Instrumentation of Department of Spectroscopy
A: Major Equipment
Laser kinetics spectrometer LKS 20 (Applied Photophysics) with excitation wavelenghts 308, 360-790, 1064 nm provides time resolved luminescence/transient absorption in UV-Vis-near IR ( 280 - 900 nm, 1270 nm)
Optical emission spectroscopy (OES) of laser induced breakdown plasma using high resolution echelle spectra analyzer ESA 4000 (200 - 780 nm with resolution of 0.005 nm (200 nm) to 0.019 nm (780 nm) and Butterfly echelle spectrometer equipped with ICCD camera Andor for measurement within ViS 410 - 760 nm (resolving power of 20 000) and of UV 430 - 190 nm (resolving power of 14 000).
High resolution FTIR Spectroscopy is provided by fully evacuated Bruker IFS 125 and IFS 120 HR spectrometers (Bruker Optics, Germany) equipped with a KBr, CaF2 and SiO2 beam splitters and a nitrogen cooled MCT, InSb, Si and photomultiplier detectors over the spectral range of 650 to 35 000 cm-1 with resolution 10-3 cm-1 operated in both emission, absorption and time resolved mode (Bruker IFS 120, continual scanning method) and also by Vertex 80 (Bruker Optics, Germany) equipped by MCT detector operated in range 650 - 4000 cm-1 with resolution 0.07 cm-1.
Laser Analytics, Inc., Laser Source Spectrometer LS-3 (infrared laser-diode spectrometer operating in the temperature range 12 -80 K and covering the region of roughly 600 - 2500 cm-1);
Thorlabs, L1550R-PM Tunable laser kit, 1550 nm, Littrow Configuration, FC/APC (NIR tunable diode laser, 1530-1570 nm)
Thorlabs, L1950R-PM Tunable laser kit, 1950 nm, Littrow Configuration, FC/APC (NIR tunable diode laser, 1887-2006 nm) infrared laser-diode spectrometer (operating in the room temperature range and based on Thorlabs, Quantum Cascade Lasers: 4.55-4.61 μm, 5.20-5.30 μm, 8.60-8.70 μm, 9.50-9.60 μm).
Gasera, Ltd., Photoacoustic Detector PA201 (photoacoustic detector with silicon cantilever and interferometric system).
GC-MS Spectrometer Trace 1310, Thermo Scientific Corp.) with implemented MS-MS detection and an ion trap (ITQ 1100, Thermo Scientific). For the separation, the apparatus is equipped with a capillary column TR-1 (100 % dimethylpolysiloxane) for a routine analysis, and an SPB-20 (20% diphenyl/80% dimethyl siloxane) for the analysis of organic polar molecules as nucleic bases, aminoacids and sugars using a derivatization agent.
- Lambda Physik COMPEX 102 XeCl excimer laser (308 nm)
- Lambda Physik FL 3002 dye laser (360 - 790 nm)
- Quantel Qsmart 450 Nd YAG laser (1064, 532, 366 nm)
- Lambda Physik (ArF) 193 nm
- ExciStar S Industrial (ArF) 1 kHz
- Discretely tuneable CO2 laser (Edinburgh Instruments WL-8-GT) emitting at rotation-vibration transitions of CO2 in the bands Σu+(0001) - Σg+(1000) and Σu+(0001) - Σg+(0200) in a spectral range of 9-11 µm
- Colorado State University, XUV capillary discharge laser (Ne-like argon plasma based laser) with the wavelength of 46.9 nm (pulse energy 2 μJ, pulse duration 1.5 ns, maximum repetition rate 12 Hz) and multipurpose vacuum interaction chamber enabling a realization of versatile experimental layouts
B: Available Methods
- Laser flash photolysis
- Transient absorption spectroscopy (in ns-ms time window)
- Time resolved fluorescence/phosphorescence
- Time resolved Fourier Transform infrared spectroscopy (in µs time window)
- Detection of singlet oxygen
- LIBS analysis and the optical emission diagnostics (OES) of laser induced breakdown plasma
- High resolution FT Spectroscopy - gases and transient species
- FT absorption spectroscopy of liquids and solids
- Discharge plasma spectroscopy
- Photoacoustic spectroscopy
- Cavity enhanced arrangement for absorption monitoring
- Extreme ultraviolet pulsed laser ablation
C: Auxiliary equipment
- Ocean Optics UV-VIS-near IR absorption/fluorescence spectrometer
- Spectroscopic cells for positive column discharge, negative column discharge, a hollow cathode with inside mounted multi-reflex mirrors (extension of the optical pathway up to 100 m);
- Special fast high-voltage modulator on the principle of fast switching of electric field (2 kV, 0.5 A);
- Brüel and Kjaer, condenser microphone, type 4144
- Optical microphone consisting of an investigated element and the optical system for deflection detection (He-Ne laser: 25-LHR-121-230, Melles Griot, optics and quadrant detector: a red enhanced quad-cell silicon photodiode, SD 085-23-21-021, Laser Components)