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CMS Centre for Medieval Studies

Jilská 1
110 00 Praha 1
tel.: (+420) 221 183 245
e-mail: cms@flu.cas.cz



  • Martin Šorm - Visegrad Group Academies Young Researcher Award 


  • Prof. Petr Sommer - National Award of the Government of the Czech Republic Česká hlava 2017
  • Prof. František Šmahel - Neuron award for the contribution to the world science


  • Prof. Josef Žemlička - medal of František Palacký for outstanding work in the field of historical sciences and the Vlastimil Kybal award for the long-time work in the field of culture


  • Prof. Petr Sommer elected a honorary member of the Učená společnost of the Czech republic
  • The Exhibition Open the Doors of Pradise received an award in the Gloria musaealis competition, namely the Award of the ICOM commission for the most important international exhibition of the 2014
  • Husitské století (ed. Pavlína Cermanová, Robert Novotný a Pavel Soukup) elected the best historical book of 2014 by the Dějiny a Současnost journal


  • prof. Petr Sommer - medal of František Palacký for outstanding work in the field of historical sciences
  • prof. František Šmahel - memorial medal of Jan Patočka for scientific life achievement
  • PhDr. Martin Musílek - award of the Anna and Jaroslav Krejčí scientific foundation for the best PhD theses in humanities


  • prof. František Šmahel - National Award of the Government of the Czech Republic Česká hlava 2013
  • prof. Petr Sommer - Award of the Ministry of Education for Outstanding Results in the field Research, experimental development and innovation
  • prof. František Šmahel, Pavlína Mašková a Robert Novotný - Award of the Czech Academy of Sciences for the publication Lucemburkové. Česká koruna uprostřed Evropy
  • prof. František Šmahel, Pavlína Mašková a Robert Novotný - Award of the Foundation Czech literary fund for the publication Lucemburkové. Česká koruna uprostřed Evropy


  • prof. Jan Klápště - Early Slavic Studies Association Book Prize 2012 (The Ohio State University) for the publication The Czech Lands in Medieval Transformation


  • prof. František Šmahel - Award of the Czechoslovak Society of Arts and Sciences


  • Publication Přemyslovci. Budování českého státu recieved: Award of the Rector of the Charles University for the best scientific publication of 2009, Award of the Czech Academy of Sciences and Anniversary Award of the Czech Literary Fund


  • Františku Šmahelovi - medal De scientia et humanitate optime meritis of the Czech Academy of Sciences
  • Martin Nejedlý appointed Knight of the Order of Academic Palms
  • publication Přemyslovci. Budování českého státu mentioned in a speech of the chairman of the Academy of Sciences as the most important result in the field of Humanities and Social Sciences


  • prof. František Šmahel - medal of the Learnded Society for Merits in the field of development of science
  • prof. Petr Sommer - Award of the Vyšehrad publishing house for the best book of 2007


  • prof. František Šmahel - honorary PhD of the University of Pardubice and the University of South Bohemia for excellent scholarly work
  • prof. František Šmahel - elected Corresponding Fellow of the Medieval Academy of America
  • dr. Dušan Třeštík - Medal of Vojtěch Náprstek for the popularization of science


  • prof František Šmahel - doctor honoris causa of the University of Hradec Králové
  • prof. František Šmahel - Medal of the Ministry of Education 1st grade
  • prof. František Šmahel - elected member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts
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