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21. 11. 2022

Different characteristics between northern and southern bank vole populations in Britain, due to differences in haemoglobin types, could affect their ability to adapt to a changing climate. Research by scientists at the Institute of Animal Physiology and Genetics of the Czech Academy of Sciences has shown that northern populations of these small rodents will “borrow” a more favourable haemoglobin variant, critical for adaptation, from populations adapted to living in the warmer conditions of southern England to survive climate warming. The ability to take advantage of the diversity of traits already present in populations and adapt to climate change through them will be critical to the survival of many plant and animal species, including humans.

19. 04. 2022

14th Tooth Morphogenesis and Differentiation meeting in Prague - Chateau Štiřín is approaching. Join to us to hear exiting stories and to discuss your recent projects related not just tooth but also other oral structures from morphological, evo-devo up to clinical perspective.

20. 08. 2021
Mgr. Rajan lyyappan, Ph.D., Laboratory of Biochemistry and molecular biology of germ cells „Understanding the regulation of translational reprogramming in the meiosis and mitosis pre and post fertilization” Final Report Report Evaluation RNDr. Dávid Drutovič, Ph.D. ...
08. 01. 2021

We are organizing in September: The 2nd Conference of the Visegrad Group Society for Developmental Biology!

14. 07. 2020

Interns from the Open Science project, who are welcomed at our Laboratory of Anaerobic Microbiology every year, scored in the regional and national rounds of Students' Professional Activities (SPA). We congratulate the students and wish them success in their upcoming university studies and possibly in their future scientific careers.

11. 12. 2018

For many years LAM laboratory takes part in the CAS project, Open Science. Every year the number of applicants increases, this year and last year our projects were among the top three with the highest number of applicants. Nearly 200 high school students enrolled on the three topics, we opened this year. At our workplace, which specializes in microbiom analysis, students can try work of both chemist, biologist and bioinformatician.

15. 11. 2018

Laboratory of Anaerobic Microbiology organized a practical workshop focused on the determination of microbial diversity by analyzing NGS data in the program QIIME. Theoretical morning section focused on the "Gut-brain axis, the impact of microbiota on mental health " was followed by the practical section comprising the workshop. Example amplicon data from our sequencer were provided to the participants, who could try to analyze them themselves under our supervision.