Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2022, 23 (1): 57-72 | DOI: 10.13060/gav.2022.005

Kabinet (pop)kulturních kuriozit aneb fenomén camp v tvorbě kapely Čokovoko

Peter Demeter
Filozofická fakulta, Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích

In his contribution, the author presents the concept of a cabinet of (pop)cultural curiosities, which is based on the prefigurement of Mannerist and Baroque cabinets, or the so-called Wunderkammer, Kunstkammer, etc. He uses this concept to interpret the work of the Czech rap band Čokovoko, relying on the theory and history of the camp phenomenon, which is based on aesthetic transgressions, ironic attitudes and the stretching of the boundaries between taste and tastelessness. The metaphor of the cabinet of curiosities allows to describe and explore the specific ways in which the peculiarly frivolous play with themes concerning women and their stereotypical position as passive objects is performed in the band’s compositions against the background of the transformation of various (pop) cultural codes.

Klíčová slova: camp, campy, feminist camp, cabinet of curiosities, pop culture, band Čokovoko, Czech pop music, Czech rap music

Vloženo: 1. září 2021; Revidováno: 12. červenec 2022; Přijato: 12. červenec 2022; Zveřejněno: 23. srpen 2022Zobrazit citaci

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Demeter, Peter. 2022. "Kabinet (pop)kulturních kuriozit aneb fenomén camp v tvorbě kapely Čokovoko." Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 23(1):57-72.
Stáhnout citaci


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