Minulé akce

22. 09. 2022
23. 09. 2022
Academic Conference Center, Husova 4a, Praha 1

Prague – Valencia Workshop on Analytic Philosophy

Organized by the Department of Analytic Philosophy of the Institute of Philosophy, CAS and by the Valencia Philosophy Lab, University of Valencia.


21. 09. 2022
24. 09. 2022
Prostor39, Praha-Žižkov, Řehořova 33/39 | Ústí n. Labem

PHONON~ Festival and Conference Thinking Sonic Environments: Soundscapes of Nature, Communities, and Artworks

Organized by the Department of Contemporary Continental Philosophy, Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences.


15. 09. 2022
16. 09. 2022
Prostor39, Řehořova 33/39, Praha 3

Workshop Teorie resilience: východiska a metodologie

Pořádá FLÚ AV v rámci projektu „Národní institut pro výzkum socioekonomických dopadů nemocí a systémových rizik r.č. LX22NPO5101“


07. 09. 2022
09. 09. 2022
Akademické konferenční centrum, Husova 4a, Praha 1

XXVI. Slovensko-české symposium o analytické filosofii 2022

Pořádá Oddělení analytické filosofie FLÚ AV ČR.


03. 08. 2022
05. 08. 2022
Institute of Philosophy, Conference Centre, Husova 4A, Prague 1

7th Colloquium on the Modalities of the Good

Organized by the Institute of Philosophy, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic


18. 07. 2022
21. 07. 2022
Main building of the Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague, Náměstí Jana Palacha 2, Prague 1

17th Triennial Colloquium of the SITM

Organizing Institutions: Centre for Classical Studies at the Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of Greek and Latin Studies, Faculty of Arts, Charles University.


14. 07. 2022
international workshop
Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences, Jilská 1, Prague

Dalit Politics at the Crossroads

Organized jointly by the Institute of Philosophy, Institute of Sociology and the Oriental Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences within the Research Programme “Global Conflicts and Local Interactions”, Strategy AV21.


07. 07. 2022
08. 07. 2022
The main building of the Academy of Sciences, Národní st. 3, Prague,

Ernst Mach Workshop X 2022: David Chalmers on Virtual Reality

Organized by the Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences.


04. 07. 2022
08. 07. 2022
Faculty of Law, Charles University, náměstí Curieových 901/7, Prague 1

The 48th Annual Hume Society Conference

Organized by the Institute of Philosophy, C.A.S.; Philosophical Faculty, University of Hradec Králové; Faculty of Arts, Charles University; Faculty of Law, Charles University


30. 06. 2022
01. 07. 2022
Baroque Refectory of the Dominican Monastery, Jilská 5, Prague.

Conscious and Unconscious Mind: Commonalities and differencies

Organized by the Department of Analytic Philosophy of the Institute of Philosophy, CAS and University of West Bohemia, Department of Philosophy