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The structure of steroids fundamentally affects their effect at the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors (20.10. 2022)


N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors (NMDARs) are proteins involved in the regulation of many processes in the mammalian brain. They play a key role in signal transmission between nerve cells, and even a small disturbance in the NMDAR function may have sever pathophysiological effects. A reduced function of NMDARs is associated with neuropsychiatric disorders such as mental retardation, reduced intellect, schizophrenia, autism spectrum disorders, epilepsy, or motor disorders. The insufficient NMDAR function can be compensated for by numerous compounds, including neurosteroids. However, the mechanism by which neurosteroids potentiate NMDARs is not well understood.

In a study published in the British Journal of Pharmacology, we investigated the effect of newly synthesized synthetic analogues of endogenous neurosteroid pregnanolone sulfate on NMDARs. We demonstrated that analogues with short aliphatic chains, such as pregnanolone carboxylate (PA-Car), inhibit NMDAR responses, whereas analogues with longer aliphatic chains, such as epipregnanolone butyrate (EPA-But), potentiate NMDAR responses. Combining electrophysiology, molecular biology, and computational modelling, we identified the binding site for EPA-But at the transmembrane domain of NMDAR and suggested the mechanism by which EPA-But enhance the NMDAR function.



(A) Left, structure of pregnanolone carboxylate (PA-Car) and epipregnanolone butyrate (EPA-But). Right, graph shows the average effect of PA-Car and EPA-But at NMDAR. (B) Location of the EPA-But binding site at the transmembrane domain of NMDAR. Amino-acid residues that are involved in the interaction with EPA-But molecule (green) are highlighted in red.

Kysilov B, Hrcka Krausova B, Vyklicky V, Smejkalova T, Korinek M, Horak M, Chodounska H, Kudova E, Cerny J, Vyklicky L: Pregnane-based steroids are novel positive NMDA receptor modulators that may compensate for the effect of loss-of-function disease-associated GRIN mutations. British Journal of Pharmacology, (2022) 179:15, 3970–3990, IF = 9.473,  DOI

Ion channel TRPC5 as a target for treating neuropathic pain (19.10. 2022)

Despite great advances in medicine, treatment options for pain states associated with diabetes or chemotherapy-induced neuropathy are still limited. These types of neuropathies are accompanied by cold-induced pain that is very difficult to manage in clinical practice. In fact, the only drug that has successfully undergone clinical trials and demonstrated efficacy for this type of pain so far is duloxetine. This drug is superior to other antidepressants with a similar mechanism of action at managing painful neuropathies, but it is not known why. Interestingly, it has recently been shown that the cold-sensitive TRPC5 ion channel is expressed in human sensory neurons and that inhibition of its activity relieves persistent pain, including neuropathic cold pain.

In our study we asked whether the TRPC5 channel is modulated by duloxetine and may contribute to its analgesic effect. Our electrophysiological measurements showed that TRPC5 channel activity is strongly suppressed by duloxetine. We performed molecular docking and molecular dynamic simulations that identified a potential biding site for duloxetine. Subsequent point mutagenesis validated that the duloxetine molecule resides in a well-known biding pocket on the intracellular side of the TRPC5 transmembrane domain. Slight manipulation of the shape and electrostatic of the binding pocket environment (replacing the amino acid glutamate 418 with alanine) caused a complete loss of the duloxetine effect on voltage-evoked TRPC5 activity. Our results suggest that TRPC5 is a previously unrecognised target for a commonly used, highly effective drug against severe forms of pain. Furthermore, the finding that this TRPC5 inhibitor is widely used and well tolerated provides a scaffold for new pain treatment strategies.



Zimova L, Ptakova A, Mitro M, Krusek J,Vlachova V: Activity dependent inhibition of TRPC1/4/5 channels by duloxetine involves voltage sensor-like domain, Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy. Roč. 152, August 2022, 113262, IF = 7,419, DOI

New lipid classes in human breastmilk (29.7. 2022)


Breastfeeding is the best way of nutrition for a newborn baby. Mother's milk provides the ideal cocktail of nutrients and bioactive components for rapid growth and development in this early period of human life. Milk composition can be affected by several factors such as maternal dietary habits, mode of delivery, and pregnancy length. An essential question for neonatologists is just the optimal composition of breastmilk for premature babies. 

In our study, we investigated the impact of preterm birth and a cesarean section on the quality of the first form of milk – colostrum. Analysis of the samples obtained from mothers at the Institute for the Care of Mother and Child in Prague showed that both the mode and term of delivery slightly negatively affected the composition of colostrum. In these cases, the mammary gland of mothers did not have enough time to initiate fully-fledged milk production. Still, this negative effect disappears in time, and mature milk composition resembles the milk of mothers who delivered spontaneously in term.

Moreover, we discovered a peculiar class of lipids called triacylglycerol estolides in all milk samples, which serves as a reservoir of the antiinflammatory lipids. We found out that the milk enzyme carboxyl ester lipase can digest these complex molecules and release substances with beneficial effects on the health of newborns.


Brejchová K, Palůchová V, Březinová M, Čajka T, Balas L, Durand T, Křížová M, Straňák Z, Kuda O: Triacylglycerols containing branched palmitic acid ester of hydroxystearic acid (PAHSA) are present in the breast milk and hydrolyzed by carboxyl ester lipase, Food Chemistry. 2022; 388(Sep 15)); 132983, IF = 9.231 DOI

Maternal rhythmic behavior supports the development of the fetal biological clock (27.5. 2022)

Before the fetal internal biological clock in the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) of the hypothalamus begins to tick, the rhythmic behavior of the mother affects the function and development of this structure. This was found in a new study published by the team of Alena Sumová from the Institute of Physiology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic on May 24 in the journal PLOS Biology. This discovery contributes significantly to the understanding of the development of the internal clock and may find application in the treatment of premature babies.

The SCN are the central clock in our body, driven by the rhythmic switching on and off of the clock genes. The rhythmic activity of clock genes in SCN cells controls the activity of many other genes locally and elsewhere in the body, which ultimately affects a wide range of circadian rhythms in behavior, including food intake and sleep. However, this autonomous rhythmic gene activity of the SCN begins relatively late in fetal development, which raises the question of whether maternal signals may affect the gene activity in the SCN before it develops.

To investigate this question, the authors compared the daily gene activity profiles in SCN from fetuses developing in pregnant rats kept in the constant darkness under two different conditions. The control group of mothers had intact SCN and free access to food, while the other group of mothers had SCN surgically removed and had limited access to food for eight hours a day so that their locomotor activity showed a circadian rhythm even in the absence of a central clock. Using biostatistical analyzes they found that in the SCN of the fetuses of both groups, there was a small set of genes whose timing differed between the two groups, and a much larger set of genes whose activity oscillated in synchrony. Many of these genes could be assigned to two major neuronal processes, reflecting in the first case the ongoing development of the SCN and in the second case the earliest manifestation of their function. The data suggest that in the development of fetal SCN, maternal stimuli can replace the missing intercellular synaptic communication and control the rhythms of cell populations before the SCN clocks fully mature. The unexpected extent and specificity of SCN cell responses to maternal signals underlines the importance of a functioning maternal biological clock during pregnancy and points to the potential impact of the absence of such signals in preterm infants.

Greiner P., Houdek P., Sládek M., Sumová A.: Early rhythmicity in the fetal suprachiasmatic nuclei in response to maternal signals detected by omics approach. PLOS Biology; DOI, IF 8.029 Published: May 24, 2022  

New findings on the structure of the FOXO4: p53 complex - a key factor in senescence regulation (22.4. 2022)

Transcription factor p53 protects cells against tumorigenesis when subjected to various cellular stresses. Under stress conditions, p53 interacts with another transcription factor, FOXO4 (Forkhead box O 4), and together they increase the production of p21 protein, which triggers the process of cell aging (senescence). However, the molecular mechanism of upregulation of p21 transcription is still unclear. In the study published in the Protein Science journal, scientific teams of Dr. Obsilova (IPHYS CAS), prof. Obsil (Faculty of Science, Charles University and IPHYS CAS) and their colleagues from IOCB CAS characterized interactions between p53 and FOXO4 at the molecular level. New knowledge about the structure of the complex may enable the development of specific inhibitors of the interaction between these two proteins, and subsequently in the development of new drugs aimed at the selective elimination of senescent cells.

In this structural study, the researchers performed a detailed characterization of the interactions in the FOXO4: p53 complex using an integrated approach involving analytical ultracentrifugation, nuclear magnetic resonance, and chemical cross-linking coupled to mass spectrometry. Because both FOXO4 and p53 have multiple domains (see Figure), they studied the role of individual domains and disordered segments of both proteins and mapped their interaction interfaces. They found out that the interaction between p53 transactivation domain TAD and the FOXO4 Forkhead domain is crucial for the overall stability of the p53:FOXO4 complex. Furthermore, contacts involving the N-terminal disordered FOXO4 segment, the C-terminal negative regulatory domain of p53, and the DNA-binding domains of both proteins stabilize the complex formation. By measuring DNA binding, they further found that the p53: FOXO4 complex formation blocks p53 binding to DNA without affecting the DNA-binding properties of FOXO4.


Left, sedimentation velocity analytical ultracentrifugation analysis of interaction between FOXO4 and p53. Middle, chemical shift perturbations obtained from 1H-15N HSQC spectra of 15N-labeled FOXO4 in the presence of p53 mapped onto the crystal structure of the FOXO4 DBD:DNA complex. Right, fluorescence anisotropy measurements showing that the complex formation reduces the DNA-binding affinity of p53.

Mandal R, Kohoutova K, Petrvalska O, Horvath M, Srb P, Veverka V, Obsilova V and Obsil T. FOXO4 interacts with p53 TAD and CRD and inhibits its binding to DNA. Protein Sci. roč. 31, č. 5 (2022), č. článku e4287. IF = 6.725. DOI

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