
Marriage for everyone? Podcast with Petr Agha

Petr Agha gave an interview for the podcast of the Czech Academy of Sciences "Science within reach" with the topic Marriage for everyone? With Petr Agha about crumbling tradition, emotions instead of facts and criticism of human rights. It addresses the questions: What can social scientists bring to the discussion? Should the law respond to the development of society, or, on the contrary, preserve it? Is Czech society tolerant and open to the protection of all minorities? And why is it not…

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The success of the journal Právník

The journal Právník won third place in the Prestigious Prize for the best legal magazine. The prize is awarded by the Karlovy Vary Law Society and is based on a vote of the professional public. The editors thank the authors and readers of Právník for their patronage.

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Interview about the outcome of the first Czech climate litigation in „Vinohradska 12“ podcast

Interview about the outcome of the first Czech climate litigation in „Vinohradska 12“ podcast

Hana Müllerová from the Centre for Climate Law and Sustainability Studies spoke on 22 June 2022 in the podcast of Czech Radio “Vinohradska 12” with the title "The Czech Republic lacks a climate ministry. We must coordinate the fight against climate change, expert urges" (the interview was in Czech). The main topic of the interview was the outcome of the first instance court proceedings in the first Czech climate litigation, decided on 15 June 2022 by the Municipal Court in Prague, largely in…

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Invitation to seminar on the Future of Copyright in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

Invitation to seminar on the Future of Copyright in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

We sincerely invite you to the workshop on the future of copyright in the age of Artificial intelligence that will take place in person on 24 June 2022 on the premises of the Institute of State and Law CAS (Národní 18, Prague, 7th floor) from 10:30 to 12:00. Dr. Aviv Gaon, primarily based at Harry Radzyner Law School, Reichman University (IDC Herzliya), will present his research on current issues of attributing copyright to works generated by Artificial intelligence

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