
Alumni Picnic Prague Facebook Cover resized 2

We are pleased to invite you to the first Alumni Picnic on Saturday, September 10, 2022, 3-6 PM at Park Parukarka in Prague. Partners/spouses and kids are welcome.

Park Parukářka in Prague 3 is known for its beautiful view of Prague, three kids’ playgrounds, and a legendary pub Hospůdka Parukářka. Please bring your snacks and your own blanket. We will find a place near Hospůdka Parukářka and the first drink is on us!

Please RSVP

Looking forward to seeing you all there!

SEAM Bratislava Beer Party

We cordially invite you to the CERGE-EI alumni&friends Beer Party in Bratislava on Friday, September 16, from 6 pm. Drinks&light food provided. The event will take place at Meštiansky pivovar, Dunajská 21, Bratislava. The event is part of the SEAM 2022 conference.

Please RSVP:

Looking forward to seeing you all there!

Besides alumni events organized by the Alumni Office, there is a number of smaller-scale events and gatherings organized around the world by alumni themselves.  If you would like to organize one, please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we can help make it happen.

2019 Alumni Event (Prague)

2016 Alumni Event (Prague)

2015 Alumni Event (London)

2013 Alumni Event (London)