ÚFE at Science Fair 2022 (photo: Jana Plavec, AVČR)
After a two-year break, the Science Fair, the largest popular-education event for the public in the Czech Republic, took place at the PVA EXPO exhibition center in Letňany, Prague, on June 2-4. The ÚFE stand brought visitors an insight into the optical biosensors research and nano-optics.

Science Fair is back in Prague's Letňany

Exhibition stands, lectures, workshops, spectacular science shows and exhibits seen by visitors of the Expo in Dubai. Scientists who enthusiastically showed and explained their work to science fans. It was the Science Fair, the largest popular-education event for the general public. After two canceled years due to the pandemic of covid-19, it returned to Letňany in Prague. At the PVA EXPO Prague Exhibition Center, it welcomed visitors from Thursday 2 to Saturday 4 June 2022. Admission was free. The fair was open to the public every day from 10 am to 6 pm. According to Kateřina Sobotková, director of the External Relations Division of the SSČ CAS, which organized the event, attendance exceeded expectations and previous years.


ÚFE booth

Of course, the Institute of Photonics and Electronics could not miss. Scientific colleagues from two research teams, optical biosensors and nano-optics, met at our stand. They have prepared a lot of interesting things for visitors. For example, they could learn what photonic chocolate is and how light diffraction is used in its production. They also explained the difference between a conventional school microscope and the most modern pieces in research laboratories. What detail can be seen in them, for example, grouse or bees, of course, it was possible to check it there. During all three days, we welcomed visitors of all ages at our stand, from young children to older adults and seniors. The interest of passers-by delighted the entire crew of the stand and was the right motivation to constantly pass on scientific knowledge.


Competition for a day in the laboratory

There was also a competition for the day spent in the laboratory of your choice. A number of candidates met, we will evaluate the competition tickets and we will draw the winners in the second half of June.


Science Fair 2023

The organizers have already announced the date of the next year, which will take place on June 1 - 3, 2023. We will be looking forward to all those interested in science!


You can find the whole photo gallery here

ÚFE na Veletrhu vědy 2022 (foto: archiv ÚFE) ÚFE na Veletrhu vědy 2022 (foto: archiv ÚFE) ÚFE na Veletrhu vědy 2022 (foto: archiv ÚFE) ÚFE na Veletrhu vědy 2022 (foto: Romana Kovács, AV ČR) ÚFE na Veletrhu vědy 2022 (foto: Romana Kovács, AV ČR)

IPE carries out fundamental and applied research in the scientific fields of photonics, optoelectronics and electronics. In these fields, IPE generates new knowledge and develops new technologies.

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