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A Medal of Merit, First Grade for Michal Mejstřík

1 November, 2021

On the Day of the Establishment of the Independent Czechoslovak State, president Miloš Zeman recognized twenty-nine people. A Medal of Merit, First Grade, in memoriam, was announced for Michal Mejstřík, former director of CERGE, for merits in the field of science and education. The Medal of Merit is awarded in three grades, First Grade being the highest.

Michal Mejstřík studied econometrics at the University of Economics in Prague and then worked at the Institute of Economics of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. He was awarded a doctorate from the Faculty of Social Sciences at Charles University in 1991. He received the title of Professor of Economics at Charles University in Prague in 1997.

During the Covid-19 pandemic, Professor Mejstřík served as a member of the economic advisory team of the Central Crisis Staff. He also became a member of the KoroNERV-20 expert group, which was established to reduce the impact of the pandemic on the Czech economy.

The presidential office has announced that the official ceremony, where the recognized people will collect their prizes, will take place on January 1st, 2022.

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