Deep Layers forum will serve as a place to connect people, share knowledge, compare approaches and see how specific model architectures can help to solve particular tasks. The meeting is organized by a scientific group of Artificial Intelligence and Medical Technologies with the support of the Brno.AI cluster and with the finnacial support of Strategie AV21.


Price & registration

The forum is free of charge, but due to limited number of seats a registration is needed.

Registration is open now


The program for Deep Layers 2022 can be downloaded here

In general, we will talk about these topics:


  • September 20th - Machine learning tutorials (in Python language)
  • - Morning blocks: Introduction to the machine learning, how to treat & check your data, fast & easy-to-use ML methods
  • - Lunch (provided)
  • - Afternoon blocks: Introduction to Deep Learning for newbies: layers types, basic architectures and final DL tutorial

  • September 21st - Machine learning applications
  • - Morning block 1: Deep learning in Actual Life
  • - Poster session
  • - Morning block 2: Deep learning & neuroscience
  • - Lunch (provided)
  • - Afternoon blocks: Deep learning in image classification and image reconstruction




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