Biologia plantarum, 1972 (vol. 14), issue 3
Relation of leaf deformities induced by 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid to growth correlations inBryophyllum rosei
R. Dostál
Biologia plantarum 14:177-185, 1972 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02921248
Deformities of leaves induced by 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid (TIBA) may be helpful in elucidating certain plant growth correlations. The different behaviour of long and short shoots as regards apical dominance may be tested with this substance. Shoots growing out through ring fasciations first form leaves lacking the teeth and marginal primordia corresponding to bud scales. Are fasciations facilitate correlative studies on anisophylly. Sylleptic branching is cleared by additional fasciations provoked by the cytokinin supply. The effect of gibberellin which decreases these deformities corresponds to the correlative influence of roots. The TIBA induced...
Contribution to the estimation of malic dehydrogenase isoenzymes in the root growth zones ofVicia faba L.
Věra Hadačová
Biologia plantarum 14:186-196, 1972 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02921249
Highly active NAD-MDH (E.C. and low activity of NADP-MDH (E.C. were found inVicia faba roots. The NAD-MDH activity is associated with 6 to 12 isoenzymes. The number of isoenzymes is dependent on the extraction (use of Triton X-100etc.) and detection procudures (presence of KCN, phenazine methosulphate). The meristematic zone does not contain one isoenzyme (X) which is present in the other two zones. The meristematic zone, elongation zone and zone with the beginning differentiation differ in their activity of individual isoenzymes.
The effect of (2-chloroethyl) trimethylammonium chloride on ethylene evolution and respiration rate of an early cultivar of apples
J. Bečka
Biologia plantarum 14:197-203, 1972 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02921250
Ethylene production and respiration rate of an early cultivar of apples, Letní průsvitné žluté, is significantly increased after the application of the lowest tested concentration of CCC (0.1% in lanolin). These effects, calculated from the amount of released ethylene and carbon dioxide, were observed during the whole period of ripening. The production of ethylene is slightly inhibited by the higher concentrations of CCC while the respiration rate is not significantly affected.The rate of the ethylene production of the early cultivar of apples is decreased 4.4 to 9.7 fold by 0.1% CCC as compared with the winter cultivar Jonathan. Although these...
Bud and root neoformation on leaf fragments ofBegonia rexPutz.: Effect of different growth and trophic substances and environmental conditions
Averil Chlyah
Biologia plantarum 14:204-212, 1972 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02921251
The effects of several growth and trophic substances on bud and root neoformation on leaf fragments ofBegonia rex were studied in precisely defined environmental conditions. IAA, depending on the type of treatment, had different effects. In aseptic cultures, a notable stimulation of bud formation was observed at certain concentrations. However, non aseptic treatments of IAA had no visible effects except at very high concentrations.(10-3 M) where bud formation was totally inhibited and root formation was favored. NAA, at 10-6 M and 10-5 M strongly stimulated root formation and inhibited shoot formation. All the...
Vegetative propagation inScirpus lacustris L.
J. P. Ondok
Biologia plantarum 14:213-218, 1972 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02921252
Growth measurements on individual polycormones ofScirpus lacustris L. cultivated in hydroponic sand cultures from single rhizome cuttings enabled us to analyse the process of offshoot formation. The time interval in the growth of individual subsequent shoots of one polycormone (plastochron), the final length of the shoot and the number of shoots formed during the growth period are suitable parameters for describing the rhythm of offshoot formation. The interdependence of these parameters and the effect of cutting or shading of individual shoots characterize the translocation of assimilates produced by individual shoots, and their use for the...
On diurnal mitotic activity in root tip meristem ofPicea abies (L.)Karst
T. Terasmaa
Biologia plantarum 14:219-222, 1972 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02921253
The determination of mitotic frequency was made in two variants: one part of seeds was germinated in darkness, the other-under periodical artificial lighting. The diurnal mitotic activity varied from 6.2 to 13.5 per cent. After germination under periodical lighting two peaks of mitotic activity [at 6°c a.m. and 4°c p.m.] were found whereas after germination in darkness there was only one [at 12°c a.m. or 6°c p.m. in different repeats].
Brief Communications
Influence of indole-3-acetic acid, kinetin and abscisic acid on the estrogens content of beans
J. Kopcewicz
Biologia plantarum 14:223-226, 1972 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02921254
No influence of IAA on the endogenous estrogen content in bean plants was stated. At the same time kinetin was found to increase and abscisic acid to decrease the amounts of estrogens.
The relationship between electric capacitance and some other parameters of plant roots
O. Chloupek
Biologia plantarum 14:227-230, 1972 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02921255
Using regression analysis a proof of the relation between the electric capacitance and the root surface in maize, sunflower, oats and onion plants was given. This dependence is possible to exploit in the selection of plants (of the same population grown under the same conditions) for a well-developed root system.
Photosynthetic production of dry matter from cucumber leaf-dises infected with the fungusCorynespora melonis(Coocke) Lindau
V. Kazda, V. Hervert
Biologia plantarum 14:231-233, 1972 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02921256
The photosynthetic production of dry matter of discs cut out from leaves of cucumber plants severely infected withCorynespora melonis was significantly lower than that of discs from healthy plants. The decrease was found in discs from leaves both infected and symptomless. Expected inhibition agent has not been isolated up to now.
The alkylation of cell macromolecules in barley embryos with mutagenic N-methyl (14C)-N-Nitrosourea
J. Velemínský, V. Pokorný, Jiřina Švachulová, T. Gichner
Biologia plantarum 14:234-237, 1972 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02921257
In barley embryos, treated with N-methyl (14C)-N-nitrosourea, the alkylation of nucleic acids was much higher than that of proteins and lipids. At a concentration inhibiting the growth of M1 seedlings to 50%, 0.27% of DNA-guanine was methylated to N-7-methylguanine. In barley DNA, alkylatedin vitro, the presence of 3-methyladenine and 0-6-methylguanine was chromatographically detected.
Some factors affecting the spread of mycoplasma in plants
Marie Ulrychová, J. Limberk
Biologia plantarum 14:238-240, 1972 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02921258
Studying the spread of mycoplasma, the causal agent of potato witches' broom disease, in tomato plants after grafting with infectious grafts ofNicotiana glaucaGrah., we found that after 9 days of graft symbiosis a hundred per cent infection occurred, whereas with infectious grafts ofSolanum lycopersicum this took place after 16 days. The first symptoms of the disease were manifested on tomato plants 21 days after grafting with infectiousNicotiana glauca grafts and 28 days after grafting with infectious tomato grafts. The results obtained present evidence for the possible preference of tomato plants for mycoplasma.