Welcome to

Brno Lab of Integroup Processes

What we do?

In studies pursued in our lab, we focus on intergroup processes, particularly on factors influencing majority-minority relations. Our aim is to contribute to understanding of studied intergroup phenomena in general and in the Central European region and the Czech Republic in particular.


The research group is based at the Institute of Psychology, the Czech Academy of Sciences in Brno, Czech Republic.


Our current projects deal with acculturation, intergroup contact, intergroup threat, social norms and reconciliation.


We focus on publishing the outcomes of our research in recognized scientific journals but also on disseminating them to general public.


  • 05/18/2021 Webinar (26th May 2021)
    Antigypsyism and the situation of the Roma in six European countries

    Barbara Lášticová, Institute for Research in Social Communication, SAS, Slovakia
    “Antigypsyism in political discourse: Evidence from 5 EU countries“

    Anca Minescu & Ashley O'Connor, University of Limerick, Ireland
    „Evaluation of interventions to counter antigypsyism“

    Anna Kende, Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary
    “Anti Roma attitudes and collective action in five countries”

    Radek Vorlíček, University of Hradec Králové, Czech Republic
    "Social exclusion of Roma pupils in a Czech primary school."

    Romany Koky & Sylvie Graf, Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic
    „Majority through the eyes of the Roma: Intergroup contact, prejudice and social norms”

    The webinar will take place on 26.5.2021 from 14.00 till 16.00 CET. The presentations and discussion will be in English. For a zoom link, please, register at bit.ly/2VympaJ.

  • 10/20/2020 Sylvie Graf členkou konsorcia projektu 953326 „G-VERSITY – Achieving Gender Diversity”

    Doc. Mgr. Sylvie Graf, Ph.D., z Psychologického ústavu Akademie věd České republiky je členkou konsorcia projektu 953326 „G-VERSITY – Achieving Gender Diversity” v rámci prestižního schématu European Training Network (ETN), Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, Horizon 2020.

    Cílem European Training Network je v rámci tříletého doktorského studia připravit odbornice a odborníky na téma genderové diverzity, kteří budou v budoucnu působit jak na vědeckých tak i aplikovaných pozicích. Doktorské studentky a studenti se budou v rámci interdisciplinárního projektu G-VERSITY zabývat tím, co ovlivňuje volbu vzdělání a profese u žen, mužů a příslušníků společenských menšin. Na základě vědeckých zjištění navrhnou konkrétní postupy, jak zvýšit diverzitu studujících a pracujících v oborech a profesích, kde jsou málo zastoupeni. Doktorské studující bude školit konsorcium akademických a neakademických partnerů z osmi evropských zemí.

    V rámci G-VERSITY je v současnosti vypsáno celkem 15 PhD pozic pro mezinárodní studující, kteří prokáží vysokou motivaci k interdisciplinárnímu výzkumu genderové diverzity. Více informací naleznete na stránkách projektu.

    Uzávěrka přihlášek prostřednictvím webového formuláře je 15. listopadu 2020.

  • 07/21/2020 Martina Hrebickova was awarded the Jiri Hoskovec Prize

    The 2020 awardee of the Jiri Hoskovec Prize by the Czech-Moravian Psychological Society is Martina Hrebickova, senior member of Brno Lab of Intergroup Processes. The award recognizes psychologists who remarkably contributed to development of Czech Psychology with respect to significant scientific, pedagogic or applied achievements. see here

  • 03/14/2020 A new project

    The team of the Brno Lab of Intergroup Processes has received funding from the Czech Science Foundation for the three-year research project 20-01214S “Mutual perception of acculturation preferences in majority and immigrants: An intergroup perspective” with Sylvie Graf as principal investigator. The new project is a follow up of the project 17-14387S "The Effect of Intergroup Contact on Acculturation Strategies and Support for Minority Rights: A longitudinal perspective in majority and minority" with Martina Hřebíčková as principal investigator

  • 02/21/2020 Our book received an award

    The book “Czechs and their neighbors: Intergroup attitudes and contact in Central Europe” couthored by Sylvie Graf and Martina Hřebíčková received the International Collaboration Award” of the Czech and Slovak Academy of Sciences.


Sylvie Graf

Martina Hřebíčková

Tibor Žingora

Mirjana Rupar

Shpend Voca

David Lacko

Simona Oľhová

Roman Koky

Adéla Novotná

Brno lab of intergroup processes

Research projects

Our current projects deal with acculturation of minority members, group stereotypes, outgroup perception and attitudes, primary and secondary effects of intergroup contact, the role of social norms and intergroup threats in diminishing prejudice, the effects of language in intergroup context and many more.


The project 20-01214S awarded by the Czech Science Foundation investigate the dynamic relationship between acculturation preferences and quality of intergroup relations in majority and minority members.


The international project in six countries examines the link between anti-COVID behaviour and attitudes toward immigrants, focusing on fear from the unknown as an underlying mechanism.


The project 17-14387S awarded by the Czech Science Foundation unravelled how acculturation strategies of both minority and majority members affect support for minority rights.


The project 13-25656S awarded by the Czech Science Foundation contributed to understanding how stereotypes influence the effect of intergroup contact on prejudice – both primary and secondary transfer effects.


Our Address

Psychologický ústav AVČR, v.v.i.
Veveří 97, 60200 Brno

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+420 532290 258
+420 532290 120