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Mgr. Adéla Ebersonová, Ph.D.

Image Adéla Ebersonová

Research Interests:

church history; late medieval devotion; medieval monastic libraries

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2013–2020 Medieval and Neo-Latin Studies (Ph.D.), Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague, thesis Medieval Manuscript Libraries of the Regular Canons of St. Augustin in Bohemia

2011–2013 Latin Medieval Studies and Latin Classical Studies (Mgr.), Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague

2007–2011 Latin and Greek Studies (Bc.), Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague


since 5/2020 external team member of Czech Science Foundation EXPRO grant Old Myths, New Facts: Czech Lands in Center of 15-century Music Developments (doc. Hana Vlhová-Wörner)

since 1/2018 team member of University Centre for the Study of Classical and Medieval Thought, Charles University (prof. Lenka Karfíková)

1/2017–12/2019 team member of Czech Science Foundation grant Creative Copies: The Miscellanies of Ulrich Crux de Telcz (d. 1504) (doc. Lucie Doležalová)

4/2016–12/2017 external team member of Czech Science Foundation grant Changing Identities in the Musical Culture of the Late Medieval Central Europe (dr. Lenka Hlávková)

1/2015–12/2017 two-year internal grant of Faculty of Arts, Charles University Commented Edition of the Statutes of the House of the Canons Regular of St Augustine in Roudnice nad Labem

11/2013–3/2016 team member of the ERC Starting Independent Research Grant Origins of Vernacular Mode (dr. Pavlína Rychterová)

Editorial Boards, Institution Fellowships etc.

since 2022 Fellow of the Centre for Medieval Studies, Czech Academy of Sciences

University Courses Taught

since academic year 2014/2015 courses Painless Latin, Basics of Latin, Latin for Beginners and Lower-Intermediate Latin at the Faculty of Humanities, Charles University, Prague

List of Publications


Adéla Ebersonová, Roudnická statuta. Zvyklosti augustiniánské kanonie v Roudnici nad Labem (komentovaná edice a překlad) [The Statutes of Roudnice. The Customs of the House of Augustinian Canons in Roudnice nad Labem (an Annotated Edition and Translation)]. Dolní Břežany: Scriptorium, 2021. 184 pp.

Collective Monographs

Michal Dragoun – Adéla Ebersonová – Lucie Doležalová, Středověké knihovny augustiniánských kanonií v Třeboni a Borovanech. I. Rukopisy a inkunábule; II. Rukopisy Kříže z Telče; III. Rejstříky [Medieval Libraries of Augustinian Houses in Třeboň and Borovany. I. Manuscripts and Incunables; II. Manuscripts of Crux de Telcz; III. Indices]. Dolní Břežany: Scriptorium, 2021. 1666 pp.

Jan Ciglbauer, in collaboration with Martin Bažil, Adéla Ebersonová and Henry Howard, Carmina clericorum: latinské duchovní písně 14. až 15. století ve středoevropském univerzitním a školském prostředí = sacred Latin songs from the 14th and 15th centuries in the Central European university and school milieu (= Monumenta Liturgica Bohemica). Chomutov: L. Marek, 2020. 288 pp.

Vlastimil Brom – Václav Čermák – Michal Dragoun – Adéla Ebersonová – Ota Halama – Jindřich Marek – Olga Sixtová – Kateřina Spurná – Dmitrij Timofejev – Tamás Visi, Rukopisné zlomky Knihovny Národního muzea. Signatury 1 D, 1 E a 1 G [Manuscript Fragments in the National Museum Library. Shelf Marks 1 D, 1 E and 1 G]. Prague: Scriptorium, 2016. 373 pp.

Michal Dragoun – Lucie Doležalová – Adéla Ebersonová (edd.), Ubi est finis huius libri deus scit. Středověká knihovna augustiniánských kanovníků v Roudnici nad Labem [Ubi est finis huius libri deus scit. Medieval Library of Augustinian Canons in Roudnice nad Labem]. Prague: Scriptorium, 2015. 676 pp.

Scholarly Studies

Adéla Ebersonová, Středověká rukopisná knihovna řeholních kanovníků sv. Augustina v Praze na Karlově [Medieval Manuscript Library of the Canons Regular of St Augustine in Prague-Karlov], in: Studie o rukopisech 51/1 (2021), pp. 31–105.

Adéla Ebersonová, Religious Practices of the Canons Regular of St Augustine in the Czech Lands. The Statutes of Roudnice, in: Religious Practices and Everyday Life in the Long Fifteenth Century (1350–1570). Interpreting Changes and Changes of Interpretation, edd.  Ian Richard Johnson – Ana Maria Seabra de Almeida Rodrigues (= New Communities of Interpretation 2). Turnhout: Brepols, 2021, pp. 23–48.

Adéla Ebersonová, Křížova bible [Crux's Bible], in: Kříž z Telče (1434–1504). Písař, sběratel, autor [Crux of Telč (1434–1504): Scribe, Collector and Author], edd. Lucie Doležalová – Michal Dragoun. Prague: Scriptorium, 2020, pp. 247–264.

Adéla Ebersonová, Řeholní zvyklosti. Statuta kanonie řeholních kanovníků sv. Augustina v Roudnici nad Labem [Regular Customs. Statutes of the House of the Canons Regular of St Augustine in Roudnice nad Labem], in: Čítanka latinských textů z pozdně středověkých Čech [Reader of Latin Texts from Late Medieval Bohemia], edd. Lucie Doležalová – Michal Dragoun – Jan Ctibor. Prague: Scriptorium, 2017, pp. 24–35.

Adéla Ebersonová, Knihovny kanonií v Roudnici a v Sadské: dochované rukopisy a jejich obsah [The Libraries of the Houses of the Canons Regular in Roudnice and Sadská: Preserved Manuscripts and their Content], in: Ubi est finis huius libri deus scit ..., pp. 61–88.

Adéla Ebersonová – Alice Klima, Roudnická statuta [The Statutes of Roudnice], in: Ubi est finis huius libri deus scit ..., pp. 187–205.

Michal Dragoun, in collaboration with Adéla Ebersonová, Soupis roudnických a sadských rukopisů [The List of the Manuscripts from Roudnice and Sadská], in: Ubi est finis huius libri deus scit ..., pp. 331–565.

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