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Příspěvky k poznání barbarských komunit (Archeologie barbarů 2016 a 2018)


Price without VAT: 455 

Availability: In stock

Volume 70
Archeologický ústav AV ČR, Brno
Brno 2021, 361 p.

ISBN 978-80-7524-047-7
ISSN 1804-1345

The conference proceedings, which are based on the Archaeology of Barbarians conferences held in 2016 and 2018, contain 21 articles from the international team of authors from the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland. The articles are published in Czech, Slovak, Polish, German and English. The unifying motive of the publication is the topic of the transition phases of the protohistoric development and military aspects of these key periods, which are particularly noticeable in the war gear category. The publication can be divided into three subject areas – Germanic settlements and new finds from the Roman Period, Roman military and war gear, and the Communities of the Migration Period.