13. - 14. 10. 2022
Akademické konferenční centrum (AKC), Husova 4a (vchod z Jilské 1), Praha 1

ESS-CZ Vás srdečně zve na dvoudenní mezinárodní konferenci věnovanou nejnovějšímu výzkumu na datech European Social Survey.

Konference bude probíhat v anglickém jazyce. Účast na akci je zdarma, z organizačních důvodů prosíme zájemce o registraci zde.

Program konference:

Thursday, 13 October

  • 13:30 Registration
  • 14:00 Democracy, Trust, and Value Orientations

Shivam Sen, Charles University, Prague
Exploring the Link Between Ideological Orientation and Notion of Democracy

Francesca Pignoloni, University College Dublin
Educational Social Mobility and Trust in Institutions in Europe

Klára Plecitá, Institute of Sociology CAS, Prague
Group Discrimination and Satisfaction with the Way Democracy Works in Europe

Vladimir Mentus, Institute of Social Sciences, Belgrade
Trends of Value Priorities Across Western Europe – A Latent Growth Curve Modeling Approach

  • 15:40     Coffee Break
  • 16:00     Jobs, Unemployment, and Income Inequalities

Jovana Zafirovic, Institute of Social Sciences, Belgrade
‘Rightly’ Insecure? Job Insecurity and Party Preference in Europe

Ivan Petrúšek, Institute of Sociology CAS, Prague
The Lasting Effect of Long-term Unemployment on Redistribution Support in Europe

Michał Litwiński, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań
Environmental Concerns and Acceptance for Income Inequalities

Friday, 14 October

  • 9:00       Registration
  • 9:30       Family and Parenting

Mare Ainsaar, University of Tartu
Values and Resources of Large Families in Central Europe compared to other countries in Europe

Jana Klímová Chaloupková, Kristýna Pospíšilová, Institute of Sociology CAS, Prague
Intensive parenting norms: exploring measurement invariance across three European countries and social-demographic groups

James R. Hepburn, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
The Effect of Fidesz Family Policies and Socioeconomic Factors on Fertility in Hungary

  • 10:50     Coffee Break
  • 11:10     Social Contact and Exclusion

Denisa Fedáková, Centre of Social and Psychological Sciences, Bratislava
Job Satisfaction and (Digital) Social Contacts at Work in ESS Round 10 Data

Sunwoo Lee, Palacky University Olomouc
Perceived Social Exclusion and Ageism and its Pathway to Mental Health in European Older Adults

Konference se koná v rámci projektu "Výzkum na ESS Round 9 a ESS Round 10" (č. LTT20011, podpořený MŠMT 2020-24).

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