
Week of Science and Technology

Týden Akademie věd ČR

The Week of the Czech Academy of Sciences

This year

The Week of the Czech Academy of Sciences will take place from 31 October to 6 November 2022.

After organising the successful Week of Science and Technology of the Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS) for two decades, we decided to reconceptualise and rename the event. We wanted the most extensive science festival in the Czech Republic to be a celebration of the CAS. It therefore no longer focuses on one main topic as it had in the past. Instead, science and research are presented here in all their forms and variations.

The first edition of the Week of the Czech Academy of Sciences took place in November 2021. Visitors had the opportunity to come see not only the CAS headquarters on Národní Street in Prague, but most importantly our institutes. We were able to showcase our latest research achievements and present what CAS researchers have been working on.

We would like to thank all the CAS institutes, universities, and other partners who took part in the Week of the Czech Academy of Sciences for their support and cooperation!

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About the festival

The Week of the Czech Academy of Sciences is the most extensive science festival in the Czech Republic, which includes lectures, exhibitions, workplace events, documentaries, workshops, science cafés, and many other activities spanning the whole country and all fields of science. It is a smooth continuation of the successful Week of Science and Technology of the CAS.

The festival is intended for high school students, for whom lectures and excursions are offered in the mornings, and for the general public, who can enjoy the afternoon and evening programme. Admission to all events is free, but for most of them, it is necessary to reserve a spot due to capacity restrictions. For additional details, check out the festival website.

An extensive archive of lectures from previous editions of the festival is available on YouTube here (in Czech only).

Pohled do pokusného jaderného reaktoruStudenti v jednorázových ochranných oblecíchStudent si drží před obličejem tmavé sklíčkoHořáky taví skleněnou trubici pro její uzavření

Návštěvníci festivalu ve skleníkuMuž si prohlíží střepy historických nádobTřída základní školy v laboratoři keramikyDítě si prohlíží lahvičku

Events all over the Czech Republic

Events during the Week of the Czech Academy of Sciences are held not only in Prague, but also in practically every regional city – or even online. Visitors can take part in workshops, attend lectures, and visit the laboratories and facilities of the individual CAS institutes.

The festival programme is always made public in October on the official website.

The Week of the Czech Academy of Sciences is organised by the Division of External Relations of the Centre of Administration and Operations of the CAS. All institutes of the Academy take part in the organisation of the festival.

Contact person for the festival

baracka Alexandra Baracká
Centre of Administration and Operations of the CAS
Division of External Relations – Public Outreach Department
Vodičkova 40, 110 00 Prague 1

phone: +420 221 403 416
mobile: +420 734 872 185