9. 11. 2022

The public lecture is organized by the Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences in collaboration with Italian Cultural Institute in Prague, Centre for African Studies (Faculty of Arts, Charles University) and the Czech Association for African Studies.

13. - 14. 10. 2022

The European Social Survey (ESS) has published a call for papers aimed at those who wish to present their research at the ESS Visegrad Network+ Conference in Prague, Czechia, on 13-14 October 2022.

12. 10. 2022
Delnicke bydleni

CESCAME invites you to an exciting series of three guest lectures on urban practices and politics. In the last lecture, Lela Rekhiashvili will show how marketisation produces new forms of urban informality, criticising interpretations of informality as a product of ‘deficienci...

21. 9. 2022

Recent studies highlight the importance of creating a more gender-sensitive entrepreneurship culture, including awareness raising campaigns, role models and developments in the education system (OECD, 2021). Focusing on three very different cultural contexts of Iran, India and...

20. 9. 2022
Industrial working class housing

CESCAME invites you to an exciting series of three guest lectures on urban practices and politics. In the second lecture, Alexa Färber will present her concept "urban promises".

12. - 14. 8. 2022
TRACTS summer training school

Call for applications for the Training school of the COST action TRACTS: Traces as Research Agenda for Climate Change, Technology Studies, and Social Justice.

14. 6. 2022
Housing in an industrial zone

CESCAME invites you to a series of three guest lectures on the city, sustainability, urban practices and politics, everydayness and informality and their potential for social change. In the first lecture, our guest Örjan Sjöberg will conceptually discuss the Sustainable Develo...

26. - 27. 5. 2022
Ilustrace: Pixabay.com

During the Covid-19 pandemic, democracy worldwide continued to deteriorate. As established and new democracies faced unprecedented challenges to public health and the economy, their democratic quality declined. While established democracies could largely prevent pandemic erosi...

2. 5. 2022

Lecture by sociologists Ruta Śpiewak and Wojciech Goszczyński on Alternative Food Networks in Poland

2. 12. 2021

We would like to invite you to an international symposium Borders, Mobility of Care and Translocal Social Reproduction. The event will be held as a hybrid event on Thursday December 2, 2021. Please, register to the event. We will send you the link and ID if you prefer to parti...
