Biologia plantarum, 1983 (vol. 25), issue 4


Book reviews

B. Slavík, J. Čatský, M. Sosna, T. Gichner, Vlasta Čatská, J. Velemínský, Zuzana Josefusová, Ingrid Tichá, Marie Ulrychová, M. Kamínek, J. Krekule, J. Luštinec, Jiřina Slavíková, J. Tupý

Biologia plantarum 25:310-318, 1983 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02902881

Original Papers

Seasonal histochemical changes in the cambium ofTectona grandis L. f. andgmelina arborea roxb

K. S. Rao, Y. S. Dave

Biologia plantarum 25:241-245, 1983 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02902869

Starch, lipids and proteins are localized histochemically in fusiform and ray initials ofTectona grandis andGmelina arborea during the periodicity of cambium in the year 1978. The histochemical variations are correlated with the seasonal activity and dormancy of the cambium and phenology. Starch grains appear in the cambial cells with the development of young leaves after defoliation. Lipid and protein bodies are significantly high in dormant cambial cells and scarce in active ones.

Glycolipid and phospholipid composition of wheat and barley chloroplasts

Shashi Chetal, D. S. Wagle, H. S. Nainawatee

Biologia plantarum 25:246-251, 1983 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02902870

Composition of complex lipid of chloroplasts of two cultivars of wheat and barley was determined at tillering, ear emergence and grain filling stages. The chloroplast lipids, MGDG, DGDG and PG were maximum at grain filling stage in both wheat and barley. PC content showed variations at different stages in both the crops while no significant changes were observed in PI concentrations at grain filling stage.

Regulation of the nitrate reductase inPisum sativum andtriticum aestivum by irradiation

Inderjeet Singh Bakshi

Biologia plantarum 25:252, 1983 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02902871

Nitrate reductase (NR) activity of bothPisum sativum L. cv. Bonneville andTriticum aestivum L. cv. Sonalika seedlings was influenced by the phytochrome system. Short durations of "red" irradiation (R) increased extractable levels of NR whereas subsequent short "far-red" irradiation (FR) partially inhibited the R modulated increases. Qualitatively, a negative correlation existed between thein vitro NR activities andin vivo phytochrome levels inPisum. "Blue" irradiation (B) also increased extractable levels of NR inTriticum. A partial action spectrum study made by exposing excised etiolated leaves ofTriticum...

Effects of asparagine, Irradiation and NADH on the nitrate reductase inWolffia microscopica

Inderjeet Singh Bakshi

Biologia plantarum 25:259, 1983 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02902872

Nitrate concentration required for maximal extractable level of nitrate reductase (NR) inWolffia varies with the conditions prior to the nitrate treatment. Maximal enzyme activity is obtained at 2 mM nitrate concentration with asparagine grown plants and at 15 mM with nitrate grown. Both the level of enzyme activity and nitrate uptake by the tissue are increased by irradiation. The radiant energy induced increase in enzyme activity is not due to photosynthetic activity alone. An effect of radiant energy at the membrane level is sug gested. The extracted enzyme, which is labile, is protected and activated by NADH at 0 °C.

The comparison of seed protein patterns within the genusArachis by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis

Eva Klozová, Jiřina Švachulová, J. Smartt, E. Hadač, Věra Turková, Véra Hadačová

Biologia plantarum 25:266-273, 1983 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02902873

The seed protein patterns of 12Arachis species were compared by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE), similarities between patterns were measured by the Jaccard index. Results obtained confirm the close relationships established between members of the genus on morphological grounds and support the more recent classification schemes.A. villosa andA. correntina could well be regarded as distinct species on grounds of protein differences whileA. macedoi andA. villosulicarpa (although members of the same section, Extranervosae) show considerable differentiation of their protein patterns. Surprisingly, the formA....

The effect of some herbicides on lactate dehydrogenase activity

M. Press, Jana Barthová, Sylva Leblová

Biologia plantarum 25:274-278, 1983 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02902874

The effect of herbicides N-(phosphonomethyl)glycine (glyphosate), 2-methyl-4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid (MCPA), 2-chloro-4-ethylamino-6-isopropylamino-1,3,5-triazine (atrazine) and the respective commercial preparations "Round-up", "Aminex", and "Zeazin", on the activity of lactate dehydrogenase isolated from germinating soybean seeds and beef heart were compared. The main aim of the work was to compare the effect of the herbicides on lactate dehydrogenase isolated from animal and plant material. Simultaneously the effect of herbicides and the respective commercial preparations was compared. Substantial differences resulting from the two comparisons...

The uptake,distribution, leakage, and incorporation of32P into organic compounds in alfalfa plants susceptible and resistant to the bacterial wilt and the effect ofCorynebacterium insidiosum upon these processes

I. Hanker, Anna Kůdelová

Biologia plantarum 25:279, 1983 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02902875

Higher32P uptake per plant was found in the healthy resistant (R) alfalfa (Medicago saliva L.) plants when compared with the healthy plants susceptible (S) to the bacterial wilt, following the exposure of the roots of intact plants to the radiophosphate solution. The bacterial infection markedly decreased32P uptake and radioactivity levels per dry matter in most organs of the R-plants on the day 8 and 14 after inoculation withCorynebacterium insidiosum whereas in the S-plants a decrease in32P uptake was only found on the day 8.32P leakage rate from the infected R-plant roots to the nonradioactive...

Chromosomal characteristics of barley root meristems differentiated from calli

Blanka Vostřáková-Němcová, S. Rakouský, M. Ondřej

Biologia plantarum 25:288-292, 1983 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02902876

Callogenesis was induced in mature embryos. The efficiency of induction and the growth of calli were dependent on 2,4-D concentration. No regeneration of buds or shoots was observed in 720 calli studied, but most calli showed intensive root proliferation on the regeneration medium. Most of the root meristem cells maintained diploid chromosome number. Only a low proportion (about 3.5%) of tetraploid cells was found. No other chromosomal changes were observed. Chromosomal variability does not contribute to the inability of calli derived from mature barley embryos to form buds and shoots.

Counter-flow of3H-IAA and14C-ABA in long pea epicotyl segments

V. Borkovec, S. Procházka

Biologia plantarum 25:293-298, 1983 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02902877

The counter-flow of3H-IAA and14C-ABA was studied in both aeropetal and basipetal arrangement in 11-cm long segments of pea epicotyls. A significant acropetal flow of14C-ABA was promoted by exogenous application of3H-IAA in the apical part of the segment together with a simultaneous promotion of its elongation growth. In the case of limited basipetal flow of14C-ABA neither the accumulation of this growth regulator on site of3H-IAA application nor a growth promotion were observed.

Similar degree of methyl methanesulphonate-induced DNA damage in two clones ofTradescantia differing in mutagenic sensitivity to alkylating agents

J. Velemínský, T. Gichner, V. Pokorný, J. Šatava

Biologia plantarum 25:299-304, 1983 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02902878

In two clones ofTradescantia (4430 and 02) differing in the sensitivity to the mutagenic action of alkylating agents, equimolar doses of [14C] methyl methanesulphonate (MMS) elicited a similar degree of protein, RNA and DNA alkylation and a similar amount of DNA-7-methylguanine and DNA-3-methyladenine in cells of inflorescence. Moreover, in the same clones and tissues the same doses of nonlabelled MMS produced a similar amount of DNA single strand breaks and/or alkali labile sites as measured in alkaline sucrose gradients. None of the DNA lesions followed is therefore decisive for explanation of the different mutagenic sensitivity...

In vitro propagation of willows (Salix spp.), European mountain-ash (Sorbus aucuparia L.) and black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.)

V. Chalupa

Biologia plantarum 25:305-307, 1983 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02902879

Willows were rapidly propagated by repeated division of cultured rooted shoots into a larger number of nodal segments. Rapid clonal propagation of mountain-ash and black locust was achieved by induction of shoots from axillary buds and a multiple shoot culture was used for rapid multiplication. Excised shoots were rooted in an agar medium with a low concentration of auxin and rooted plantlets were transplanted to soil.

Brief Communications

The effect of red light on the level of free IAA

Libuše Pavlová, J. Krekule

Biologia plantarum 25:308-309, 1983 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02902880

Red light (660 nm) break which cancels the floral inductive effect of the dark period brought about a transitional rise in the level of free IAA in the shoot ofChenopodium rubrum. The higher content of IAA was then found in treated plants at the beginning of the following photoperiod, too. The red light treatment did not change the phase of endogenous rhythm fluctuations of free IAA.


Professor F. W. Went - octogenarian

J. Krekule

Biologia plantarum 25:319, 1983 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02902882