Biologia plantarum, 1972 (vol. 14), issue 6
Conditions for the extraction of DNA and RNA from tobacco pollen by sodium chloride and perchloric acid
J. Süss
Biologia plantarum 14:385-389, 1972 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02932978
Studying the influence of the pH of 10% NaCl solutions used for the extraction of RNA and DNA on the yield of both nucleic acids, the maxima of pH were found at which both types of nucleic acids pass into extracts better than at neutral pH and do not remain in residues of the experimental material.The perchloric acid extraction temperature was also studied for obtaining the hydrolysate of nucleic acids from the trichloroacetic acid precipitate of sodium chloride extracts differing by 5 °C within the range of 35 °C to 90 °C and it was found that in this wide range almost the same amount of RNA is extracted by the method used. However, at a lower temperature,...
Effect of radiation on the biosynthesis of L-Tryptophan from 14C-Anthranilic acid in kohlrabi (Brassica oleracea L., var.gongylodes L.)
J. Eder, M. Kutáček
Biologia plantarum 14:390-398, 1972 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02932979
The metabolism of14C-anthranilic acid (14C-AA) in kohlrabi (Brassica oleracea L. var.gongylodes L.) and the effect of radiation gamma60Co on this metabolism was investigated. In hypocotylar segmnents of seven days old etiolated seedlings14C-AA was metabolised par, tially to its detoxication product14C-β-glucoside of AA. Simultaneously L-tryptophan was also formed, which in these plants is a precursor of indolic glucosinolates glucobrassicin and neoglucobrassicin.The metabolism of14C-AA was followed for 97 h. Radiation, applied both to seeds and to seven days old...
The carbohydrate management of leaves of prunus laurocerasus L. at low and Sub-Freezing temperatures
L. Halás
Biologia plantarum 14:399-405, 1972 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02932980
The changes n dry weight and in the content of sugars and starch of leaves of the evergreen species Prunus laurocerasus L. were studied in the field and in laboratory conditions. The leaves of field-grown bushes as well as those kept under controlled conditions were analyzed at one week intervals at the end of the winter and in early spring from March 11 to May 6, 1970, The effect of four different temperature regimes was compared (day/night) : A : - 2 to - 6 °C/ - 6°C. B: 6°C/ -6°C, C: 6 °C/6 °C and D: 12 °C/ - 6 °C. During the whole experimental period of 56 days a net increase in dry weight 246.84 mg dm-2, i.e. 21.7 % was found under...
The effects of high altitude cosmic radiation on some members ofAcanthaceae
J. Kaur, J. Nizam
Biologia plantarum 14:406-413, 1972 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02932981
To study the effect of high altitude cosmic radiation the seed material of 15 species ofAcanthaceae was subjected to 3 types of exposures in balloon flights at an altitude of 30 900 to 38 100 metres. Germination behaviour was recorded and cytological studies were made. In the material subjected to one exposure, no detectable cytological or morphological change could be recorded. Material subjected to two exposures showed a 1 1/2 to 2 fold increase in cellular dimensions. A fragmented chromosome was observed inRostellularia procumbens. Flowering inJusticia betonica was advanced by 3 weeks. Among the species subjected to 3 exposures,...
Change in respiration rate of rice seedlings as affected by storage and viability, and its possible relation with catalase and peroxidase activities during germination
A. K. Paul, S. Mukherji
Biologia plantarum 14:414-419, 1972 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02932982
Changes in the percentage of seed germination, the growth and respiration rate of the seedlings were observed at 15-day intervals from the stage of the full germination capacity of rice (Oryza saliva L.) seeds till they became non-viable. At the beginning, the respiration rate changed but little, but afterwards, with the approach of non-viability, the rate declined sharply. A positive correlation of respiration with a decrease in the germination percentage and the length of seedlings and a negative correlation with days of storage were also established. A strong correlation existed between catalase and peroxidase activity with respiration, indicating...
Book reviews
Ingrid Tichá, J. Sahulka
Biologia plantarum 14:430-431, 1972 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02932986
Brief Communications
Development of embryos and seedlings from pollen grains inLycium halimifolium Mill. in thein vitro culture
M. Zenkteler
Biologia plantarum 14:420-422, 1972 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02932983
Anthers ofLycium halimifolium were grownin vitro at the following stages of development: tetrads, microspores and binucleate pollen grains. Pollen plantlets were obtained only from anthers inoculated at the stage of microspores. The growth of androgenic embryos was very slow. Mature embryos were formed in about 3% of the inoculated anthers. The largest number of embryos obtained from one anther was 4.
Ploidy chimeras in plants regenerated from the tissue cultures ofBrassica oleracea L
J. Horák
Biologia plantarum 14:423-426, 1972 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02932984
Two plants which were sectorial chimeras in the two tested characters,i.e. in the length of stomata and their frequency, were found among the 17 individuals regenerated from the stem pith of the same marrow stem kale plant. The chimeral character was also expressed in the size and variability of pollen grains and in the number of colpae in their exine. The different ploidy of sectors (2n, 4n) was confirmed cytologically.
Mycoplasmas in apple trees infected with the proliferation disease
J. Brčák, O. KráLík, V. Seidl
Biologia plantarum 14:427-429, 1972 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02932985
A mycoplasma-like microorganism was identified on electron micrographs of ultrathin sections of roots and abnormal underground sprouts growing from roots of young apple trees artificially infected with the proliferation disease. Specimens taken in November, contained mycoplasmas at various stages of reproduction in sieve tubes of the host. Mycoplasma-like bodies occurred especially in abnormal underground sprouts, and rarely also in lateral roots.