In the list of publications, you will find the complete output of our researchers since 1961.
- Energy transfer to the Ce3+ centers in Lu3Al5O12 : Ce scintillatorphysica status solidi (a) 201 (2004) R41-R44.
- Chemistry of Materials 16 (2004) 1104-1110.
- Liquid Crystals 31 (2004) 821-830.
- Journal of Applied Physics 95 (2004) 1811-1815.
- Advances in development of chemical oxygen-iodine laserCzech. J. Phys. 54 (2004) 561
- Chemical oxygen-iodine laser using a new method of atomic iodine generationIEEE J. Quantum Electron. 40 (5) (2004) 564
- CFD modelling of an instantaneous generation of atomic iodine in chemical oxygen-iodine laserProc. SPIE 5777 (2004) 192
- Thin silicon films deposited at low substrate temperatures studied by surface photovoltage techniqueThin Solid Films 451-452 (2004) 408-412.
- Single atom diffusion of Pb on a Si(111)-7x7 surface.Surf. Sci. 566-568 (2004) 130 - 136
- Photoemission study of two=dimensional phase transitions on the Pb-Si(111) surface.Surf. Sci. 566-568 (2004) 804 - 809
- Activation of binary Zr-V non-evaporable getters: a soft X-ray photoemission study of carbide formation.Surf. Sci. 566-568 (2004) 1246 - 1249
- Grains of Porous Silicon Embedded in SiO2: Studies of Optical Gain and Electroluminescence.Solid State Phenom. 99-100 (2004) 31 - 36
- Optical gain in porous silicon grains embedded in sol-gel derived SiO2 matrix under femtosecond excitation.Applied Physics Letters 84 (2004) 3280-3282.
- physica status solidi (c) 1 (2004) 1097-1114.
- Model of electronic transport in microcrystalline silicon and its use for prediction of device performance.J. Non-Cryst. Solids 338-340 (2004) 303 - 309
- Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 338-340 (2004) 287-290.
- Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 338-340 (2004) 353-356.
- Evidence for valence-charge fluctuation in the sqr(3) x sqr(3) - Pb/Si(111)systemPhys. Rev. B 70 (2004) 55334
- Microcavity-like leaky mode emission from planar optical waveguide made of silicon nanocrystalsJ. Appl. Phys. 96 (2004) 5222 - 5225
- Defect modes caused by twinning in one-dimensional photonic crystalsJournal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics 21 (2004) 548-553.
- Journal of Applied Physics 96 (2004) 4072-4075.
- Time-domain terahertz study of defect formation in one-dimensional photonic crystalsApplied Optics 43 (2004) 1965-1970.
- New technologies and materialsMaster Book on Sensors, eds. P. Ripka, A. Tipek, ISBN 80-7300-129-2, 2004, pp. 11-1 - 11-74
- Heat, Thermal Analysis and SocietyNucleus, Hradec Králové 2004, ISBN 80-86225-54-2, pp. 1 - 400
- On expansion of a spherical enclosure bathed in zero-point radiationEntropy 6 (2004) 216-222.
- Properties of Er - doped layers grown from Er: YAG (YAP) crystalline targets by sub-picosecond laser depositionLaser Physics Letters 1 (2004) 248-252.
- Transdisciplinary aspects of diffusion and magnetocaloric effectJournal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 76 (2004) 67-74.
- Quantum aspects of self-organized periodic chemical reactionJournal of Chemical Physics 121 (2004) 1499-1503.
- Analysis of glass fiber reinforced cement composites and their thermal and hygric material parametersJournal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 77 (2004) 85-97.
- Lateral conductivity in GaAs/InAs quantum dot structuresEuropean Physical Journal - Applied Physics 27 (2004) 93-95.
- Effect of divalent cations on properties of Er3+-doped silicate glassesOptical Materials 27 (2004) 331-336.
- Integrated Ferroelectrics 62 (2004) 199-203.
- Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 37 (2004) 1980-1986.
- Development of magnetic order in the pseudo-ternary series ErNi1-xCuxAlJournal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 283 (2004) 34-45.
- Structural study of the DyNi1-xCuxAl systemCzechoslovak Journal of Physics 54 (2004) D315-318.
- Relaxation of alkali glass exposed to an electron beamMicrochimica Acta 145 (2004) 49-52.
- Effect of Cr doping in charge ordered Y1-xCaxMnO3 (x~0.5)Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 272-276 (2004) E1029-E1030.
- Ferroelectrics 301 (2004) 169-174.
- Acta Crystallographica Section E 60 (2004) m924-m926.
- Acta Crystallographica Section C 60 (2004) m426-m430.
- Ferroelectrics 302 (2004) 401-403.
- Integrated Ferroelectrics 61 (2004) 249-253.
- Thin Solid Films 455-456 (2004) 213-216.
- Ferroelectrics 308 (2004) 131-192.
- Dichromated gelatin and its importance for optical hologram recordingCzechoslovak Journal of Physics 54(12) (2004) 1461-1472.
- Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 272-276 (2004) E1743-E1745.
- Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 110 (2004) 82-86.
- Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 272-276 (2004) E555-E556.
- Physica C: Superconductivity 402 (2004) 94-97.
- Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 272-276 (2004) E825-E826.