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Junior Research Group Leader in the area of cardiovascular physiology and pathophysiology

Institute of Physiology of the Czech Academy of Sciences (Prague, Czech Republic) announces a call for a Junior Research Group Leader proposal in the area of cardiovascular physiology and pathophysiology, compatible with the present research conducted at the Institute (see ). The candidate is expected to perform studies using rodent models, advanced techniques of molecular and cell biology and functional assessment, also in collaborations with clinical scientists. Pre-existing experience with myocardial biology and cardiac function assessment is an advantage. A three-to-five year grant including salary, lab space, and operating costs, allowing the prospective Junior Research Group Leader to set up and run his/her lab, start building a team, and eventually apply for a permanent job. 


Eligibility:  Up to 12 years after PhD graduation (excluding maternity leave), as of 30 September 2022. 


Selection criteria: Candidates will be selected on the basis of academic merit, i.e., the quality of their research proposal, publication record, and postdoctoral training. A vital asset will be intellectual independence, as documented, e.g., by independent publications (corresponding author), or previous (grant) awards. Securing additional funding is not required to apply for this start-up, but it will be a significant condition for extending the start-up funding beyond the initial three years. 


Two-stage application procedure (all documents in English): 

Stage 1: Submission of the following documents to by 30 September 2022

(i) letter of intent (research proposal) outlining the project (2 pages A4); (ii) professional CV; (iii) PhD graduation certificate/diploma; (iv) two recommendation letters.   Stage 1 results will be announced by 15 October 2022.


Stage 2: Short-listed candidates will be invited to submit full proposals (max. 6 pages) and deliver a public lecture as part of their interview at the Institute of Physiology. Successful candidate will be expected to take up his/her position between 1 January and 31 December 2023. 


For full details governing this program see:       


In addition to the „Start-up Research Program“ described above, selected candidate will be also supported by a collaborative EU-funded project:  „Obesity and Diabetes Related Cardiovascular

Disease: An Integrated Prevention and Treatment Research Programme

( ending in December 2025.


Junior Research Group Leader in the area of cardiovascular physiology and pathophysiology