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Vedoucí technicko-hospodářské správy

Ústav informatiky AV ČR, v. v. i., přijme pracovníka/ci na pozici vedoucí technicko-hospodářské správy.

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Undergraduate students affected by serious circumstances such as a military conflict

Several undergraduate part-time positions are available at the Institute of Computer Science of The Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, in the Combinatorial group: uivty.cs.cas.cz/ExtrA/.

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A doctoral position in Logic at the ICS ot the CAS - Ref. No. 23

A part-time PhD researcher position is available to join the Logic Group at the ICS. We are looking for highly motivated students who can readily conduct research in close collaboration with members of the Logic group, ideally within the framework of some of their running projects (see the webpage) LogICS and Mgr. Igor Sedlár, Ph.D..

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Postdoctoral / Junior Researcher position in computational psychometrics and statistics

Computational Psychometrics Group (www.cs.cas.cz/comps) at Department of Statistical Modelling, Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences invites applications for a postdoctoral or junior researcher position within the project “Theoretical Foundations of Computational Psychometrics” funded by the Czech Science Foundation (GACR) for period 2021 – 2023. The project focuses on theoretical and computational aspects of psychometrics with the aim to propose estimation and detection methods superior to traditional ones, as well as extensions to more complex designs. Project also provides software implementations together with simulated and real data examples demonstrating usefulness and superiority of the proposed methods.

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Research assistant position in computational psychometrics and statistics

Computational psychometrics group (www.cs.cas.cz/comps) at Department of Statistical Modelling, Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences invites applications for research assistant position within the project “Theoretical Foundations of Computational Psychometrics” funded by the Czech Science Foundation (GACR) for period 2021 – 2023. The project involves developing, optimizing and implementing techniques for analysis of multi-item measurements in psychology, education, health, hiring, and other fields.

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A postdoc position in the Complex Networks and Brain Dynamics group - Ref. No. 21

A postdoc position is available in the Complex Networks and Brain Dynamics group as part of the project "From Biological Neural Networks to Next-Generation Whole-Brain Models", funded by the Czech Academy of Sciences through a Lumina Quaeruntur fellowship. This position is concerned with developing mathematical models of cortical microcircuits that are both biologically realistic and computationally efficient. A particular focus will be on developing mean-field models of spiking neural networks that are informed by structural and functional data of cortical tissue. The ultimate goal is to implement these mean-field models into whole-brain network models.

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Postdoctoral / Junior Scientist position in Multimodal Neuroimaging Machine Learning

A postdoc or junior scientist position is available to join the Complex Networks and Brain Dynamics group for the project: “Predicting functional outcome in schizophrenia from multimodal neuroimaging and clinical data“ funded by the Czech Health Research Council.

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Research Fellow / Postdoc positions in Complex Networks and Brain Dynamics

We are looking for new team members to join the Complex Networks and Brain Dynamics group to work on its interdisciplinary projects. The group is part of the Department of Complex Systems, Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences - based in Prague, Czech Republic, https://www.cs.cas.cz/.

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Postdoctoral / Junior Scientist position in complex networks and information theory

A postdoc or junior scientist position is available to join the Complex Networks and Brain Dynamics group for the project: “Network modelling of complex systems: from correlation graphs to information hypergraphs“ funded by the Czech Science Foundation.

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Postdoctoral/Research Fellow position in complex network analysis: Critical events detection

Postdoc or research fellow position is available to join the Complex Networks and Brain Dynamics group for the project: “Modelling and analysis of complex systems for safety of critical infrastructures“ as part of the National Center of Competence – Cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence funded by the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, and related projects.

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Research Fellow/Postdoc positions for the project Interactions and causality in complex systems

A new project funded by the Praemium Academiae awarded to Milan Paluš (RNDr. Milan Paluš, DrSc.) by the Czech Academy of Sciences for the period 2020-2025 is open for applications for positions of research fellows or postdoctoral researchers. The project is oriented to study interactions and causality in nonlinear, multiscale complex systems with extreme events. The primary application fields will be the Earth climate, magnetosphere/ionosphere (space weather) and the human brain.

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Postdoc positions for the project Learning Synchronization Patterns in Multivariate Neural Signals for Prediction of Response to Antidepressants

A new project funded by the Czech Science Foundation awarded to Milan Paluš (http://www.cs.cas.cz/mp/). in cooperation with scientists from the Czech National Institute of Mental Health and Vienna University, Faculty of Informatics, for the period 2021-2024 is open for applications for positions of postdoctoral researchers. The project is oriented to mathematical and computational methods for detection, and machine learning-based classification of synchronization and causality in nonlinear multivariate time series. Applications in analysis of EEG describing brain states and their changes in mental disorders (depression), prediction of antidepressant efficacy.

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CAS–ICS postdoctoral position

The Institute of Computer Science (ICS) of the Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS) invites outstanding and enthusiastic junior researchers, PhD holders, to apply for a postdoc position funded jointly by CAS and ICS.

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