Biologia plantarum, 1982 (vol. 24), issue 4
Book Review
T. Gichner
Biologia plantarum 24:247, 1982 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02879453
Book reviews
Ingrid Tichá, I. Dvořák
Biologia plantarum 24:274, 1982 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02879459
Book Review
C. Nozzolillo
Biologia plantarum 24:281, 1982 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02879461
Book review
P. Tichý
Biologia plantarum 24:289, 1982 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02879463
Book review
Libuše Pavlová
Biologia plantarum 24:302, 1982 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02879466
Book review
T. Gichner
Biologia plantarum 24:306, 1982 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02879468
Book review
T. Gichner
Biologia plantarum 24:310, 1982 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02879470
Book reviews
M. Kamínek, T. Gichner, J. Velemínský, Jana Pospíšilová, J. Tupý, J. Šatava, Frideta Seidlová
Biologia plantarum 24:314-318, 1982 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02879472
Original Papers
Tissue specificity of assimilation and transport of nitrogen in the root ofZea mays L. seedlings. I. Transformations of14C- sucrose and the nitrogen metabolism enzymes in cortex and stele
S. F. Izmailov, V. P. Piskorskaya, R. K. Bruskova, A. M. Smirnov
Biologia plantarum 24:241-247, 1982 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02879452
An investigation has been carried out to find out in what compounds carbon is radially transported from stele to the cortex and to study sucrose metabolism in the root. These tissues were fed with14C-sucrose either directly or through the mesocotyle. In the latter case, the bulk of radioactivity, both in the stele and cortex, was concentrated in sucrose rather than in mono saccharides. This corresponds to the radial transport of carbon from stele to cortex predominantly in the form of sucrose. In the case of a direct exposure of stele and cortex,14C-sucrose was utilized for respiration, amino acid biosynthesis, and accumulation...
Tissue specificity of assimilation and transport of nitrogen in the root ofZea mays L. seedlings. II. Radial transport of14C-amino acids
S. F. Izmailov, V. P. Piskorskaya, R. K. Bruskova, A. M. Smirnov
Biologia plantarum 24:248-253, 1982 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02879454
The radial transport of organic nitrogen compounds was studied in maize seedling roots in relation to the metabolism of uniformly labelled14C-amino acids (alanine, arginine, dicarboxylic amino acids and their amides) in the cortex zone. Most active metabolism accompanying transport to the stele was observed for14C-glutamic acid of "primary" amino acids and for14C-glutamine of "reserve" nitrogen sources. The transport of14C-asparagine and14C-arginine to the conducting bundles is accompanied by weak metabolism. A distinguishing feature of nitrogen metabolism in the stele is intensive decarboxylation...
Tissue specificity of assimilation and transport of nitrogen in the root ofZea mays L. seedlings. III. Interaction of radial and longitudinal transport
S. F. Izmailov, V. P. Piskorskaya, R. K. Bruskova, A. M. Smirnov
Biologia plantarum 24:254-259, 1982 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02879455
Roots obtained from 4-day maize seedlings were allowed to absorb uniformly labelled14C-suorose only with their middle part while the apical and basal parts did not contact the medium. The amino acids and their amides produced in the cortex at the expense of nitrates and the14C-sucrose carbon moved radially to the stele where they were selectively distributed in the polar directions of transport. "Primary" amino acids moved predominantly in the apical direction while amides and basic amino acids were transported mainly in the opposite direction. When the nutrient medium was devoid of nitrogen sources, the amino acids entering the...
A case of early dissolution of the microsporocyte callose wall in male-sterile (CMS) sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.)
Nguyen Thi Hoa Binh, Jarmila Hendrychová-Tomková
Biologia plantarum 24:260-265, 1982 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02879456
On squash preparations of anthers from pollen fertile and sterile plants of sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L. cv. Severka) callose envelopes of microsporocytes, stained specifically with resorcin blue, were investigated microscopically. During normal course of microsporogenesis in fertile plants the envelopes remained intact up to the stage of microspore tetrads. Then callose begins to dissolve, and that from individual microspores towards the envelope periphery. In sterile analogues of the same cultivar the callose breakdown occurred precociously, usually in the course of the second, but sometimes as early as the first meiotic division of PMCs....
Effect of salinity on stomatal number, size and opening in barley Genotypes
K. S. Gill, S. K. Dutt
Biologia plantarum 24:266-269, 1982 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02879457
Salinity had a varying effect on stomatal frequency, size and pore in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). This variation in stomatal frequency, size and pore under salinity offers a scope of selecting cultivars with lesser increase in stomatal number to avoid excessive loss of water due to transpiration without effecting photosynthetic efficiency.
Uptake and efflux of fluoresceine inAnacystis nidulans
Gisela Grunwaldt, Kamilla A. Nikitina
Biologia plantarum 24:270-274, 1982 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02879458
InAnacystis nidulans uptake and efflux kinetics of fluoresceine were studied. It could be concluded that the distribution of fluoresceine depends on the pHc of the cells. The comparison of different fluoresceine accumulation levels and flux equilibria allows conclusions regarding changes of the pHc.
Allelopathic potential of dry fruits ofWashingtonia filifera (L. Linden) H. Wendl. II. Inhibition of seedling growth
M. I. Khan
Biologia plantarum 24:275-281, 1982 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02879460
Both root and hypocotyl growths of lettuce, tomato, red cabbage and cucumber were inhibited when the seedlings were grown in Petri dishes together with 1 to 6 fruits ofWashingtonia filifera. This inhibition, in the case of lettuce hypocotyl, was not reversed completely even after the addition of 50 mg lt-1 GAs. Effect ofW. filifera fruits on the light-induced synthesis of anthocyanin in red cabbage seedlings revealed that the presence of one fruit was enough to reduce the production of anthocyanin three times less than that of control. Water-soluble extract of the fruits when subjected to high temperature increased its growth...
In vitro regulation of androgenesis by iron ions and chelate: A common property of two androgenic species (Nicotiana tabacum L. andDatura innoxia Mill.)
J. Vagera, P. Havránek
Biologia plantarum 24:282-289, 1982 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02879462
The morphoregulatory effect of FeEDTA chelating complex was verified in an androgenically more productive cultivar of tobacco White Burley and inDatura innoxia Mill. The presence of EDTA in Nitsch (1969) medium (N medium) was sufficient for the conversion of isolated embryoids and embryoids in anthers into complete plants. The androgenic development was most rapid in N medium with FeEDTA. In N medium with EDTA, the cultures developed more slowly and remained vital for a long time. In the medium without EDTA, new embryoids developed continuously. The embryoids arose and developed also in closed anthers. All embryoids which arose in anthers cultured...
Influence of soil fertility on the growth and metabolism of wheat under salt stress
B. K. Garg, S. Kathju, S. P. Vyas, A. N. Lahiri
Biologia plantarum 24:290-295, 1982 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02879464
Fertilizer induced improvement of growth and yield of wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Kalyan Sona), under salinity stress, was associated with an increase in the concentrations of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium and a decrease in the level of chloride in the tissue. The concentration of chloride in grains was also reduced under high fertility as compared to low fertility condition. Results reveal that under both normal and saline conditions, nutritional improvement leads to higher chlorophyll concentration and increased efficiency of enzymes like nitrate reductase, ATPase, alkaline pyrophosphatase and amylase in the leaves. This imparts importance...
Action of light and streptomycin on protein synthesis in cabbage seedlings
Chia-Ping H. Yang
Biologia plantarum 24:296-302, 1982 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02879465
The action of light on protein synthesis was examined in the cabbage seedlings, a system extensively used in the studies of anthocyanin synthesis. Continuous red and far red light have no effect on total protein content while they cause a marked decrease in the level of free amino acids in cabbage seedlings. The rate of protein synthesis, measured as incorporation of radioaetively-labelled amino acids into proteins, is clearly stimulated by light. Phytochrome involvement in the light stimulation of the incorporation is also demonstrated by the red-far red reversibility of the response. The relative effectiveness of continuous red and far red light...
Effect of Ethephon on stomatal opening in detached epidermal strips of tobacco leaves (Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Samsun)
Ingeburg Frommhold
Biologia plantarum 24:303-306, 1982 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02879467
The effect of Ethephon preparations upon stomatal openings in detached epidermal strips of tobacco leaves floated on 0.1 M KC1 was measured microscopically after different times of exposure. Addition of 0.01 v/v % or 0.1 v/v % Camposan, Ethrel, or E-BOH resulted in the opening or closing of the stomata depending upon the time of exposure and the concentration of Ethephon. It is evident from the results obtained in these studies that an increase in stomatal opening was induced by the acidity of the preparations and the released ethylene too. Prolonged times of action resulted in decreased stomatal openings or in stomata being closed, respectively. High...
Brief Communications
Induced mutation in tomatillo (Physalis ixocarpa Brot.)
S. K. Mahna, D. Singh
Biologia plantarum 24:307-310, 1982 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02879469
To induce mutation in tomatillo (Physalis ixocarpa Brot.) commonly grown for its fruit value, seeds were treated with three alkylating agents (dimethyl sulphate, diethyl sulphate and methyl ethane sulphonate) and gamma rays. Seven viable and five chlorophyll mutant types were screened both from M1 and M2 generations. The isolated mutant lines are described and evaluated with reference to their beneficial value.
Comparison of dependence of growth and sexual reproduction ofChlamydomonas geitleri on temperature and irradiance
J. Nečas
Biologia plantarum 24:311-313, 1982 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02879471
Dependence of the growth of this alga culture on temperature displays a wide interval of temperatures (from 4 °C to 30 °C) and the dependence of the sexual reproduction only a narrow one (from 18 °C to 25 °C). The optimum temperatures for both the processes are not so different (round 23 °C). Dependence of both the processes on irradiance displays a wide interval of irradiances in both eases (from 4 W mt-2 to 80 W mt-2 PhAR and higher). The optimum irradiances for these processes are very different (approx. 50 W mt-2 PhAR for the growth and approx. 10 W mt-2 PhAR for the sexual reproduction) under the experimental...
Academician A. L. Kursanov celebrates his 80th birthday
Biologia plantarum 24:319-320, 1982 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02879473