

MOVPE Apparatus

MOVPE aparatura

The first commercial apparatus produced by AIXTRON company in mid 80-ies, sold to AEG Telefunken, then Messerschmidt and afterwards donated to FZU in 1994. After a reconstruction the apparatus was used for research and development of arsenide and antimonide heterostructures in FZU for 25 years (the apparatus is contaminated by poisonous compounds).
Apparatus description:
Seven precursor lines enter the mixing manifold with circular symmetry. 2 lines are dedicated for metalorganic group III precursors, 2 lines for group V precursors and 2 lines for dilution 1 hydrogen line for adjustment of the total flow through the reactor. The quartz reactor with liner has horizontal construction with optical port enabling in situ monitoring of the epitaxial process. SiC coated grafite susceptor without substrate rotation (consequence is longitudinal as well as transverse inhomogeneity of epitaxial layers) is heated up to 850°C by radio frequency coil surrounding reactor tube.
Impartible components of the equipment are also three thermostatic baths for precursors and EpiRAS system for in situ monitoring of epitaxial process by reflectance anisotropy spectroscopy. The method is suitable only for epitaxy of cubic crystals.
The equipment is offered only as a complete unit.

See attachment for more details.

Tour possible by agreement. Contact: Ing Hospodková, tel. 220 318 401,, FZÚ AV ČR, Cukrovarnická 10, Prague 6.

Price offers should be delivered by 25 February 2022 by noon by post to the FZÚ AV ČR, v. v. i., Na Slovance 1999/2, 182 21 Prague 8, or in person at the reception.
The envelope must be closed and marked: 'Sale of MOVPE + AIXTRON machinery' - F. Flám
In the envelope, please indicate the offer price, VAT and VAT inclusive, name and surname, contact address, telephone number, e-mail.

The buyer is responsible for transport including loading.

A purchase contract will be drawn up with the selected bidder whose bid price, including VAT, will be the highest.

Contact: F. Flám, tel. 266 05 2120,



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