Master Theses
Monday, 12 September, 2022
Master´s Thesis Defense Presentations
Let us invite you to the Master Thesis Defense Presentations on Monday, September 12, 2022.
Monday 12. 09.
Defense Committee: Michal Bauer (chair 10:00, 11:30), Christian Ochsner (chair 13:30, 15:00), Mariola Pytliková at room #402
10:00 Kosenkova Vlada: Russia Versus Breast Cancer: Examination of the “White Rose” Charity Project
Chair: Andreas Menzel
Opponent: Vasily Korovkin
11:30 Smirnov Maksim: Job Reallocation and Wage Structure in the Czech Republic Based on ISPV Data
Chair: Štěpán Jurajda
Opponent: Vasily Korovkin
13:30 Sinani Sofiana: Labor Market Effects of the Working Family Tax Credit on Single Mothers in the UK
Chair: Andreas Menzel
Opponent: Krešimir Žigić
15:00 Kotarja Angjelina: The Impact of Floods on Maternal and Newborn Healthcare in Pakistan
Chair: Andreas Menzel
Opponent: Paolo Zacchia
Smirnov Maksim: Job Reallocation and Wage Structure in the Czech Republic Based on ISPV Data
A component of labor dynamics is attributed to job reallocation. Specifically, job destruction and job creation indicate the structural changes in the labor market and the economy in general. The rates of creation and destruction of occupations differ by industry and reflect the dynamics of the economy. In this paper I employ a job reallocation framework to investigate the structural employment dynamics in the Czech Republic from 2014-2016. I use cross-industry comparisons of job destruction, job creation and job reallocation rates to provide a big picture of the Czech economy via labor market dynamics. Further, I conduct more detailed regional-level analysis of job flows in various industries. I also study wage structure at firm- industry- group-of-industry- and regional- level. The analysis of both job flows and wage dynamics is useful for a more comprehensive assessment of the labor market dynamics. Among other results, I show that manufacturing and trade sectors grew fastest on average in the Czech Republic in 2014-2016. Non-service sectors except for manufacturing consistently shrank on average in 2014-2016. Wages evolved similarly across the majority of industries and grew for all quantiles of the wage distribution. I also find evidence of a strong negative relation between firm-level job flows and average wage
Full Text: “Job Reallocation and Wage Structure in the Czech Republic Based on ISPV Data”