The study describes and assesses range, conditions and variability of providing day care for children of pre-school and early-school age. The aim of the research was to supply missing statistical data with less accessible information. Among these are characteristics of activities and availability of nurseries and pre-schools, and deeper understanding of non-institutional forms of day care. In case of school age children the study aims to closely characterize the care for these children as provided by the schools outside teaching hours. The study takes into consideration social, health, financial and legal aspects of investigated issues. In order to evaluate demands and what is on offer in regard to the system of day care for small children the study focuses on three areas: recipients of the services (from their view as well as the view of relevant subjects), providers of the services (institutional and non-institutional forms) and on system and organisational circumstances.
Kuchařová, Věra, Pavel Bareš, Sylva Höhne, Olga Nešporová, Kamila Svobodová, Anna Šťastná, Lucie Žáčková
Péče o děti předškolního a raného školního věku
Kuchařová, Věra, Pavel Bareš, Sylva Höhne, Olga Nešporová, Kamila Svobodová, Anna Šťastná, Lucie Žáčková. 2009. Péče o děti předškolního a raného školního věku. Praha: VÚPSV, v.v.i. 214 s. ISBN 978-80-7416-041-7.
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