Co-work publications 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 All departments DBCMO DBIS DBNA DC DCBE DCBR DMBP DME DPDG DSDNA Novohradsky V., Markova L., Kostrhunova H., Kasparkova J., Hoeschele J., Brabec V. (2022), A [Pt(cis-1,3-diaminocycloalkane)Cl2] analog exhibits hallmarks typical of immunogenic cell death inducers in model cancer cells., Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry Švecová E., Ostatná V., Fojt L., Hermannová M., Velebný V., Ondreáš F. (2022), Adsorption/desorption behavior of hyaluronic acid fragments at charged hydrophobic surface, Carbohydrate Polymers Bohálová N., Dobrovolná M., Brázda V., Bidula S. (2022), Conservation and over-representation of G-quadruplex sequences in regulatory regions of mitochondrial DNA across distinct taxonomic sub-groups, Biochimie Casas-luna M., Montufar E.B., Hort N., Díaz-de-la-torre S., Méndez-garcía J.C., Vištejnová L., Brínek A., Danhel A., Dvorak K., Kaiser J., Celko L. (2022), Degradable magnesium-hydroxyapatite interpenetrating phase composites processed by current assisted metal infiltration in additive-manufactured porous preforms, Journal of Magnesium and Alloys Markova L., Novohradsky V., Kasparkova J., Ruiz J., Brabec V. (2022), Dipyridophenazine iridium(III) complex as a phototoxic cancer stem cell selective, mitochondria targeting agent, Chemico-Biological Interactions Soňa Legartová, Alena Svobodová Kovaříková, Jana Běhalová Suchánková, Hana Polášek-Sedláčková and Eva Bártová (2022), Early recruitment of PARP-dependent m8A RNA methylation at DNA lesions is subsequently accompanied by active DNA demethylation, RNA Biology Fojt L., Grüner B., Nekvinda J., Tűzűn E.Z., Havran L., Fojta M. (2022), Electrochemistry of Cobalta Bis(dicarbollide) Ions Substituted at Carbon Atoms with Hydrophilic Alkylhydroxy and Carboxy Groups, Molecules Fojt L., Grüner B., Holub J., Havran L., Fojta M. (2022), Electrochemistry of Icosahedral Metal Full and Half Sandwich Metallacarboranes in Phosphate Buffers, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry Havran L., Vacek J., Dorčák V. (2022), Free and bound histidine in reactions at mercury electrode, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry Cantara A., Luo Y., Dobrovolná M., Bohalova N., Fojta M., Verga D., Guittat L., Cucchiarini A., Savrimoutou S., Häberli C., Guillon J., Keiser J., Brázda V., Mergny J.L. (2022), G-quadruplexes in helminth parasites, Nucleic Acids Research Hreusova M., Novohradsky V., Markova L., Kostrhunova H., Potočňák I., Brabec V., Kasparkova J. (2022), Gallium(III) complex with cloxyquin ligands induces ferroptosis in cancer cells and is a potent agent against both differentiated and tumorigenic cancer stem Rhabdomyosarcoma cells, Bioinorganic Chemistry and Applications Holoubek J., Bednářová K., Haviernik J., Huvarová I., Dvořáková Z., Černý J., Outlá M., Salát J., Konkol'ová E., Boura E., Růžek D., Vorlíčková M., Eyer L., Renčiuk D. (2022), Guanine quadruplexes in the RNA genome of the tick-borne encephalitis virus: their role as a new antiviral target and in virus biology, Nucleic Acids Research, 50, 4574 - 4600 Legartová S, Fagherazzi P, Goswami P, Brazda V, Lochmanová G, Koutná I, Bártová E (2022), Irradiation potentiates p53 phosphorylation and p53 binding to the promoter and coding region of the TP53 gene, Biochimie Kasparkova J., Kostrhunova H., Novohradsky V., Ma L., Zhu G., Milaeva E. R., Shtill A. A., Vinck R., Gasser G., Brabec V., Nazarov A. A. (2022), Is antitumor Pt(IV) complex containing two axial lonidamine ligands a true dual- or multi-action prodrug?, Metallomics Malina J., Kostrhunova H., Novohradsky V., Scott P., Brabec V. (2022), Metallohelix vectors for efficient gene delivery via cationic DNA nanoparticles., Nucleic Acids Research Brázda V., Bohálová N., Bowater R.P. (2022), New telomere to telomere assembly of human chromosome 8 reveals a previous underestimation of G-quadruplex forming sequences and inverted repeats, Genes Kasparkova J., Kostrhunova H., Novohradsky V., Logvinov A. A., Temnov V. V., Borisova N. E., Podrugina T. A., Markova L., Starha P., Nazarov A. A., Brabec V. (2022), Novel cis-Pt(II) complexes with alkylpyrazole ligands: Synthesis, characterization, and unusual mode of anticancer action, Bioinorganic Chemistry and Applications Novohradsky V., Markova L., Kostrhunova H., Svitelova M., Kasparkova J., Barbanente A., Papadia P., Margiotta N., Hoeschele J. D., Brabec V. (2022), Pt(II) complex containing the 1R,2R enantiomer of trans-1,2-diamino-4-cyclohexene ligand effectively and selectively inhibits the viability of aggressive pancreatic adenocarcinoma cells and alters their lipid metabolism, Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers Cervinka J., Gobbo A., Biancalana L., Markova L., Novohradsky V., Guelfi M., Zacchini S., Kasparkova J., Brabec V., Marchetti F. (2022), Ruthenium(II)–tris-pyrazolylmethane complexes inhibit cancer cell growth by disrupting mitochondrial calcium homeostasis, Journal of Medicinal Chemistry Bartas M., Slychko K., Brázda V., Červeň J., Beaudoin Ch.A., Blundell T.L., Pečinka P. (2022), Searching for New Z-DNA/Z-RNA Binding Proteins Based on Structural Similarity to Experimentally Validated Zα Domain, International Journal of Molecular Sciences El Anwar S., Pazderová L., Bavol D., Bakardjiev M., Růžičková Z., Horáček O., Fojt L., Kučera R., Grűner B. (2022), Structurally rigidified cobalt bis(dicarbollide) derivatives, a chiral platform for labelling of biomolecules and new materials, Chemical Communications Legartová S, Lochmanová G, Bártová E (2022), The Highest Density of Phosphorylated Histone H1 Appeared in Prophase and Prometaphase in Parallel with Reduced H3K9me3, and HDAC1 Depletion Increased H1.2/H1.3 and H1.4 Serine 38 Phosphorylation, Life (Basel)