Biologia plantarum, 1972 (vol. 14), issue 5


Lettuce Seed Germination: Interaction between Auxin and 2-Chloroethanephosphonic acid (Ethrel)

N. Sankhla, Daksha Sankhla

Biologia plantarum 14:321-324, 1972 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02933182

Auxins (NAA, IAA) inhibited the seed germination of lettuce cv. Cabbage. The auxin-indueed inhibition of seed germination could be overcome if 2-chlorethanephosphonic acid (CEPA, ethrel) or kinetin was added simultaneously. Thus ethylene can also modulate the action of endogenous inhibitors in seed germination.

The Influence of Abscisic Acid on the Gibberellin Content in Apple Seeds During Stratification

R. Rudnicki, Irena Sińska, St. Lewak

Biologia plantarum 14:325-329, 1972 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02933183

The content of endogenous GA4 and GA7 was determined in apple embryos cultured either on water or in the presence of ABA solution. The embryos were isolated from dormant seeds and from seeds removed from stratification which was effected either in water or in the presence of ABA. The influence of ABA on the decrease of two GAs levels was proved. The relation between the effect of ABA and the stage of stratification is closer in the case of GA4 than GA7. It is assumed ABA to inhibit the gibberellin biosynthesis.

The Effect of Exogenous IAA and Kinetin on Nitrate Reductase, Nitrite Reductase and Glutamate Dehydrogenase Activities in Excised Pea Roots

J. Sahulka

Biologia plantarum 14:330-336, 1972 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02933184

Nitrate reductase (NO3R) activity, nitrite reductase (NO2R) activity and NADH2 dependent glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) activity were followed in extracts from excised pea roots incubated under aseptic conditions for 9 and 24 h in nitrate containing nutrient medium to which IAA was added in concentrations promoting lateral root formation (1 × 10-5; 3 × 10-5; 5 × 10-5 M) and kinetin in concentrations which reduce lateral root formation (0.1; 1; 5 mg 1-1, that is 4.65 × 10-7;4.65 × 10-6 and 2.3 × 10-5 M). NO3R activity was not influenced...

The effect of exogenous gibberellin and auxin on the dominance between the axillary buds of pea (Pisutn sativum L.) cotyledons

J. Šebánek

Biologia plantarum 14:337-342, 1972 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02933185

The interaction of GA and IAA in apical dominance was investigated in an experiment in which first of all an IAA paste was applied to the cut areas formed by the decapitation of epicotyl apices of pea seedlings, followed after one week by the application of a 0.25 % GA paste. The latter treatment was able to overcome the growth inhibition of cotylary buds induced by a 0.03 % IAA paste, but not that caused by 0.06 and 0.12 % IAA pastes.The correlative function of a root in the renewal of the apical dominance can, to some extent, be directly simulated by exogenous gibberellin, as has been demonstrated in the experiment with decapitated pea seedlings...

Effect of different conditions of light on the nucleic acid fractions in cotyledons ofChenopodium rubrutn L.

Lola Teltscherová, J. Krekule, J. Ullmann

Biologia plantarum 14:343-349, 1972 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02933186

The nucleic acid fractions in cotyledons of young Chenopodium rubrum plants exposed to continuous light, continuous darkness and short (8 h) day, respectively and labelled with32P 24 h prior to harvesting were studied by means of chromatography on MAK columns. Some parameters of cotyledon growth (dry weight, cotyledon area, occurrence of mitoses) were also investigated.The changes in the nucleic acid fractions agreed with the dynamics of cotyledon growth. In continuous light the content of all fractions increased. The radioactivity of DNA and s-RNA did not undergo any great changes and only r-RNA increased. The specific activity of r-RNA...

Action of inhibition by fluorodeoxyuridine and its reversal by thymidine on the nucleic acid fractions of the overground parts of photoperiodically inducedChenopodium rubrum plants

J. Ullmann, J. Krekule, Lola Teltscherová

Biologia plantarum 14:350-355, 1972 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02933187

The nucleic acid fractions obtained by chromatography on MAK columns were compared in 4 variants ofChenopodium rubrum plants treated in different ways during floral induction. The first variant was normally induced to flowering. The second one was inhibited by application of FUDR to the apical bud on the third day of induction. In the third variant the inhibitory effect of FUDR was reversed by application of THY 24 h after FUDR treatment. In the fourth variant THY was applied 24 h after the termination of induction at a time when it was no longer able to reverse the inhibition of flowering. In plants treated with FUDR, a decrease in DNA and...

Comparison of N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea Effects in three strains of chlorococcal algae

J. Nečas

Biologia plantarum 14:356-363, 1972 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02933188

Three strains of three different species of chlorococcal algae(Chlorella kesslerii Scenedesmus quadricauda andScenedesmus obliquus) were compared in their physiological and genetical responses to N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (NEU). The mutagen was applied in the basic doses corresponding to their specific tolerance to it. Exponentially-graded doses derived from the basic ones acted for the same period of time and single basic doses acted at linearly-increased periods of time in parallel experiments. The influence of the mutagen on the cell cycle just in progress was characterized by the increase in the frequency of cell divisions which yielded...

Hydroxylation of dehydroepiandrosterone and its acetate with potato tuber slices

Nguyen Gia Chan, Ž. Procházka

Biologia plantarum 14:364-368, 1972 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02933189

Evidence is presented for the view that the potato tuber tissue contains an unstable enzyme capable of hydroxylation of dehydroepiandrosterone and its acetate in low yield. The products of hydroxylation were isolated and identified. The possibility is discussed that auto-oxidation is a simultaneous reaction.

Brief Communications

The visualization of local lesions caused by the common bean mosaic virus

J. Polák, J. Chod

Biologia plantarum 14:369-370, 1972 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02933190

A very simple and quick procedure for the visualization of local lesions caused by the common bean mosaic virus was developed. It consists in a treatment of bean leaves in 96 % èthanol 50 °C warm and in the subsequent staining of the leaves in Lugol solution and washing in 30 % ethanol.

The occurrence of multiperforate perforation plates in maize root metaxylem

Mária Luxová, A. Lux

Biologia plantarum 14:371-373, 1972 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02933191

A characteristic feature for both the early and late metaxylem of maize roots fs the occurrence of porous perforation plates. Occasionally but very rarely scalariform perforation, plates are also formed with the less specialized early metaxylem. Of a larger number of representatives analysed the line 4 Y is exceptional, various types of multiperforate plates occurring there more often, even with the late metaxylem. The taxonomical or ecological value of this character is not known.

A modification of the method of the regular stand density increment

V. Pokorný, J. Vidovič

Biologia plantarum 14:374-375, 1972 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02933192

The employment of the classic stand density experiments in studies of the horizontal organization of plant stands is very laborious and requires a large experimental field area. The procedure based on the regular thickening of plant stands is more convenient for plants grown in a lower density. A simplified modification of this method is described which keeps a constant square nutritional area regardless of the plant densities.

Increase in dry weight and protein content inBrassica oleracea andNicotiana tabacum pith expiants daring short-term cultivation on simple media

J. Luštinec, M. Kamínek, J. Přívratský

Biologia plantarum 14:376-378, 1972 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02933193

The stem pith discs of kale and tobacco were cultured on simple sugar-mineral media. The dry weight of the expiants rose almost linearly for 20 days and was doubled in 10 to 12 days. Neither protein accumulation nor the increase in cell number are responsible for this relatively high increase in dry weight of discs. The accumulation of sugars or polysaccharides is thought to be the cause of this increase.

Distribution of the protein "phaseolin" in some representatives ofViciaceae

Eva Klozová, J. Kloz

Biologia plantarum 14:379-384, 1972 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02933194

Using immunochemical methods the authors investigated the evolutionary taxonomic distribution of the reserve seed protein "phaseolin" in cultivars ofPhaseolus vulgaris, in a series of species ofPhaseolus, and in representatives of some additional genera ofViciaceae."Phaseolin" is typical of the seed ofPhaseolus vulgaris L.: it was detected in all 658 investigated cultivars - and also in species related toPhaseolus vulgaris L.(Ph. vulgaris L. ssp.aborigineus Burk.,Ph. polyanthus Green,Ph. dumosus Macf.,Ph. coccineus L., and in an undescribed species from the group ofPh. vulgaris...