Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research - Nejnovější články

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Moje učitelka feministkaZprávy

Lucie Jarkovská

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2022, 23 (1): 141-143  

Vzpomínka na Gerlindu Šmausovou, tvrdošíjně laskavouZprávy

Iva Šmídová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2022, 23 (1): 140-141  

Poděkování odcházející šéfredaktorceZprávy

Marie Heřmanová (a kolektiv redakční rady)

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2022, 23 (1): 138-140  

Kdo platí za rande? O roli genderu v randění a vztazích v jednadvacátém stoletíRecenze

Dominika Sladká

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2022, 23 (1): 133-137  

Recenze knihy Lamont, E. The Mating Game: How Gender Still Shapes How We Date

Skládání duhové mozaiky české queer a LGBT+ historie – vyjednávání neheterosexuality a queer identit v době státního socialismuRecenze

Zdeněk Sloboda

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2022, 23 (1): 130-133  

Recenze knihy Sokolová, V. Queer Encounters with Communist Power

Literárněhistorická výprava za hranice individualismu (a feminismu)Recenze

Hana Blažková

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2022, 23 (1): 124-130  

Recenze knihy Artwińska, A., Mrozik, A. Gender, Generations, and Communism in Central and Eastern Europe and Beyond

Pochod pro život v Záhřebu jako příklad postsekulárního konfliktu?Stati mimo téma

Ludmila Böhmová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2022, 23 (1): 99-122 | DOI: 10.13060/gav.2022.007  

The conflict between the pro-life and pro-choice movements over the question of the right to abortion can be assigned to the category of a (global) cultural war. Croatia is a region where significant desecularisation tendencies can be observed, and where there has been a return of religion into the public space. It is a region in which the Roman Catholic Church and the conservative movement intervene in the debates on the right to abortion and tend to shape the public discourse on this issue. The article responds to the debate about the existence of culture wars in the Croatian context. To establish the Croatian context of this situation, the text...

O dívce, co spatřila ďábla. Reprezentace genderu v brazilském cordeluStati

Kateřina Březinová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2022, 23 (1): 73-98 | DOI: 10.13060/gav.2022.006  

This article focuses on the cordel as an idiosyncratic manifestation of Brazilian popular culture. It sets the results of original research on cordel gender representations within the specific social, cultural, and political contexts in which they originated/emerged. The article is based on research grounded in cultural studies and this discipline’s insistence on the critical importance of race, gender, and religion. The author argues that cordels – poems printed in cheap booklets with an illustrated cover and marketed to the mass public – offer important insights into existing social and gender norms in Brazil. Whereas in the past...

Kabinet (pop)kulturních kuriozit aneb fenomén camp v tvorbě kapely ČokovokoStati

Peter Demeter

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2022, 23 (1): 57-72 | DOI: 10.13060/gav.2022.005  

In his contribution, the author presents the concept of a cabinet of (pop)cultural curiosities, which is based on the prefigurement of Mannerist and Baroque cabinets, or the so-called Wunderkammer, Kunstkammer, etc. He uses this concept to interpret the work of the Czech rap band Čokovoko, relying on the theory and history of the camp phenomenon, which is based on aesthetic transgressions, ironic attitudes and the stretching of the boundaries between taste and tastelessness. The metaphor of the cabinet of curiosities allows to describe and explore the specific ways in which the peculiarly frivolous play with themes concerning women and their stereotypical...

Hanba tvůrců a chvála hráče? O genderových stereotypech a subverzivním hraní digitálních herStati

Michal Čuřín

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2022, 23 (1): 32-56 | DOI: 10.13060/gav.2022.004  

The article attempts to capture the current value shifts taking place in the game industry by looking at the debate on the contemporary digital game Kingdom Come: Deliverance by the Czech development studio Warhorse. For the purposes of contextualisation, the article also reflects on a case known as Gamergate, which served to highlight certain issues in the conception of games and questions about representation and diversity in games. Digital games are no longer the domain of young men alone as gamers now come from all genders and many age groups. Through a gender analysis of this digital game and a discussion/analysis of the controversy...

Ženské hlasy karibské diaspory a třetí prostor v performativním textu Josefiny BáezStati

Martina Bařinová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2022, 23 (1): 13-31 | DOI: 10.13060/gav.2022.003  

This study focuses on how the Caribbean diaspora is reflected in the novel Levente no. Yolayorkdominicanyork by the New York–based Dominican artist Josefina Báez. Through dialogues and anecdotes the author depicts the everyday life of a community of women living in an apartment building located in a Hispanic neighbourhood in New York. In a close reading, I read the apartment building, called ‘Ni é’, as a metaphor of a glocal community. The novel can thus be read through the lens of the postcolonial debate about centre and periphery. I also analyse the work through the lens of the thirdspace theory, which is an especially important...

Dynamické formy a žánry: Reprezentace genderu v populární kultuřeEditorial

Tereza Jiroutová Kynčlová, Iva Baslarová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2022, 23 (1): 3-12 | DOI: 10.13060/gav.2022.002  


30 let Gender Studies – odkud jsme vyšli a kam mířímeZprávy

Helena Skálová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2021, 22 (2): 201-206  

Aplikovaná (sociální) věda ve 21. století – od korporátních výzkumů k boji za spravedlivější planetuZprávy

Marie Heřmanová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2021, 22 (2): 197-201  

Vzťahovou a sexuálnou výchovou k zdravej, férovej a rešpektujúcej spoločnostiZprávy

Radka Mikšík

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2021, 22 (2): 193-197  

Genderově citlivého vzdělávání se nemusíte bátZprávy

Zuzana Martanovič

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2021, 22 (2): 191-192  

A Reflection on the Interventionist Approach to Menstrual Management in the Global SouthRecenze

Aysha Farhana Chakkampully

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2021, 22 (2): 185-190  

Review of book Bobel, C.  The Managed Body; Developing Girls and Menstrual Health in the Global South

Sexualita od dětství po dospíváníRecenze

Eva Čivrná

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2021, 22 (2): 183-185  

Recenze knihy Lamb, S., Gilbert, J. eds. The Cambridge Handbook of Sexual Development: Childhood and Adolescence

Unknowing to Know More about Sexuality EducationRecenze

Handan Titiz Ceritoglu

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2021, 22 (2): 176-183  

Review of book Allen, L. Sexuality Education and New Materialism: Queer Things

Seismic Shifts in Responsibility: Preserving and Advocating for Trans-Inclusive Experiences within Education SystemsRecenze

Álvaro Gamio Cuervo

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2021, 22 (2): 170-175  

Review of book Bartholomaeus, C., Riggs, D. W. Transgender People and Education

Registrované partnerství a homoparentalita v ČeskuStati

Zdeněk Sloboda

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2021, 22 (2): 139-169 | DOI: 10.13060/gav.2021.023  

This paper introduces a unique and comprehensive sociological analysis of same-sex partnerships in the Czech Republic, especially in the legally recognised (though limited) form of civil unions (registered partnerships - RP). The analysis combines multiple data sources and methodological approaches, drawing on administrative data from the Ministry of Internal Affairs (n=2710), secondary quantitative data from the Czech Statistical Office and Public Opinion Research Centre/CVVM, and original quantitative (n=882) and qualitative (n=48) data. Focusing on the heteronormative framing of the issue, two main aspects come to the forefront: gender and LGBT...

Péče jako individuální odpovědnost a prohloubení ekonomického znevýhodnění sólo matek v pandemii covid-19Stati

Radka Dudová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2021, 22 (2): 110-137 | DOI: 10.13060/gav.2021.022  

The Covid-19 pandemic had a particularly severe impact on people in a vulnerable position, such as solo mothers living alone with their children. In this article I use an intersectional approach in order to understand how their different positions in life affected their ability to cope with the crisis situation. I present a longitudinal qualitative study of the situation of solo mothers in the Czech Republic during the Covid-19 crisis, based on repeated interviews with women from three Czech regions. The preliminary findings indicate that a crucial factor in the women's ability to cope with increased care responsibilities was the kind of job they had...

Meandry péče: když muži doma pečují o ženy s demencíStati

Dita Jahodová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2021, 22 (2): 87-109 | DOI: 10.13060/gav.2021.021  

In the Czech Republic, it is women who are usually the primary carers of elderly family members, while men tend to be less involved and perform more concrete, visible care tasks. In this article I focus on the cases of men acting as the primary carer for a wife with dementia at home in cooperation with respite services. The data are drawn from an analysis of participant observations in the carers' households and from an analysis of semi-structured interviews with the men acting as primary carers and with respite services workers. This article shows the repertoires of care that have been used by men as caregivers and points out the limitations attached...

(Ne)spravedlnost v péči o děti mladší tří letStati

Kristina Kalitová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2021, 22 (2): 71-86 | DOI: 10.13060/gav.2021.020  

This article presents an analysis of the current (in)justice in childcare for children under three years of age in the Czech Republic by examining shifts in family and social policy after 1989. The paper compares three ways of redressing injustice: redistribution, recognition, and political representation in terms of domains of social injustice. Through the prism of Nancy Fraser's three-dimensional theory, the article analyses forms of redress in the economic, cultural, and political spheres. This approach aims to reveal the complexity of inequalities in childcare for children under three years of age and highlight the positive and negative aspects...

Queer at Camp: The Impact of Summer Camps on LGBTQ Campers in the United StatesStati

Penny Harvey, Juhwan Seo, Emily Logan

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2021, 22 (2): 45-70 | DOI: 10.13060/gav.2021.019  

The purpose of this study is to explore the ways in which LGBTQ campers and counsellors are shaped by and shape summer camp. Summer camps are often the place where many US youth begin to learn about sex and sexuality. It is a unique and important spatial locale that is understudied in both sexualities and wider sociological enquiry. To better understand the impact of summer camp experiences on sexualities, the study analyses retrospective interviews with former campers about their experiences at a summer camp, as well as podcasts and blogs. We address two key areas of camp life: sexual firsts and being openly queer at camp. Many campers are less likely...

Education, Sexuality and Anti-gender Movements in Latin AmericaStati

Anelise Gregis Estivalet, Gabriel Dvoskin

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2021, 22 (2): 28-44 | DOI: 10.13060/gav.2021.018  

This article analyses the discourses of anti-gender movements circulating in Brazil and Argentina. The aim of our research is to determine the regularities and specificities of these movements. Specifically, it analyses the representations that are mobilised in the political sphere about gender and sexuality and the role that is attributed to the school institution in these matters. Therefore, an analysis is made of the discussion relating to legislative bills and the parliamentary debates that took place on the Escola Sem Partido (ESP) in Brazil between 2014 and 2017 and on the Interrupción Voluntaria del Embarazo (IVE) in Argentina in 2018. The focus...

Sex Education (or the Lack Thereof) in Kazakhstan: Heteronormative Propaganda in the Curriculum of Özin Özi Tanu/SamopoznanieStati

Aizada Arystanbek

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2021, 22 (2): 11-27 | DOI: 10.13060/gav.2021.017  

This qualitative study uses interpretive political and discourse analyses methods to examine how the lack of a sex education policy in the educational curriculum in Kazakhstan and the presence of alternative subjects that focus on the 'moral' education of students is connected to the country's nation-building efforts. Using a feminist critique of gendered nationalism and heteronormativity, the text argues that the lack of comprehensive sex education in the country is consistent with the positioning of women as passive subjects whose bodies are weaponised to delineate cultural and national differences of the group. Kazakhstan's authoritarian government...

Mezi nevinností a sexuální subjektivitou: dětství, dospívání a sexualityEditorial

Lucie Jarkovská, Sharon Lamb

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2021, 22 (2): 3-10 | DOI: 10.13060/gav.2021.016  

Vztahovost jako rámec chaosu a řádu sociální duality věku a genderuEditorial

Lucie Vidovićová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2021, 22 (1): 3-15 | DOI: 10.13060/gav.2021.015  

Osobní vzpomínka na Jiřinu ŠiklovouZprávy

Lucie Vidovićová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2021, 22 (1): 213-215 | DOI: 10.13060/gav.2021.004