Software – methodology & processing
ScopeWin – system for measurement and data processing in medicine
Basic features:
- Data acquisition – ScopeWin communicates with the NIDAQMx library, which covers the complete series of National Instruments hardware.
- Visualization – ScopeWin includes a graphic editor that allows comfortable data inspection, signal comparison, manipulation, cursor operation etc. Data can be converted to conventional formats.
- Post-acquisition processing includes the following features: frequency analysis, digital filtering, functions for mathematical signal processing (splines, derivation, integration, digital quadrature detection and demodulation, regression, 50Hz signal detection, processing and elimination), two-dimensional analysis (time-frequency analysis – amplitude, phase and power), segmentation and averaging according to established criteria and several more. Most measurement, visualization and processing functions can be implemented as commands in the program and carried out sequentially without operator intervention.
ScopeWin signal processing in cardiology includes the following functions: ECG signal parameters detection (R wave, QT interval, heart rate, QT dispersion, T wave alternans), continuous blood pressure recordings analysis (systolic, diastolic, mean pressure, blood pressure variability, baroreflex), heart sounds (S1, S2), impedance cardiography (stroke volume and cardiac output, elasticity of blood vessels, pulse pressure wave) and respiration (breathing frequency and depth). ScopeWin provides procedures for complete evaluation of hemodynamic parameters. It also allows the implementation of new procedures and methods.
ScopeWin signal processing in neurology includes the following features: visualization of large datasets of intracranial EEG recordings, time-frequency analysis, segmentation, automatic removal of artificial segments and channels, averaging and evoked potential calculation, envelope analysis, etc.
EEG signal analysis MediSIG provides professional advice with the realization of EEG measurement and complex data analysis. We use our own software (ScopeWin, ScopeMAT) equipped with advanced methods of analysis. The software is intended for off-line data processing, especially for EEG, EKG, EMG and EOG signals analysis. Processed data are obtained from clinical and experimental intracerebral or scalp EEG recordings. Today they are recorded from up to 128 recording points with a sampling frequency of 1kHz.
Data analysis includes:
- analysis of non-repeated signals (data recorded without subject stimulation);
- analysis of repeated events (data recorded during subject stimulation: visual/sound/tactile/etc.);
- impact of Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) on EEG development.
Developed software packages cover complex off-line methods suitable especially for neurological data analysis. Our software products allow:
- data blocks manipulation, data preprocessing, data analysis based on FFT, visual data representation and basic statistical data parameterization;
- statistical evaluation and automation of data processes (ScopeMAT);
- analysis of connections between brain structures based on EEG data from intracerebral electrodes;
- visualization of results on a stereotactic brain model;
- complex software for analysis and visualization – EEGVisual.
ScopeMAT software allows parametric batch data processing covering: FFT filtration, power analysis, time-frequency analysis, statistical evaluation of repeated events (Wilkoxon test, t-test, bootstrap test), automatic detection of power increase and decrease, automatic detection of statistically significant components in time or frequent domain, statistical tests for determination of repeated evoked signal differences recorded during different external conditions (subject stimulation of type A/B/etc., test for two modalities, Schoffe test for more than two modalities). Groups of subjects can also be evaluated using ScopeMAT software. We can compute „GrandAverages“ and present significant results for different contact groups transparently. The ScopeMAT software is proposed for the MATLAB environment. This solution allows quick algorithm implementation depending on application demand. The ScopeMAT software provides numerical and graphical outputs to many format types, including MS Word and MS Excel.

Analysis of EEG from depth electrodes, in cooperation with Brno Epilepsy center, Departments of neurology and neurosurgery St. Anne's University Hospital and Medical faculty of Masaryk University Brno, Czech Republic