Developmental Cell

Organ-specific COP1 control of BES1 stability adjusts plant growth patterns under shade or warmth

Costigliolo Rojas C., Bianchimano L., Oh J., Romero Montepaone S., Tarkowská D., Minguet E.G., Schön J., García Hourquet M., Flugel T., Blázques M.A., Choi G., Strnad M., Mora-García S., Alabadi D., Zurbriggen M.D., Casal J.J.
Klíčová slova: shade avoidance, thermomorphogenesis, brassinosteroids, COP1, PIF4, growth (plants), plant hormones

A combinatorial lipid code shapes the electrostatic landscape of plant endomembranes

Platre M.P., Noack L.C., Doumane M., Bayle V., Simon M.L.A., Maneta-Peyret L., Fouillen L., Stanislas T., Armengot L., Pejchar P., Caillaud M.C., Potocký M., Čopič A., Moreau P., Jaillais Y.
DEVELOPMENTAL CELL 45 : 465-480 , 2018
Klíčová slova: Arabidopsis, biosensor, endocytosis, lipid signaling, membrane biology, phosphatidic acid, phosphatidylserine, phosphoinositides, plant cell biology, vesicular trafficking

Plant Cytokinesis Is Orchestrated by the Sequential Action of the TRAPPII and Exocyst Tethering Complexes

Rybak K., Steiner A., Synek L., Klaeger S., Kulich I., Facher E., Wanner G., Kuster B., Zarsky V., Persson S., Assaad F.F.
DEVELOPMENTAL CELL 29 : 607-620 , 2014
Klíčová slova:

Cytokinin modulates endocytic trafficking of PIN1 auxin efflux carrier to control plant organogenesis.

Marhavý P., Bielach A., Abas M., Abuzeineh A., Duclercq J., Tanaka H., Pařezová M., Petrášek J., Friml J., Kleine-Vehn J., Benková E.
DEVELOPMENTAL CELL 21 : 796-804 , 2011
Klíčová slova: cytokinin, auxin, PIN, vacuole

Inositol Trisphosphate-Induced Ca2+ Signaling Modulates Auxin Transport and PIN Polarity

Zhang J., Vanneste S., Brewer P.B., Michniewicz M., Grones P., Kleine-Vehn J., Lofke C., Teichmann T., Bielach A., Cannoot B., Hoyerova K., Chen X., Xue H-W., Benkova E., Zazimalova E., Friml J.
DEVELOPMENTAL CELL 20 : 855-866 , 2011
Klíčová slova: auxin transport, PIN polarity

Nitrate-Regulated Auxin Transport by NRT1.1 Defines a Mechanism for Nutrient Sensing in Plants

Krouk G., Lacombe B., Bielach A., Perrine-Walker F., Malinska K., Mounier E., Hoyerova K., Tillard P., Leon S., Ljung K., Zazimalova E., Benkova E., Nacry F., Gojon A.
DEVELOPMENTAL CELL 18 : 927-937 , 2010
Klíčová slova: