In the list of publications, you will find the complete output of our researchers since 1961.
- Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 322 (2010) 1243-1245.
- Canadian Mineralogist 48 (2010) 1059-1068.
- Journal of Applied Polymer Science 117 (2010) 1608-1612.
- Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 17 (2010) 36-40.
- Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 17 (2010) 129-131.
- Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 10 (2010) 690-695.
- Acta Materialia 58 (2010) 577-582.
- Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 322 (2010) 1221-1223.
- Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 322 (2010) 1198-1200.
- Journal of Applied Physics 107 (2010) 014111(1)-014111(10).
- Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 42 (2010) 539-549.
- Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 42 (2010) 525-538.
- European Physical Journal D 56 (2010) 79-90.
- Journal of the Electrochemical Society 157(2) (2010) G67-G70.
- Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology 24 (2010) 77-97.
- Physica Status Solidi-Rapid Research Letters 4 (2010) 37-39.
- Materials Science Forum 636 - 637 (2010) 392-397.
- Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data 55 (2010) 362-365.
- Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 42 (2010) 484-487.
- Surface Science 604 (2010) 318-321.
- IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 46 (2010) 298-301.
- IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 46 (2010) 517-520.
- Composite Structures 92 (2010) 1440-1448.
- Journal of Mathematical Physics 51 (2010) 015219(1)-015219(16).
- Heat treatment of thin NiTi filaments by electric currentASM International electronc SMST newsletter E-elastic, January 2010
- Physical Review B 81 (2010) 024403(1)-024403(8).
- Modern Physics Letters A, Vol. 24,(2009), pp 2995-3004
- Physica C: Superconductivity 470 (2010) 155-158.
- Applied Physics Letters 96 (2010) 062103(1)-062103(3).
- Optical Materials 32 (2010) 589-594.
- Phase Transitions 83(1) (2010) 16-27.
- Electron spectroscopy of corrugated solid surfacesAnalytical Sciences 26 (2010) 177-186.
- Remarks on some reference materials for applications in elastic peak electron spectroscopyAnalytical Sciences 26 (2010) 239-246.
- Electron spectra line shape analysis of highly oriented pyrolytic graphite and nanocrystalline diamondAnalytical Sciences 26 (2010) 217-222.
- Physical Review B 81 (2010) 212409(1)-212409(4).
- Physical Review B 81 (2010) 104402(1)-104402(5).
- Liquid Crystals 37 (2010) 129-137.
- Semiconductors 44 (2010) 66-71.
- Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 71 (2010) 30-34.
- Physical Review B 81 (2010) 035112(1)-035112(6).
- Physical Review B 81 (2010) 054502(1)-054502(15).
- Physical Review B 81 (2010) 064426(1)-064426(4).
- Physical Review B 81 (2010) 064410(1)-064410(8).
- Physical Review B 81 (2010) 064106(1)-064106(9).
- Crystal Growth & Design 10 (2010) 575-579.
- NMP Expert Advisory Group (EAG) Position Paper on Future RTD Activities of NMP for the Period 2010 - 2015, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg 2010, pp. 5 – 30, ISBN 978-92-79-14065-5
- Journal of Alloys and Compounds 491 (2010) 4-7.
- Journal of Alloys and Compounds 492 (2010) 1-7.
- Journal of Alloys and Compounds 492 (2010) 52-55.
- Intermetallics 18 (2010) 641-648.