Volume 39, Issue 7 p. 3282-3297
Full Access

Spatial patterns and time distribution of central European extreme precipitation events between 1961 and 2013

Blanka Gvoždíková,

Corresponding Author

Blanka Gvoždíková

Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic


Blanka Gvoždíková, Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic.

Email: blanka.gvozdikova@natur.cuni.cz

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Miloslav Müller,

Miloslav Müller

Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic

Department of Meteorology, Institute of Atmospheric Physics AS CR, Prague, Czech Republic

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Marek Kašpar,

Marek Kašpar

Department of Meteorology, Institute of Atmospheric Physics AS CR, Prague, Czech Republic

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First published: 24 January 2019
Citations: 6

Funding information Czech Science Foundation, Grant/Award Number: 17-23773S


Precipitation extremes always have an area-related effect, emphasizing the need for a spatial assessment of extreme precipitation events that sometimes show similar behaviour in precipitation patterns due to recurring synoptic features. Our study investigates spatial patterns in the extreme precipitation events (EPEs) that occurred in central Europe between 1961 and 2013. As many as 53 maximum events were selected by the weather extremity index (WEI), reflecting simultaneously the spatial extent and the return periods of t day precipitation totals within an event-adjusted study area. The extremity of the EPEs is further evaluated at two lower spatial levels, the main river basins (the Rhine, Weser/Ems, Elbe, Danube, and Oder) and 20 smaller subcatchments, which enables a more detailed study of the events’ spatial structure and similarity. A correlation analysis demonstrated that heavy precipitation occurs simultaneously not only in neighbouring subcatchments but also in rather distant regions with similar orientations of mountain ranges (e.g., in the Elbe-a and Danube-b subcatchments). In contrast, strong negative correlations appeared between several subcatchments in the Oder and Rhine River basins, which exclude heavy precipitation from occurring simultaneously in both basins. Similar spatial patterns are obvious among precipitation extremes; using the relative WEI values as the similarity measure, agglomerative hierarchical clustering detected two well-separated groups of events, namely, W-CE and E-CE, affecting mainly the western and eastern parts of central Europe, respectively. A finer division of the EPEs distinguished five clusters of events with different spatio-temporal characteristics. Only two clusters, ED (Elbe-Danube) and O (Oder), were represented among the top 10 central European EPEs, which occurred exclusively from the end of May to the beginning of September. Three other clusters consisted of generally lower extreme events rather equally distributed throughout the year.


Rather than long-term averages of meteorological variables, it is usually hourly, daily, or multi-day extremes that are responsible for damage to society and ecosystems (Zhang et al., 2011). Extreme precipitation can have a large impact itself or it often induces floods or landslides, which can cause additional damage or even loss of lives. According to Munich Re's NatCatSERVICE (http://natcatservice.munichre.com/), the results of extreme precipitation events (EPEs) with a connection to subsequent floods are among the costliest natural losses in Europe, with the costs still increasing. It is partly a matter of the higher exposure of humans to extreme weather events (IPCC, 2014). However, it has also been reported that the frequency and intensity of EPEs have likely increased in Europe in the last decades (IPCC, 2014), although a trend analysis can be uncertain due to the rarity of the events and the short lengths of the available time series of daily data (Zhang et al., 2011). Climate projections suggest further increases in EPEs over most mid-latitudes (IPCC, 2014), including central Europe (Munich Re, 2011).

Precipitation extremes are generally less frequent events, which go far into the tail of the probability distribution of daily data (Zhang et al., 2011). They can result from large-scale circulation patterns as well as locally restricted convection, which differ in their temporal scales but can result in similar rainfall amounts. It is possible to evaluate their extremity on the basis of point measurements at individual sites (Zhang et al., 2011); one can use indices with a fixed threshold, for example, daily precipitation totals exceeding 30 mm (Ustrnul et al., 2014), or a percentile threshold that is generally more suitable for the spatial comparison of extremes (Zhang et al., 2011). However, apart from the magnitude and the event duration, the extremity of an event has an important aspect of the spatial extent of the precipitation (Müller and Kašpar, 2014), which should be taken into account. The involvement of the affected area in the evaluation of the event extremity is common even in the case of other meteorological phenomena, for example, heat waves (Lhotka and Kyselý, 2014; Valeriánová et al., 2017) or windstorms (Roberts et al., 2014; Kašpar et al., 2017). On the other hand, a regional evaluation technique is often prone to the choice of the study area and its extent (Konrad, 2001). That is why Müller and Kašpar (2014) presented an event-adjusted evaluation of precipitation extremes. Their method does not depend on a certain area extent, but it optimizes the considered area, as well as the event duration.

According to them, most of the EPEs in Czechia occur in the summer months when the extremity of events is also the highest (Müller et al., 2015). The EPEs identified between 1961 and 2010 affected up to 70% of the Czech territory (55,100 km2 in the case of the most extensive event of August 2002), but the majority of EPEs did not reach 50% (Müller et al., 2015). It seems that the events always affect either Bohemia (the western part of Czechia) together with the Austrian Alps and Saxony or Moravia and Silesia (the eastern part of Czechia) together with western Slovakia (Müller et al., 2009). This implies that the extent and the overall extremity of the Czech EPEs may be even larger than that reported by Müller et al. (2015).

A pronounced summer peak is evident in the case of EPEs in Poland (Ustrnul et al., 2014) and in the Alpine region (Seibert et al., 2007), although the latter may experience some winter cases, especially in the north of Switzerland and the northwest of Austria (Seibert et al., 2007; Stucki et al., 2012). The southern side of the Alps (from southwestern Switzerland to southeastern Austria) and the east of Austria show another autumn maximum of heavy precipitation days (Seibert et al., 2007; Stucki et al., 2012). The shift from summer to autumn events becomes more visible when moving further south (e.g., to Slovenia) (Müller and Kašpar, 2011).

The situation is changing towards the Atlantic, as the western part of Germany has experienced heavier winter rainfall situations during westerly circulation patterns (Beurton and Thieken, 2009; Hofstätter et al., 2017). Otherwise, cyclones moving along the Vb track (van Bebber, 1891) are the most relevant for summer extreme precipitation over large parts of central Europe (Messmer et al., 2015; Hofstätter et al., 2017) and especially the Elbe, Oder, and parts of the Danube basin (Kyselý, 2009; Nissen et al., 2014). Towards western central Europe, the frequency of Vb cyclones decreases, although strongly deviated Vb tracks were reported with EPEs arising, for example, in the Vosges Mountains (Minářová et al., 2018).

A clear change is therefore evident in central Europe when moving from the northwest to the southeast. Spatial differences result from specific circulation conditions conducive to precipitation extremes. Nevertheless, it is possible that a single precipitation event affects a large part of the territory, as was the case in May and June of 2013 (Grams et al., 2014; Nissen et al., 2014).

Despite a high diversity of central European EPEs, we want to compare the levels of their extremity. Therefore, there is a need to unify the methodology for the identification of EPEs as well as to evaluate events within a larger territory crossing national borders to get a comprehensive view of a whole event.

In our previous study (Gvoždíková and Müller, 2017), extreme floods were objectively evaluated within a study area covering the Rhine, Weser, Ems, Elbe, and Oder River basins and the Danube up to Bratislava. To be able to analyse the genesis of floods, we present the following study of extreme precipitation events that occurred in this area between 1961 and 2013. The EPEs are chosen based on the event-adjusted weather extremity index (Müller et al., 2015), which determines itself both the size of the affected area and the duration of events. We mainly aim to analyse the EPEs hierarchically, on three different spatial levels, with respect to the areal precipitation extremity. This allows us to identify specific spatial patterns in the central European EPEs and investigate the relationships among individual parts of the study area during an EPE occurrence.


A set of EPEs is compiled based on the weather extremity index (WEI), which was proposed by Müller and Kašpar (2014) and used for the evaluation of EPEs in Czechia (Müller et al., 2015). The index reflects return periods N of the precipitation totals and the event duration t and the extent a, which are optimized for each event. The return periods are estimated from the daily precipitation totals at 341 rain gauges within the study area (Figure 1) of approximately 578,200 km2, which is the same as the area used for the extreme flood assessment in our previous study (Gvoždíková and Müller, 2017). The data series cover at least 30 years in the study period between 1961 and 2013; generally, they are even longer, with 80% of all series longer than 50 years.

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Rain gauges and the study area divided into basins and subcatchments (compare with Table 1). The letters indicating subcatchments correspond with Figures 4, 7, and 9 [Colour figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]

In the methodology chapter, we briefly introduce the search process of events, which has been described in more detail by Müller and Kašpar (2014) and Müller et al. (2015). The evaluation of EPEs is carried out on three spatial levels: the whole study area of central Europe, five basic river basins, and 20 individual subcatchments (Figure 1 and Table 1), which areas were adjusted to a certain hydrometric profile to be easily comparable with flood extremes in future research. The subcatchment WEI values form the basis for finding analogous EPEs via an agglomerative hierarchical clustering method, which is described in section 2.3.

Table 1. Areas of the river basins and their subcatchments within central Europe
Basin River A (103 km2) River A (103 km2) River A (103 km2) River A (103 km2) River A (103 km2)
Rhine 159.2 Weser/Ems 46.8 Elbe 130.8 Danube 132.0 Oder 109.4
Subcatchment a Upper Rhine+Aare 35.6 Werra+Fulda 15.1 Vltava 26.0 Upper Danube+Lech 35.6 Upper Oder 29.7
b Middle Rhine+Neckar 30.3 Weser+Aller+Ems 31.7 Upper Elbe 24.8 Isar+Inn 40.7 Upper Warta 25.8
c Main 32.6 Saale 23.3 Morava+Thaya 24.4 Middle Warta 27.9
d Mosel 26.8 Middle Elbe+Mulde 20.9 Middle Danube+Enns 31.3 Lower Oder 26.0
e Lower Rhine 33.9 Lower Elbe+Havel 35.8

2.1 Searching for extreme precipitation events

Unlike the precipitation totals, the return periods are suitable for the comparison of regions with different precipitation climatologies. We estimate the return periods from series of 1–10-day precipitation totals; the evaluation of multi-day precipitation totals allows us to optimize the duration t of the event. The generalized extreme value (GEV) distribution is fitted to the annual maxima of the totals and the return periods are calculated from that distribution. We set the maximum considered return period to a value of 1,000 years. The GEV distribution is frequently used in climatological or hydrological applications (Wilks, 2006), and it was found to be the most suitable distribution for the modelling of precipitation extremes in many regions of Czechia (Kyselý and Picek, 2007) and elsewhere in Europe (Fowler and Kilsby, 2003). We can estimate the GEV parameters by the methods of L-moments or maximum likelihood, which was applied in this study. The point return periods have to be interpolated, as the WEI works with a regular grid instead of station data. Using linear kriging, we interpolated rather the common logarithms of the return periods due to the exponential nature of the GEV (Müller and Kašpar, 2014). The resulting grid has a horizontal resolution of 10 km.

The calculation of the WEI is made by maximizing the variable E ta. According to Müller and Kašpar (2014), E ta is the product of the common logarithm of the spatial geometric mean G ta of the return periods N ti and the radius R of a circle whose area a is equal to the area summed up according to the number i of cells included in the geometric mean,

The cells enter Equation 1 sequentially in descending order (from the highest to the lowest return period). The variable E ta increases when accumulating cells of high return periods, but it starts to decrease when the continuously expanding area does not compensate for the mean return period decrease (Figure 2). The inflexion point corresponds to the value of the WEI and relates to a certain size of the affected area a. Equation 1 can be applied to the return periods of each day. However, we did not calculate E ta for days with return periods shorter than 2 years, due to the elimination of rarer precipitation episodes and to save the processing time.

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Values of E ta with the increasing extent of the considered area and extending duration for the case of the May/June 2013 event. E ta and WEI (both absolute and relative) are displayed for the spatial level of central Europe and one subcatchment (abbreviation “s”) [Colour figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]

Within a single event, the WEI changes when separately considering return periods of 1–10-day precipitation totals (t increasing from 1 to 10 in Equation 1). If the WEI continuously increases upon extending the event duration, the maximum value will be considered as the final absolute WEI (WEIabs) describing the EPE with the affected area a and duration t. An example is shown for the May/June 2013 event in Figure 2, where E ta curves are displayed up to 4-day durations of the event. In this case, the WEIabs was reached in the fourth day, with an affected area of approximately 177,100 km2. We again exclude multi-day values of the WEI when the single-day WEI is missing due to low return periods of the precipitation totals. The events are labelled according to their first day, which is also crucial for a seasonal classification of the events.

2.2 Comparing the events

In this study, the WEI is calculated on 3 different spatial levels: the study area as a whole, 5 basins, and 20 subcatchments (Figure 1). However, the values are hard to compare even on a single sublevel due to the various extents of the basins and the subcatchments. The standardization of the WEI is needed with respect to the highest theoretically possible WEI in the given area (WEImax). The potential value of the WEImax counts with t-day return periods of 1,000 years over all cells within the basin or the subcatchment of the surface area a. After basic operations transforming Equation 1, WEImax is expressed as 3 times the radius R as follows:
The standardized value of the WEI (the relative WEI, WEIrel) corresponds to the ratio of the absolute and maximum WEIs of the same event,

The difference between WEIabs and WEImax is demonstrated for three precipitation events by diagrams in Figure 3, where one can compare how the WEIrel was derived for central Europe and the individual basins. A specific difference between the values of WEIrel and WEIabs can be found in the example of Figure 2, with E ta and WEI (both absolute and relative) displayed on the spatial levels of central Europe and one subcatchment. To unify the results, we use only WEIrel for all spatial levels. We primarily select 53 maximum central European events detected at the first spatial level—one event per year on average. They are analysed with respect to the areal precipitation extremity when we mainly focus on comparing the temporal and spatial distributions of the events. The method of directional statistics (Black and Werritty, 1997) is used for displaying the events’ seasonality in a circle representing 1 year. The method transforms the day of the EPE occurrence into directional vectors in that circle.

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Demonstration of the relationship between WEIabs and WEImax when multiplying the common logarithm of the spatial geometric mean G ta by the radius R (or their maximum possible values) in the case of precipitation events in July 1981 and 1997 and May/June 2013. The relationship is determined at the spatial level of central Europe and the individual basins [Colour figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]

2.3 Spatial similarity of events

The EPEs seems to repeat over time in accordance with recurring atmospheric circulation conditions (Hofstätter et al., 2017; Jacobeit et al., 2017). We expect a similarity in the spatial distribution of the precipitation and employ a clustering method to check the similarity and to find groups of analogous EPEs within the 53 maximum events.

As we do not know the number of the groups and their initial membership in advance, we use an agglomerative hierarchical clustering procedure, which merges the closest single- or multiple-member groups hierarchically according to a chosen measure of distance. Finally, only one group remains to contain all members (Wilks, 2006). The method seems useful for finding regional spatial patterns of weather and climate extremes (Gibson et al., 2017). Differences appear in defining an intergroup dissimilarity, which is commonly based on the Euclidean distances between points or clusters (Wilks, 2006). Among the various approaches for hierarchical clustering, Ward's method seems to be the most accurate (Gong and Richman, 1995), as it minimizes the within-group sum of the squared distances over all created groups.

Using Ward's method, we want to cluster the EPEs with respect to the spatial distribution of the precipitation extremity. The aim is to minimize the sum of the squared distances between the merging EPEs and the centroids of the resulting groups. The degree of similarity is assessed based on the subcatchment WEIrel (sWEIrel) during the 53 maximum events. For each subcatchment s, the value of the sWEIrel is standardized and expressed as a proportion (pWEIrel) of all sWEIrel values summed for an individual event e as follows:

The standardization of the sWEIrel seems to be appropriate due to differences in the variable means and variances (Gong and Richman, 1995). The final distances are determined from a numeric matrix with rows representing individual EPEs and columns indicating dimensions, that is, values of the pWEIrel during the 53 maximum events. This means that the closest events form clusters in 20-dimensional space (as the number of the subcatchments). A final number of five groups is then set in to keep a reasonable quantity of events in each cluster. At the previous hierarchical level, one group would remain with only a single event.


3.1 Extreme precipitation events between 1961 and 2013

The calculation of the WEIrel for the whole study area determines a ranking of the EPEs; the 53 maximum central European events are presented in Table 2. The methodology allows us to detect EPEs lasting up to 10 days, but in fact, the events are much shorter, usually between 2 and 4 days. Events longer than 5 days are very rare, with a maximum detected duration of 8 days. Generally, the duration of the EPEs slightly increases with the increasing WEIrel, but the seven most highly ranked EPEs still last only up to 5 days. Moreover, there are two time-concentrated precipitation events among them (August 2002 and 1978), with only 2-day durations. In 1978, the event was associated with a high precipitation intensity (24-hr precipitation over 100 mm) mainly in northern Bohemia and the eastern part of Germany (Marx, 1980). The 2002 EPE was accompanied by even heavier precipitation, with a maximum of 312 mm within 24 hr measured at Zinnwald (Germany) on 12 August (Ulbrich et al., 2003).

Table 2. List of 53 maximum central European EPEs according to the total WEIrel in contrast to 10 maximum EPEs within individual river basins. Each precipitation event is represented by its first day; the date is displayed in yyyy-mm-dd format. The clusters refer to Figure 4a
Ranking Precipitation event Duration (days) Cluster WEIrelranking
Central Europe Rhine Weser/Ems Elbe Danube Oder
1 Jul 17, 1981 4 ED 0.235 0.2924 0.3451 0.2547
2 Jul 4, 1997 5 O 0.200 0.2733 0.3482
3 May 30, 2013 4 ED 0.195 0.2326 0.3072
4 Aug 11, 2002 2 ED 0.194 0.3391 0.2286
5 Aug 7, 1978 2 ED 0.187 0.1896 0.3332
6 Aug 6, 1985 4 O 0.176 0.19510 0.3601
7 Aug 1, 1983 5 ED 0.165 0.3213
8 Aug 3, 2006 6 O 0.153 0.1979 0.2576
9 Aug 9, 1964 5 O 0.148 0.1959 0.2665
10 Sep 5, 2007 2 ED 0.144 0.2544
11 Sep 25, 2010 3 ED 0.140 0.2795
12 Oct 20, 1986 3 R 0.140 0.2271
13 Jul 20, 2011 3 O 0.138 0.2893
14 Jul 31, 1977 3 ED 0.137 0.22510
15 Jul 15, 1997 7 O 0.137 0.2247 0.2328
16 Aug 6, 2002 2 ED 0.137 0.2375
17 Jul 16, 2002 2 NW 0.128 0.3861
18 Jul 8, 1996 1 O 0.123 0.2764
19 Dec 19, 1993 2 R 0.121 0.2103
20 Mar 19, 2002 4 RD 0.119 0.2198
21 May 10, 1970 3 R 0.118 0.2252
22 Jul 31, 1991 3 ED 0.117 0.2267
23 Aug 7, 1981 4 R 0.115 0.1709 0.2148
24 May 22, 1978 2 R 0.112 0.2064
25 Jun 17, 1979 1 ED 0.110
26 Oct 27, 1998 2 R 0.107 0.1935 0.2227
27 Sep 4, 1984 8 R 0.106 0.16810 0.2149
28 Jul 22, 2010 3 O 0.106 0.16510
29 Sep 27, 2007 3 NW 0.103 0.2643
30 Jun 28, 1981 2 NW 0.102 0.3072
31 Jun 16, 1991 2 RD 0.102
32 Jun 11, 1993 2 O 0.101 0.2128
33 Jun 24, 2013 2 O 0.101
34 Feb 13, 1990 3 RD 0.100
35 Jul 31, 1961 1 O 0.099 0.2289
36 Jun 1, 1961 2 R 0.098 0.1867
37 Oct 6, 1982 2 R 0.095 0.1738
38 Apr 12, 1994 2 NW 0.094
39 Dec 21, 1991 2 RD 0.089
40 May 23, 1983 3 R 0.089
41 May 27, 2007 3 NW 0.089
42 Sep 12, 1998 4 R 0.088
43 Aug 7, 2007 3 R 0.087
44 Aug 21, 2005 2 RD 0.087
45 Dec 28, 1986 3 NW 0.085 0.2355
46 May 7, 1978 2 ED 0.085
47 Aug 21, 2007 1 NW 0.085 0.20610
48 Aug 20, 1970 3 NW 0.085
49 Jul 3, 1981 1 NW 0.084 0.2256
50 May 16, 2010 3 O 0.084
51 Jul 8, 1990 3 O 0.083
52 Feb 25, 1997 1 R 0.082
53 Aug 8, 1970 2 RD 0.082
67 Aug 26, 2010 1 0.076 0.2624

To demonstrate the spatial patterns of the precipitation during the events, Table 2 also presents the 10 maximum values of the WEIrel within the five river basins constituting the study area (Figure 1). Apart from only one Weser/Ems event, all other basin-related maximum events belong to the 53 central European EPEs. Eight of the top 10 central European EPEs are at the same time among the 10 maximum events in two or even three river basins (the latter case corresponds to the No. 1 EPE in July 1981). However, the representation of the basin-related maxima among the central European EPEs is very unequal. While the maximum events of the Elbe, Danube, and Oder basins are almost always highly ranked according to the total WEIrel, the top 10 events of the Rhine and Weser/Ems basins do not appear very often among the highly ranked events. This particularly applies to the rather small Weser/Ems basin, whose precipitation extremes are isolated from the others, apart from three events, which coincide with the Rhine events. Nevertheless, the maximum events from July 2002 in the Weser/Ems basin and October 1986 in the Rhine basin did not have large responses in the other basin. Both events affected quite large areas of their own basins (82% in the Weser/Ems and 66% in Rhine basin), while the mean return periods were just 4 and 7 years, respectively. On the other hand, the Elbe, Danube, and Oder maximum events had mean return periods between 25 and 28 years, with the maximum in the Oder basin during the August 1985 event. The affected area reached 55% of the basin extent, as did the maximum Danube event in July 1981. In the case of the Elbe maximum event in August 2002, the affected area was slightly smaller, with 51% of the Elbe basin covered (see Figure 3 for a comparison of the 1981 and 2002 events in individual basins). Although the percentages are lower than for the Weser/Ems and Rhine basins, the maximum events of the Danube, Elbe, and Oder basins are always highly ranked in the other basins (Table 2). These facts suggest a significant difference in the nature of the maximum events between the Rhine and Weser/Ems EPEs on one hand and the EPEs of the other three river basins on the other hand.

The final division of the basins into the smaller subcatchments (Figure 1) enables the analysis of even detailed spatial patterns of the events, presented in Figure 4b. It reveals a large variability of the sWEIrel for the individual EPEs. Nevertheless, some EPEs seem to be very similar from the viewpoint of their spatial patterns. To study these relations objectively, a cluster analysis (section 2.3) was performed using the sWEIrel values as the criteria.

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Hierarchical clustering of EPEs. (a) Dendrogram plot with polar bar charts showing the average values of pWEIrel in the whole set of events and in the selected clusters. (b) sWEIrel during the 53 maximum precipitation events. Each precipitation event is represented by its first day; the date is displayed in the yyyy-mm-dd format [Colour figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]

3.2 Clusters of events with respect to their spatial patterns

Figure 4a presents the results of the clustering process. Sharp differences are evident between the two main groups of events, which were generated at the next to last stage of the agglomerative clustering. The “Western” (W-CE) and “Eastern” (E-CE) groups of the central European events roughly refer to a border of the main drainage basins. The upper (Alpine) Rhine catchment (Rhine-a subcatchment) is an exception, as it belongs more frequently to the E-CE group otherwise limited to the Elbe, Danube and Oder events. On the other hand, the Saale catchment (Elbe-c) often stays with the W-CE group, which may also apply to the upper non-alpine Danube catchment (Danube-a) in some cases. However, the spatial variability of the precipitation extremes is still high within each of these groups (Figure 4b). Therefore, a finer division of the EPEs was employed with respect to the clustering dendrogram.

The W-CE events can be clearly divided into two groups: (a) EPEs affecting mainly the northwestern part of the study area (NW cluster)—the Weser, Ems, lower Rhine, and middle and lower Elbe and (b) EPEs of the non-alpine Rhine (R cluster), with only a small contribution of the upper Danube catchment. The group of the E-CE events consists of three distinct groups: (c) the Danube (without the Morava catchment) and upper Rhine events (RD), (d) Elbe-Danube events (ED), in which the Elbe is represented mainly by its Czech and Saxon parts, and (e) Oder events (O), when adjacent parts of the Elbe basin and the Morava catchment can also be hit. These five clusters were further considered. In Figure 5, each cluster is represented by the maximum EPE, when both the return periods and t-day precipitation totals are depicted and compared with the median return periods derived from all events merged in the respective cluster. It demonstrates the fact that the maximum events were often anomalous in rarity and extent, too.

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The return periods of t-day precipitation totals during the maximum EPE within each of the five distinguished clusters (NW, R, RD, ED, O). The contour lines depict the median position of the return periods during a set of events belonging to the cluster [Colour figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]

Within the ED cluster, there are 6 of the top 10 central European EPEs, including the absolute maximum EPE of July 1981 and the more recent events of August 2002 and May 2013 (Table 2). The core area of the cluster is spread from the Alpine tributaries of the Danube (Inn, Enns, etc.) over Bohemia (the western part of Czechia) into Saxony, but individual events also affected parts of the Oder and Upper Rhine basins, as it was, for example, in July 1981 (Figure 5b). As a result, the cluster contains 6 of the 10 maximum events in both the Elbe and Danube basins, but only 2 events and 1 event of the 10 maxima in the Oder and Rhine basins, respectively (Table 2).

The other four central European EPEs of the top 10 belong to the O cluster. Three of these events were very similar with respect to the spatial pattern of precipitation when they also affected the lower part of the Danube and the Czech part of the Elbe River basins (Figure 4b), as it was, for example, at the beginning of July 1997. Nevertheless, the core area of the cluster shifts to the northwest (Figure 5c). Apart from 8 of the 10 maximum events in the Oder River basin, the cluster also contains four and three of such maxima in the Elbe and Danube River basins, respectively (Table 2).

The remaining three clusters contain fewer highly ranked EPEs. The RD cluster, the third one complementing the E-CE group of events, is rather small with only six EPEs. The core area of the cluster is limited to the Alps in both the Rhine and Danube River basins. Only its maximum event from March 2002, which substantially exceeded the core area (Figure 5e), was large enough that it belongs to the 10 maximum Danube events (Table 2). In contrast, the R cluster contains as many as 9 of the 10 maximum Rhine events (Table 2), when the core area of the cluster lies in the middle part of the Rhine basin (Figure 5d). However, the EPEs of the R cluster also often affected the Weser/Ems River basin (Figure 4b). As a result, the cluster contains 3 of the 10 maximum events there. The rest of them belong to the NW cluster (Table 2), with a rather small core area covering mainly the Weser and the adjacent parts of the Elbe River basin (Figure 5a).

3.3 Spatial extent of extreme precipitation events

The NW cluster generally includes less extensive events; the largest one did not exceed 100,000 km2 (Figure 6a). It is comparable with the RD events; on the contrary, the extent of the events varies a lot for the other clusters. Especially in the case of the ED and O clusters, the events are distributed unevenly within Figure 6a, but they often have a larger extent and longer return periods of precipitation totals. This suggests the exceptional character of the highly ranked EPEs, which only arise from an interaction of high return periods and large extents of events. Within the top 10 EPEs, at least 15% of the areas were hit by precipitation of the 9-year average return periods. During the No. 1 case of July 1981, the average precipitation return period of 19 years affected approximately 30% of the study area. It resulted in a much higher WEI than for the No. 2 event in July 1997, which was characterized by a very high average return period (28 years) and the affected area reaching 17%. Finally, the No. 3 (May 2013) event was the most extensive, with 31% of the area hit, but the average return period was only approximately 11 years (see also Figure 3 for the comparison of the three maximum events). The remaining clusters contain events with lower WEIrel values, which often result from a combination of high/low return periods and a local/large extent of the event (Figure 6a).

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WEIrel values as a function of the affected area a and the geometric mean of the return periods of the precipitation totals G ta during the 53 maximum precipitation events differentiated by (a) the clustering (compare with Figure 4) and (b) the month of the occurrence. The affected area a is expressed as a proportion of the total area considered (A)

Although the affected area of the individual EPEs reaches up to 31% (Figure 6a) of the total area of central Europe (as defined in Figure 1), it is not always continuous, but pronounced relations in precipitation are evident between distant areas due to similar orientations of mountain ranges, which enhance precipitation on their windward side. As a result, precipitation often occurs simultaneously in the Elbe-a and Danube-b subcatchments (Figure 7), which are both located north of mountain ranges (the Bohemian Forest and the Alps, respectively) but are otherwise adjacent only marginally (Figure 1). However, the orography not only connects distant subcatchments but also divides the neighbouring ones—as it does, for example, in the case of the Elbe-b and Elbe-d subcatchments, which, despite their proximity, have a relatively low value of Spearman's correlation coefficient between the values of the sWEIrel (Figure 7). The Ore Mountains between subcatchments acts as a barrier to airflow, causing the Elbe-b to lie in the rain shadow. The disparity is even greater between the Elbe-b and Elbe-c subcatchments (with a correlation coefficient close to 0). On the other hand, the low correlation between the Danube-c and Elbe-a is rather related to the narrower precipitation zone during the events caused by Vb cyclones (Müller et al., 2009).

Details are in the caption following the image
Matrix of Spearman's correlation coefficients between values of sWEIrel in individual subcatchments during the 53 maximum central European precipitation events [Colour figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]

High positive correlation values occur especially among the Rhine (except for the Rhine-a) and Weser/Ems or the Oder and Danube-c subcatchments (Figure 7), when they do not necessarily need to be adjacent. However, there are some other highly correlated neighbouring subcatchments within the Elbe (Elbe-a and Elbe-b; Elbe-c and Elbe-d), Danube (Danube-a and Danube-b; Danube-b and Danube-d) or two adjacent river basins (Danube-a and Rhine-a), etc.

Surprisingly, we also noticed many negative correlations, which means that the occurrence of precipitation in two subcatchments is often mutually exclusive. In this context, we can separate two groups of subcatchments, which have mostly negative correlations with the members of the other group. It roughly corresponds to the division of the EPEs into the two main clusters, W-CE and E-CE (Figure 4a). The strongest negative correlations appear between the Oder, Danube-c, Elbe-a, and the non-alpine Rhine and Weser/Ems subcatchments (Figure 7), although there exist negative correlations within individual basins, too: e.g., the Elbe-a and Elbe-c or the Danube-a and Danube-c, which is apparently connected to the rather narrow precipitation zone producing the EPE.

3.4 Spatial patterns in the seasonal distribution of events

Central European EPEs are distributed through the whole year but with higher concentrations in the warm half-year (from May to October) and mainly in July and the first half of August (Figure 8a). This is especially true in the case of highly ranked EPEs: all of the top 10 EPEs occurred in the warm half-year, 7 of them in the second half of July or the first half of August (Table 2). In contrast, only seven cold half-year events (from November to April) were detected at all.

Details are in the caption following the image
Seasonal distribution of precipitation extremes according to the WEIrel. (a) The 53 maximum central European EPEs differentiated by the clustering (compare with Figure 4). (b) The 10 maximum events in each basin. (c) The 10 maximum events in each subcatchment. The values of WEIrel are expressed by the distance from the diagram centre; all diagrams in (b) and (c) have the same scale [Colour figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]

The cold half-year events are only limited to the NW, R and RD clusters (Figure 8a), when they have typically lower return periods, and at the same time, the affected area is comparable to others or even smaller (Figure 6b). That is why the resulting values of the WEIrel are quite small for these events. The situation is mostly similar to that of events occurring in May with few exceptions. The May 2013 event had an abnormal spatial extent; it occurred at the end of May, but it remains exceptional when comparing it to June events (Figure 6b). In contrast, two other May EPEs (1970 and 1978) with WEIrel values above 0.1 had limited spatial extents, but they deviated from the average due to high return periods; both were concentrated mainly in the Rhine basin (Figure 4b) and classified into the R cluster.

The summer EPEs (JJA) are quite varied; the combination of relatively long return periods and large spatial extents often results in high values of the WEIrel. However, it applies mainly to July and August EPEs (Figure 6b), while June events have rather lower WEIrel values, including also the June 1993 event, which is located in the upper left corner of Figure 6b, indicating its local character and very high average return periods. The summer EPEs form the majority of the ED and O events, which both have clear seasonal patterns—occurring from May to September and the beginning of August, respectively (Figure 8a). Generally, the affected area is roughly the same for the summer and the rest of the year, but the return periods of the precipitation totals during the summer events overtop the others (Figure 6b).

In the autumn (SON), lower return periods are evident, especially within October events, when the affected area is approximately equal to or greater than that in the winter and spring. The autumn EPEs almost exclusively belong to the R cluster except for three September EPEs (Figure 8a).

Among the top 10 EPEs in individual subcatchments, the number of autumn events decreases towards the east, when it is the highest in the lower Rhine River basin (Figure 8c). In contrast, the upper and middle Rhine is the only area with two or more winter EPEs among the top 10 in subcatchments. The event seasonality is quite various in the Rhine River basin as well as in the Danube basin (Figure 8c). This feature is not very obvious in the Elbe or Oder River basins, where the seasonal distribution of the top 10 EPEs is similar across all subcatchments and their respective basins, too (Figure 8b). In the case of the Oder basin, a high concentration of events in the summer months is more or less apparent at both spatial levels.

3.5 Spatial patterns in the inter-annual distribution of events

During the period between 1961 and 2013, the 53 maximum central European EPEs tend to occur in accumulations, whether lasting years or just a few weeks (Figure 9). The first 16 years of the study period (1961–1976) are characterized by a relatively low number of EPEs. Only six events were recognized, and all of them occurred in the warm half-year. These years are completely without greater events in the Danube and Weser/Ems basins, where EPEs first appeared in summer 1981. This year, we have recorded four central European events, including the absolute maximum event, over a relatively short period of 2 months (Figure 9b). Approximately a decade of wetter conditions ranges from 1977 to 1986, when we identified a large number of events with a high overall WEIrel as well as the basins WEIrel (Figure 9a).

Details are in the caption following the image
Timeline of the extreme precipitation events in central Europe. (a) The 53 maximum events in the whole study area (left column) and the 10 maximum events in each basin and subcatchment. (b) Segments of the timeline presenting selected periods with higher accumulations of events. Symbols represent the seasons; the darker shades indicate higher WEIrel values [Colour figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]

This is in contrast with the 1990s, when many events occurred, but their WEIrel values were much smaller; the two exceptions both appeared in July 1997 (Figure 9b). The period around the 1990s is, however, unique in the occurrence of cold half-year events, which only occurred between 1986 and 2002. This applies to the central European area and the individual basins, too. The period is somewhat longer in the case of the EPEs in the Rhine subcatchments (Figure 9a), but still, the cold half-year events occurred only from 1978 to 2003. The last period from 2002 to 2013 has, again, a large number of events with higher overall and basin WEIrel although without any greater Rhine basin event. Many smaller accumulations of events occurred in this period: e.g., July/August 2002, August/September 2007 (Figure 9b) and May/June 2013.

An interesting shift in the seasonality is evident when looking at the top 10 EPEs in certain subcatchments. Only summer events occurred in the subcatchments (except for the Rhine-a to Rhine-d) until the mid-1980s (Figure 9a). In contrast, there has been no summer EPE in the Weser/Ems-a subcatchment since 1984 and in the Danube-a and Danube-b subcatchments since 1992.


A point evaluation of precipitation totals is a frequent way of detecting extreme precipitation events. However, as already mentioned, for example, by Ren et al. (2012), precipitation extremes are rather regional phenomena with a specific duration and extent, which also applies to other weather and climate extremes. The WEI represent a set of regional evaluation techniques together with some other methods proposed for different regions (Ren et al., 2012; Ramos et al., 2017). Although the regional evaluation of weather extremes often depends on a selection of a study area, the WEI adjusts events to their actual extent and thus it is not subject to this problem. It seems that the WEI is a good compromise when comparing it with some standard methods including maximum precipitation totals or areal means (Müller et al., 2015). It has an advantage of using return periods instead of precipitation totals, thus enabling the comparison of the extremity of events at different locations (Keef et al., 2009). However, the uncertainty rises with the increasing estimated return periods. Therefore, we had to use a subjective threshold and limit their values to 1,000 years. The number seems realistic in the context of the hydrometeorological extremes of the last decades, when high return periods of several hundreds of years have been recorded in August 2002 (Ulbrich et al., 2003) and July 1997 (Kundzewicz et al., 1999).

Based on the WEI, we present the 53 maximum central European EPEs between 1961 and 2013; they mostly occurred during the warm half-year. In the period after 2013, there is no evidence of precipitation events with an extremity at the level of the five maximum central European EPEs, although three 24-hr precipitation extremes were reported by Hofstätter et al. (2017) during the years 2014 and 2015 in two smaller central European regions. The authors highlighted the period between 2006 and 2011 for the occurrence of heavy precipitation around Czechia. In contrast, the last years were mainly discussed in terms of extensive droughts in central Europe (Piniewski et al., 2017).

The identified EPEs had various durations from 1 to 8 days. Depending on the size of the territory, it was appropriate to limit the possible duration. Müller et al. (2015) used a 5-day limit for Czechia, which we needed to extend. Although we considered up to 10-day precipitation extremes, only three events lasted longer than 5 days, but this does not apply to the five maximum events. In contrast, some of the five maximum EPEs lasted only 2 days (e.g., the August 2002 event). Nevertheless, they often resulted in rapid runoff increases in the affected rivers (Müller et al., 2009) and severe floods (Müller et al., 2015; Gvoždíková and Müller, 2017). They are generally well-documented, especially the most recent events of 2013 and 2002 (e.g., Ulbrich et al., 2003; Blöschl et al., 2013). The top 10 EPEs within central Europe are also significant in Czechia alone; however, not all EPEs are included in the list of extreme precipitation presented by Müller et al. (2015), which points to the spatial heterogeneity of the study area.

The events substantially differ in terms of the spatial distribution of the precipitation extremity (Figure 4b). Nevertheless, many similar events were coupled together by agglomerative hierarchical clustering, when the individual groups may later be connected to specific circulation conditions producing extremes (Seibert et al., 2007). We decided for a final number of five groups, which seems reasonable, given the number of events in each group. According to Wilks (2006), the choice is often subjective, and the final number of groups is adapted to a given problem, although some supporting methods have been proposed. According to, for example, Tibshirani et al. (2001) and their method of gap statistics, we should only consider two groups of events—it agrees with the aforementioned sharp contrast between the W-CE and E-CE events. On the other hand, the spatial variability of the precipitation extremes is still high within each of these groups (Figure 4b), which discourages us from this choice.

The five proposed clusters suggest the core areas of the precipitation events (Figure 5) and some clear seasonal patterns (Figure 8a), which basically agrees with other findings (e.g., Stucki et al., 2012; Ustrnul et al., 2014; Müller et al., 2015). Western Germany is an exception, where we assumed a greater number of cold half-year EPEs (Beurton and Thieken, 2009), but in fact, most of the events occurred from May to September (the NW cluster) or during the spring and autumn (the R cluster). The top 10 central European EPEs were exclusively classified into the ED or O clusters. The events are exceptional due to the combination of a large spatial extent and high return periods of precipitation totals, which always act together when producing major precipitation extremes (Figure 6a). Nevertheless, the area of central Europe is never affected as a whole. There exist high negative correlations between the values of the sWEIrel, which suggest that the occurrence of precipitation is often mutually exclusive between some parts of the study area (Figure 7). On the other hand, high correlations are evident between the neighbouring subcatchments and the regions connected by similar effects of orography.

The spatial structure of the precipitation extremity is crucial for runoff processes and thus for flood generation at different locations. As stated by Nied et al. (2017), precipitation and associated weather patterns are mostly responsible for some of the flood characteristics including, for example, a number of gauges with an at least 10-year flood. This can be explained by an exceedance of the infiltration capacity (Merz and Plate, 1997) when the runoff starts depending only on precipitation. The discharges of shorter return periods of approximately 2 years are governed rather by soil moisture conditions (Nied et al., 2017). However, the severity of a flood event may be significantly influenced by the pre-event soil moisture content, as it was during the flood of 2013 (Schröter et al., 2015). Although the extremity of the EPEs in 2002 and 2013 was almost the same (Table 2), the severity of the 2013 flood seems to be much greater, with the extremity index of Uhlemann et al. (2010) reaching the value 1.5 versus 1.09 in 2002 (Gvoždíková and Müller, 2017). While the 2002 and 2013 events are highly ranked according to both the precipitation and flood extremity indices, the two maximum EPEs of 1981 and 1997 are at the 18–19th positions in the list of major floods (Gvoždíková and Müller, 2017). The pre-event soil moisture conditions can explain the difference, but a limitation of the study area may play a role in the case of 1997 event, which also affected parts of the Vistula basin (Kundzewicz et al., 1999). It is likely that the WEIrel value of 1997 EPE would increase as well if we consider the Vistula basin. This may also apply to the May 2010 EPE, which is well described by Bissolli et al. (2011) as an event of a large extent and high intensity, but it is ranked only as the 50th EPE and it does not appear in the list of major floods (Gvoždíková and Müller, 2017). In contrast, the highly ranked flood events of March 1988 and 1981 do not appear among the 53 maximum EPEs, as probably a combination of soil saturation, rainfall, and snowmelt generated the floods. Generally, the majority of the extreme central European floods occur in the cold half-year (Uhlemann et al., 2010; Gvoždíková and Müller, 2017), especially in the northwest of the area.

However, the number of cold half-year events in the list of the maximum central European EPEs is significantly smaller, related to generally higher return periods of precipitation totals during the warm half-year events. Nevertheless, few EPEs occurred between December and April, and they exclusively belonged to the NW, R, and RD clusters (Figure 8a). It is noteworthy that these events occurred in a relatively short period of approximately 15 years, suggesting some changes in the seasonality of the events during the study period. Certain shifts in the seasonality are evident even at the subcatchment level, when, for example, spring EPEs replaced the summer ones in the case of the Danube-a subcatchment (Figure 9). There are no similar seasonal shifts detected in central Europe, although some seasonal trends of precipitation extremes were found in the past (Frei and Schär, 2001). Generally, it is quite difficult to analyse trends of very rare events due to the relatively small datasets available. The detected seasonality shifts would need further investigations in different areas.


Using the WEI, we found the maximum precipitation events occurring in central Europe between 1961 and 2013. The index reflects the return periods of the precipitation totals and also the event duration and extent, which is a great advantage, as well as the adaptability of the affected area and duration to individual events.

The WEI identified EPEs at the different spatial levels: central Europe, individual basins, and their subcatchments. The detailed spatial structure of the precipitation extremity was particularly useful for finding analogous events with similar spatial distributions. Even at the level of two clusters, the agglomerative hierarchical clustering method sharply divided the EPEs into western and eastern central European events that clearly produced five different clusters in other hierarchical levels.

Though evaluated by return periods of precipitation totals, the 11 maximum events exclusively belong to the ED and O clusters, where the extreme precipitation affected mainly the Danube, Elbe, and/or Oder basins. The ED and O clusters are exceptional in their seasonality because they are concentrated only in the warmer half-year. Within the E-CE group, the only winter cases appear in the RD cluster, when mainly the Upper Rhine and Danube without the Morava basin are affected. The W-CE group generally comprises the non-alpine Rhine and Weser/Ems events, which also affect the Elbe-c subcatchment. The seasonal pattern is not so obvious, although the greater concentration of the Rhine events (R) is particularly noticeable in May and from September to October. Despite the expectations, most of the EPEs affecting the northwest of the area (NW) occur in the warm half-year.

As a result, the 53 central European EPEs were distributed over the whole year but with higher concentration and extremity in its warmer half. This is in contrast with the distribution of central European flood extremes. Therefore, future tasks will focus on the identification of a relationship between floods, the presented extreme precipitation events, and the circulation conditions producing them. We expect that similar features in the spatial distribution of the precipitation extremity are due to similarities in the causal atmospheric conditions and that they determine a similar distribution of flooding.


This work was supported by the Czech Science Foundation (Grant No. 17-23773S). We would also like to acknowledge the European Climate Assessment & Dataset project (ECA&D), Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (CHMI), Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD), Instytut Meteorologii i Gospodarki Wodnej (IMGW), Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik (ZAMG), Austrian data portal eHYD, Météo-France and MeteoSwiss for providing rain gauge data.