About Us


ERASMUS+ is an international project between various Czech, Slovak and Spanish institutes. The project is offering long term mobility opportunities for early-career researchers among partner institututions funded throught the EU. Furthermore,senior scientists from partner institututes can benefit of a short term exchange programme focusing on science topics performed by the participating institutes. The main goals of the project is to enhance the skills of early career researchers and give them an opportunity to spend time in the scientific group at partner institute working on project. Czech and Slovak early-career researchers will also have an opportunity to spend the time of their exchange at Gran Telescopio de Canarias, Spain.

As a part of senior researchers mobility a series of public lectures will be offered. All events will be announced here and the lectures will be made available online. We also invite you to read our blog where astronomers share their (not only scientific) experience with the mobility program.

Czech and Slovak early-career researchers will also have an opportunity to spend the time of their exchange at Gran Telescopio de Canarias, Spain. As a part of senior researchers mobility a series of public lectures will be offered. Partners: Astronomical Institute of Czech Academy of Science, UTFA Masaryk University, Comenius University Bratislava, Astronomical Institute of Slovak Academy of Sciences, Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias, Gran Telescopio de Canarias - associated partner.