Invitation to the Week of the Czech Academy of Sciences at the FZU

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In 2022, the Institute of Physics will also be joining the Week of the Czech Academy of Sciences. It is an event organised by the Czech Academy of Sciences and focused on public understanding of science. As every year, the FZU will be holding an Open Doors Day as part of the Week, and is preparing a number of interesting talks and visits to laboratories covering a lot of interesting topics – from research of the universe and biophysics to lasers.

The Week of the Academy will take place from 1 to 5 November 2022

Detailed schedule of visits and talks


Individual events will take place in parallel at the following facilities: Slovanka (Prague - Ládví), Cukrovarnická (Prague - Střešovice) a  HiLASE and ELI Beamlines laser centres (Dolní Břežany).


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