantarum 11:366-369, 1969 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02921401
Beet yellows virus (BYV) was mechanically transmitted by sap from sugar-beet plants, infected with BYV, to the plants of Chenopodium quinoa Willd. and of Chenopodium foliosum (Moench) Asch. Mechanical transmission of BYV to the plants of Tetragonia expansa Murr. failed. Infectious material was homogenized in phosphate buffer with veronal and EDTA, pH 7-8. Experimental plants were darkened three days before infection and kept at a temperature of 5°C. Plants of C. quinoa Willd. were decapitated. Back transmissions from C. quinoa Willd. and C. foliosum (Moench) Asch. infected with BYV, to sugar-beet plants were...
Suction force variation in double-hybrid maize as a function of soil moisture
A. Ionescu
Biologia plantarum 11:370-374, 1969 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02921402
In experiments with double-hybrid maize grown in the field and in a greenhouse, we analysed the value of the suction force as related to the regime of irrigation.The results showed that the level of water supply to the plants is in good connection with the value of the suction force and the coefficient H (the relative degree of water saturation of the cells) analysed at the same time.In the case of the 2 hybrids under investigation the highest value of coefficient H was found to be between 35-48.The data indicate that the use of these two indices should take part in a physiological method for the settlement and the application of...
Stabilization of purified potato virus X by dextran T-10 during lyophilization
E. Jermoljev, Liana Albrechtová
Biologia plantarum 11:375-380, 1969 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02921403
Purification and preservation of potato virus X from leaf sap of tobacco plants before lyophilization was carried out by two methods: 1) precipitation by polyethylene glycol and ultracentifugation, and 2) precipitation by ammonium sulphate, chromatography on Sephadex G-50 and ultracentrifugation. The first method is preferable to the second because the final preparation contains more virus antigen. Both preparations were strongly infectious and maintained antigenic properties after lyophilization.To achieve a more gentle course of lyophilization of virus preparations, addition of urotropine and dextran T-10 to the virus suspension, purified by...
Mathematical model of ontogenetic changes and circadian cycles of transpiration rates
A. Nižňanský, S. Priehradný
Biologia plantarum 11:393-407, 1969 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02921407
A new mathematical model, representing the transpiration process during ontogenesis and a circadian transpiration cycle, analysed in detail statistically, was designed using data obtained by the new modification of the gravimetric determination of the transpiration of intact plants. Regression analysis applied to the circadian cycle makes it possible to characterize basis parameters of the intensity and of the extent of this process and may serve as a starting point when studying transpiration methodologically in greater detail.
The effect of N-nitroso-N-methylurea, buthylmethane sulphonate and X-rays on the germination and production of chlorophyll mutations in einkorn wheat
J. Vagera
Biologia plantarum 11:408-416, 1969 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02921408
Grains ofTriticum monococcum L. var.sofianum Körn. were treated with 0.1mm, 0.2mm and 0.3mm solutions of N-nitroso-N-methylurea (MNH), with 0.03m solution of buthylmethane sulphonate (BMS) and with X-rays in doses of 5 000r and 10 000r. The germination and development of individual colors of chlorophyl mutants were observed by the system developed byLamprecht (1960). All the mutants induced were classified according to their color changes into three main categories-homogenous unicolor, homogenous multicolor and heterogenous multicolor. In the last type the colors of individual leaves of the same plant varied. Anthocyanin mutations "albina"...
Brief Communications
Temperature effects in the measurement of water saturation deficit (relative water content) in Tobacco and Kale
J. Čatský
Biologia plantarum 11:381, 1969 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02921404
An expressive effect of temperature on water saturation deficit determined by "leaf-disc extrapolation method" was found. This error may reach about 15 to 40% of measured value with the temperature gradient of 10° between tissuein situ and under conditions of W.S.D. determination.
Properties and nature of inhibitors of potato virus X in four medicinal plant extracts
V. S. Verma, S. P. Raychaudhuri, Abrar M. Khan
Biologia plantarum 11:384-387, 1969 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02921405
The inhibitors present in the extracts ofCinchoma ledgeriana, Emblica officinalis, Chrysobalanus C. icaco andTerminalia chebula were heat-stable, resistant to autoclaving, aging and desiccation for a week. However, they did not withstand dialysis for 48 hrs (exceptT. chebula extract.) These four extracts markedly inhibited the virus even on dilution in the ratio of 1ů1 but viral infectivity was sharply reduced at higher dilutions in each case. Moreover, the inhibitors in the stem bark extract ofC. ledgeriana, fruit pericarp extract ofE. officinalis andT. chebula were highly inhibitory even at pH 10.0, whereas...
Qualitative differences of pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L.) proteins influenced by Ca2+ nutrition
M. Dvořák, Jana Černohorská
Biologia plantarum 11:388, 1969 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02921406
The effect of Ca-deficiency on changes in the protein content of cotyledons and roots of germinating pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L.) plants was studied by means of immunoelectrophoresis. Antiserum against seed proteins gave 11 clear precipitation zones in homological reactions and 7 zones with proteins from cotyledons of 10 day-old plants. Several less mobile zones in the area of start appeared in variant "-Ca". Using antiserum against root proteins of 10 day-old control plants, 8 precipitation zones in the homological reaction and 6 zones (two cathodic zones are missing) in the heterological reaction were obtained. The patterns of proteins from...