The European Social Survey (ESS) has published a call for papers aimed at those who wish to present their research at the ESS Visegrad Network+ Conference in Prague, Czechia, on 13-14 October 2022.
The Visegrad Group brings together the countries of the Central European region to work together in the fields of culture, education, science and the exchange of information. The ESS Visegrad Group is composed of our national teams based in Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia. The ESS Visegrad Network+ Conference is open to academics, researchers, students and non-academic analysts of ESS data from across Europe. It aims to provide an exchange platform for researchers not exclusively from Visegrad countries undertaking substantive or methodological research using our data.
Presentations are encouraged on the following topics:
- Digital Social Contacts in Work and Family Life (Round 10)
- Understandings and Evaluations of Democracy (Round 10)
- Justice and Fairness (Round 9)
- Timing of Life (Round 9)
- Attitudes to Climate Change and Energy (Round 8)
- Welfare Attitudes (Round 8)
- ESS core data and methodology (all rounds)
The ESS Visegrad Network+ Conference will be held at the Institute of Sociology CAS in Prague, Czechia, on 13-14 October 2022. The conference is supported by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (grant no LTT20011). To be considered as a speaker at the conference, submit a 2000-characters abstract about your research (and up to three keywords) via the on-line submission form by 22 August 2022.
A decision on submitted papers will be announced by 26 August 2022. For more information, contact Klára Plecitá (
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