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IPERION HS webinar: Hyperspectral and multispectral imaging in heritage science

IPERION HS and E-RIHS are organizing a series of webinars, a key source of state-of-the-art information on heritage science research, facilities, policy and impact. It contributes to developing a vibrant heritage science community and is intended for anyone involved in interdisciplinary heritage research.

The speaker, Jana Striová (National Research Council, INO), will present a talk on hyperspectral and multispectral imaging in heritage science, how to apply these non-invasive techniques to get information on pigments and morphology of surfaces, how to use them to support and monitor restoration intervention and to document the conservation status.
How can hyperspectral and multispectral imaging contribute to cultural heritage interpretation and monitoring? How can this approach be applied to real conservation problems?
Join webinar 04/2022, “ Hyperspectral and multispectral imaging in heritage science”, on April, 5th 2022, at 3.00 pm Rome time.
More information and registration here: https://www.iperionhs.eu/webinar-04-2022/


If you are interested in watching the video recordings of past webinars, you can visit http://www.iperionhs.eu/webinar-series/ or the E-RIHS Youtube channel.

28. 3. 2022