Found 3701 publications (displayed results 1 - 20)

The aim of this text is to describe and compare the residential segregation of foreigners in Prague and Central Bohemian region in years 2012–2018. The distribution of foreigners is measured using a new method of individualized scalable neighbourhoods. This method allows to compare the distribution of minority and majority population on multiple scales and does not depend on the statistical-administrative division of the territory.

Topic: housing, urban and rural studies, methodology, migration and mobility, public administration

Type of publication: Chapter in monographDepartment: Local and regional studies

Příspěvek se zaměřuje na stěhování a rezidenční mobilitu cizinců v Praze a Středočeském kraji, kde se soustředí značná část cizinecké populace Česka. Na základě kombinace dvou zdrojů dat ukazuje, že vzhledem ke specifickým prostorovým vzorcům pobytu a pohybu mají cizinci nezanedbatelnou roli v procesu utváření sociálně-prostorové struktury regionu.

Topic: housing, urban and rural studies, methodology, migration and mobility, public administration

Type of publication: Chapter in monographDepartment: Local and regional studies

While alternative food networks (AFNs) have become the leading conceptualisation of sustainable food systems, vibrant scholarship on food self-provisioning (FSP) in Central and Eastern Europe has remained confined to the geopolitical region it investigates. This article brings these two bodies of thought closer together in two steps.

Topic: klimatická změna, consumption, životní prostředí

Type of publication: Article with impact factorDepartment: Local and regional studies

This chapter introduces different explanations for high rates of growing and sharing food outside the market system in the Czech Republic based in social anthropological research. The authors have extended that work with their own qualitative and quantitative research over a period of six years in the Czech Republic, and here present findings that confirm the contribution that food self-provisioning is making to both the social and ecological sustainability.

Topic: klimatická změna, consumption, životní prostředí

Type of publication: Chapter in monographDepartment: Local and regional studies

Most stratification research concerns solely the economically active population and omits inactive seniors. Retirees are often treated as a separate and rather homogeneous social category. However, this approach is only partially valid. Retirees can still be differentiated in regard to their objective and subjective well-being, which is linked to their former occupations.

Topic: social inequalities, age and ageing, standard of living

Type of publication: Article with impact factorDepartment: Economic Sociology

Kapitola srovnává, jak se spokojenost s různými aspekty života liší v různých typech venkovského prostoru a ve městě. Z analýzy vycházející z dat z dotazníkového šetření uskutečněného v roce 2016 zaměřeného na periferní oblasti vyplývá, že lidé žijící v periferiích jsou s různými aspekty svého bydliště spokojeni méně než lidé ve městě a v jiných, rozvinutějších venkovských lokalitách.

Topic: urban and rural studies, regions, social inequalities

Type of publication: Chapter in monographDepartment: Local and regional studies

Kapitola je kvalitativní studií prekérní práce v periferních regionech a strategií, jež na trhu práce uplatňují lidé žijící v periferiích, kteří obtížně nacházejí pracovní uplatnění. Z analýzy rozhovorů vyplývá, že omezená nabídka pracovních příležitostí v regionu a zejména obtížná dosažitelnost práce snižují možnosti výběru práce a omezují volby variant pro lidi žijící v periferních oblastech.

Topic: work, regions, social inequalities

Type of publication: Chapter in monographDepartment: Local and regional studies

The article presents an innovative method of evaluating public transport accessibility. The evaluation is based on a simulation of the usability of public transport in real everyday situations. It measures the amount of time the residents of local communities need when they use public transport to reach various commonly used destinations at a specified time. The method’s main advantage is that it aims at reflecting everyday use of public transport.

Topic: urban and rural studies, regions

Type of publication: Article with impact factorDepartment: Local and regional studies

Gender pay gap, parenthood and work precarity. The paper focuses on how parenthood(measured by the number of children) contributes to the high level of gender pay gap (GPG)in the Czech Republic and how is it shaped by precarious work contracts. The analysis isbased on a questionnaire survey of a representative sample of 1119 respondents aged 20 to55 years. Sequential testing of regression models proved that number of children affects

Topic: gender, wages and incomes

Type of publication: Article with impact factorDepartment: Gender & Sociology

The pandemic has radically shifted how society is organised, with increased work from home, home-schooling, and intensification of online presence, all with specific (un)intended implications on paid and unpaid care work. These implications, like those of other crises, are gendered and manifest along sex, age, disability, ethnicity/race, migration status, religion, social class, and the intersections between these inequalities.

Topic: gender, civil society

Type of publication: Article with impact factorDepartment: National Contact Centre for Gender & Science

Sustainable agrifood systems are critical to averting climate-driven social and ecological disasters, overcoming the growth paradigm and redefining the interactions of humanity and nature in the twenty-first century. This Perspective describes an agenda and examples for comprehensive agrifood system redesign according to principles of sufficiency, regeneration, distribution, commons and care.

Topic: consumption, životní prostředí

Type of publication: Peer-reviewed journal articleDepartment: Local and regional studies

Design practices often involve grassroots communities and institutional actors with designers working as or with intermediaries. This paper defines intermediation as a significant design practice, especially when designers engage in commoning and institutioning—concepts that have gained traction in recent discourses in design scholarship.

Topic: technology/technique

Type of publication: Peer-reviewed journal articleDepartment: National Contact Centre for Gender & Science

Topic: value orientations, intergenerational relations, human relations, sociologická teorie

Type of publication: Published reviewDepartment: Public Opinion Research Centre

This chapter proposes the morphogenetic approach, as elaborated within the confines of Margaret Archer’s critical realism, as a suitable starting point for theoretically grounded research into social aspects of energy. It demonstrates in outline the suitability of this approach in the special case of coal, the mining and combustion of which epitomize the ambiguity of the industrial era.

Topic: gender, klimatická změna, sociologická teorie, technology/technique

Type of publication: Chapter in monographDepartment: Public Opinion Research Centre

Social interaction as the middle phase of the morphogenetic sequence described by Margaret Archer presupposes that interpretative activities go on between individuals and collectivities. Novel meanings emerge in social interaction and spur the processes of structural elaboration. The hermeneutics of actors (or agents) should be part of the morphogenetic explanatory framework.

Topic: sociologická teorie, transformation

Type of publication: Article with impact factorDepartment: Public Opinion Research Centre

The paper presents a general theoretical argument about narrating futures and demonstrates its validity on the topic of energy transitions. It goes beyond the perspective of social constructionism and analyzes the temporal relationship between narratives, as employed in social interactions, and the reality of structural conditions in societies.

Topic: sociologická teorie, technology/technique, transformation

Type of publication: Article with impact factorDepartment: Public Opinion Research Centre

The article ties in with the scholarship on the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on gender equality. Based on a qualitative analysis of interviews with parents of children under 12, we examine the processes that led to the increase or dismantling of the gender division of labour in families during the first nationwide lockdown.

Topic: gender, work, parenting

Type of publication: Article with impact factorDepartment: Gender & Sociology
