The Brain4Industry consortium led by the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences has become a member of the European Digital Innovation Hub

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Brain4Industry, a consortium led by the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, has been selected from among the representatives of the Czech Republic to become a member of the European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH). The hub aims to help small and medium enterprises and state administrations to implement the digital transformation process leading to a comprehensive economic modernization. The acquisition of the EDIH brand by B4I will help the consortium extend its service offerings and make it more affordable to customers.

The B4I consortium will get companies an improved access to key knowledge, software, technology platforms, prototype solutions and testing systems, which, in turn, will help the companies achieve a better quality of their production and business processes and will support the development of knowledge-based economy by allowing them to manufacture products with a high added-value.

“The fact that Brain4Industry has become a member of the EDIH is an extremely prestigious achievement. It shows us that our know-how and activities directed towards interconnecting science and industry is appreciated by international experts at the European level. The Institute of Physics is doing cutting edge research, and we are very happy that Czech companies can benefit from it, too,” said Michal Prouza, the Director of the Institute of Physics.

The only Czech project with the participation of the Academy of Sciences

For the Czech Republic a total of five centres has been selected to become members of the European digital innovation hub. The B4I is the only consortium led by an Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences, the remaining four projects supported for Czechia are led by institutions from the university and non-profit sector.

Jan Řídký, the Vice-president of the Czech Academy of Sciences, also appreciates the extension of the hub: “Receiving funding for an EDIH-type project is very good news! The Institute of Physic, which leads the consortium, has intensively been involved in the collaboration with industry. The support will allow Brain4Industry to intensify its cooperation across the entire Czech Academy of Sciences and to include more entities into it.”

Innovation centre in Dolní Břežany

Brain4Industry was founded as a digital innovation hub in 2020 with the aim to help small and medium enterprises implement the digitalization process and introduce artificial intelligence into their production processes. Setting up the consortium was just a short way from setting up the innovation centre in Dolní Břežany; its construction started this year and its completion is expected by mid 2023.

“Due to the B4I’s association with the Institute of Physics, Czech small and medium enterprises can access not only the knowledge of our experts, but also the capacities at our existing laboratories such as the material science and development laboratory. The Innovation centre for advanced technologies in Dolní Břežany will then provide our clients with an opportunity to test the proposed solutions first to make sure they are fully functional and offer an advantage to their business,” said Alexander Dejneka, the Head of the Optics Division of the Institute of Physics and the President of the Brain4Industry consortium, adding that: “Companies will get the opportunity to use a shared infrastructure for advanced production technologies and digitalization. The highest added-value of the “workplace of the future” lies in the human capital combined with a cutting-edge research and development infrastructure. The Centre will help its clients with the transformation towards higher productivity, new products and the use value or added value through digitalization, additive and 3D printing technologies, simulations and mathematical modelling.

Brain4Industry was set up as a supporting tool to enhance competitiveness of small and medium enterprises by introducing the digitalization process, new technologies and AI into their commercial or production processes. It was established jointly by the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Thermomechanics, Central-Bohemian Innovation Centre, Cardam Solution and a science-technology cluster STAR Reserach & Innovation Cluster, which brings together research organizations, companies, public institutions and investors in the STAR region (Dolní Břežany – Vestec – Zlatníky-Hodkovice).