Seznam publikací
- Effect of anti-microtubular drug amiprophos-methyl (APM) on somatic embryogenesis and DNA ploidy levels in alfalfa carrot cell suspension cultures. BIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 35 329-339 1993
- Localization of MPM-2 recognized phosphoproteins and tubulin during cell cycle progression in synchronized Vicia faba L. root meristem cells. CELL BIOLOGY INTERNATIONAL 17 847-856 1993
- Nuclear DNA synthesis and tubulin during the induction of embryogenesis in cultured microspores and pollen of Brassica napus L. THEORETICAL AND APPLIED GENETICS 87 17-21 1993
- Nuclear DNA synthesis during the induction of embryogenesis in cultured microspores and pollen of Brassica napus L. THEORETICAL AND APPLIED GENETICS 87 9-16 1993
- Cytoskelet rostlin. BIOLOGICKÉ LISTY 57 197 – 215 1992
- Phenolic accumulation and peroxidase acrivity in in vitro selected alfalfa callus cultures resistant to filtrated of Fusaruium spp. BIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 34 203-211 1992
- Selection for resistance to filtrates of Fusarium spp. in embryogenic cell suspension culture of Medicago sativa L. PLANT CELL, TISSUE AND ORGAN CULTURE 22 191 – 196 1990
- Analysis of nuclear DNA content in plant cells by flow cytometry. BIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 31 113 – 120 1989
- Metody studia vodního provozu Metody Studia Ekosystémů. 378-414 1989
- Selection and characterization of alfalfa cell lines resistant to lysine + threonine and/or ethionine. BIOCHEMIE UND PHYSIOLOGIE DER PFLANZEN 185 99 – 107 1989
- The effect of colchicine on ploidy level, morphology and embryogenic capacity of alfalfa suspension cultures. PLANT SCIENCE 64 213 – 219 1989
- Alfalfa embryogenic cell suspension culture: growth and ploidy level stability. JOURNAL OF PLANT PHYSIOLOGY 133 561 – 566 1988
- Relationship between intracellular resistance for net CO2 uptake rate and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase activity in leaves of Zea mays L. BIOCHEMIE UND PHYSIOLOGIE DER PFLANZEN 183 351-354 1988
- The localization of carboxyl esterase in embryoids of Medicago sativa in connections with their polarity. HISTOCHEMICAL JOURNAL 19 608-608 1987
- Vliv ozářenosti listu v průběhu ontogeneze na počet a velikost průduchů a epidermální difúzní vodivost. BIOLOGICKÉ LISTY 52 207-223 1987
- Vlhkost vzduchu a regulace rychlosti transpirace. BIOLOGICKÉ LISTY 50 81-97 1985
- Možnosti využití chemických látek omezujících výdej vodní páry u kulturních rostlin ÚVTIZ Praha 5-74 1978
- Transport vody v rostlině Ústav vědeckotechnických informací 5-99 1966