
International Conference Measuring Democracy: What are we measuring and how does CEE fit in?

22. 9. 2017
Academic Conference Centre - Czech Academy of Sciences, Husova 4a, Prague 1

The conference is organised in the frame of the long-term interdisciplinary Research Program of Czech Academy of Sciences "Strategy AV21", project Global Conflicts and Local Interactions: Cultural and Social Challenges.

Strategie AV21

This international conference seeks to open a dialogue about the assessment of democracy and how democracies in Central and Eastern Europe can be integrated into a standard comparative framework. It brings together experts in various models of democracy assessments used in international comparative research on democracy and governance, to open up the discussion on the extent to which our conceptual and methodological approaches, as well as cases we study shape the outcomes. The aim is to ask the question, how CEE countries fit in the various comparative studies.

We recognize the need to focus on contextualizing CEE democracy in broader cross-national comparison and to looks at the diversion of transitional trajectories over time (illiberal turn). We see both communism and post-communism as temporary stages in a wider historical development. The focus of research is on elite and public preferences, nature of political competition, behavioral patterns and emerging (and transforming political culture). Within this approach, the importance and influence of communism and post-communism might vary across topics.

This conference aims to bring together scholars of democracy and scholars of CEE politics, to provide a platform for an open dialogue on the future of democracy in the CEE and beyond. We brought together a mix of theoretical papers with solid arguments and contributions bringing evidence on the quality of democracy.


8.30-8.45 registration

8.45-9.00 welcome, intro

9.00-9.45 Keynote: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Merkel, Social Science Center Berlin (confirmed)

“Shifting axes of democratic legitimacy”

9.45-10.15 Discussion

Coffee Break 10.15-10.30

10.30-12.15 Block I. Varieties of Democracy & varieties of approaches to democratic governance

Moderator: Zdenka Mansfeldová, ISAS CR

10.30-11.00 Prof. Philippe Schmitter, European University Institute (confirmed)

“Some Critical Thoughts on Researching the Quality of Democracy”

11.00-11.30 Prof. Dr. Brigitte Geissel, Goethe University Frankfurt (confirmed)

“Measuring Quality of Democracy: Bringing People back in”

11.30-12.00 Discussion

12.00-13.00 Lunch buffet

13.00-15.00 Block II.  Varieties of democracy in CEE – consolidated, defective, illiberal and beyond

Moderator: Petra Guasti, Goethe University Frankfurt & ISAS CR

Discussant: Jonathan Rinne, Goethe University Frankfurt

Prof. Dr. Radek Markowski, University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Warsaw (confirmed)

"Supply Side Revolution and the Will of the People"

Prof. Dr. Darina Malová and Dr. Branislav Dolný, Comenius University Bratislava (confirmed)

“Missing Ingredients in the Study of CEE Democracies”

Dr. Petra Guasti and Dr. Zdenka Mansfeldová, IS CAS (confirmed)

“Processes of Democratic Consolidation in the Czech Republic and Slovakia” 

Dr. Martin Brusis, Babes Bolyai University, Cluj (confirmed)

“Quality of Democracy in CEE “

Dr. Pavol Baboš, Comenius University Bratislava (confirmed)

“Globalization against Liberal Democracy? Distorting Effects in Central Europe“

Discussion 14.30-15.00

15.00-15.15. Coffee break

15.15-17.00 Round Table: The Future of Democracy in the CEE and Beyond

Moderator: Prof. Vladimíra  Dvořáková, University of Economics, Prague (confirmed)

Participants: Prof. Merkel, Prof. Geissel, Dr. Brusis, Prof. Markowski, Prof. Schmitter


For registration please send us an email till 20. 9. 2017:

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