New Electrophoretic Approaches in Studies of Obesity and Diabetes

Grant Agency
Grant Agency of the Czech Republic
Year from
Year to
Aim: Instrumentation based on the rapid electrophoretic separation in combination with sensitive electrochemical detection will be developed for study of the role of adipose tissue in the development of diabetes mellitus type II. This effort will be directed toward: a) the production of a new generation of electrophoretic microchips based on light-sensitive materials; b) the design and construction of a compact contactless-conductivity detector for microchips, using modern electronic elements; c) the development of sub-minute electrophoretic separations using short separation pathways and high electric field intensities; d) the design and construction of electrodes based on graphene and boron-doped diamond for amperometric detection of metabolites and hormones; e) the development of new on-line electrophoretic procedures for preparation of clinical samples. The expected output of the project will include a set of methods for rapid screening of fatty acids, glycerol, catecholamines and antidiabetic drug metformin in microdialyzate of adipose tissue. Keywords in English: Capillary electrophoresis; Chip electrophoresis; Metabolomics; Electrochemical detection; Soft litography; Adipose tissue; Diabetes mellitus; Microdialysis.

prof. RNDr. Samec Zdeněk DrSc.

+420 26605 2017