Guidelines for Contributors
Manuscripts in Czech, Slovak and English are accepted throughout the year.
The standard length of a submitted article is 8,500 words, while it should not be shorter than 5,000 words and longer than 15,000 words. Articles exceeding 18,000 words will be rejected. The reviews should be 1,000 to 3,000 words long. Short reviews (annotations) are max. 1,000 words long.
The Czech Journal of Contemporary History follows the Oxford handbook in terms of spelling: uses -ize, -yze (rather than -ise, -yse), -ization (rather than -isation) and standard British spelling for everything else.
The authors are welcome to use first person pronouns (I, me, we, my, etc.) in their articles.
For all transliterations, we use the "ALA-LC" (Library of Congresss) system (see
Use footnotes rather than endnotes and include a list of references at the end of the text. List references in alphabetical order according to the author’s surname.
Please use the following form of reference:
1. Archives: The name of the archive, location [if quoting from the same source repeatedly, the abbreviation commonly used for the archive is sufficient], name of the fond [collection], document number, name and/or description:
The National Archives, London [hereafter TNA], Foreign Office [hereafter FO] 371/20375, R 5216/32/12, Addison to Foreign Office, 25 August 1936.
2. Monographs: SURNAME of the author [in capital letters], first name of the author / initial(s) if quoted more than once / for co-authors follow the same pattern: Title: Subtitle [in italics]. Place of publication, publisher year of publication, page(s) quoted [if applicable]:
MEAD, Margaret: Coming of age in Samoa: A psychological study of primitive study of primitive youth for western civilisation. New York, William Morrow & Company 1928.
Subsequent references: SURNAME [in capital letters], initials for the first and middle names: Short title [in italics], page quoted.
MEAD, M.: Coming of age in Samoa, p. 21.
You can also use Ibidem or Ibid. to refer to the work cited in the note immediately preceding.
You can also use IDEM, EADEM, IDEM, EAEDEM in place of the author’s surname (authors’ surnames) when his/her/their works are cited successively in the same note.
3. Book chapters: Author(s) of the chapter [written as above]: Title: Subtitle. In: Editor(s) of the volume [same as for the author of a monograph] (ed.): Title: Subtitle of the volume [in italics]. Place of publication, publisher year of publication, pagination, page quoted.
GOLDSTEIN, Erik: Neville Chamberlain, the British Official Mind and the Munich Crisis. In: LUKEŠ, Igor – GOLDSTEIN, Erik (eds.): The Munich Crisis 1938: Prelude to World War Two. London, Frank Cass 1999, pp. 276–292.
4. Journal articles: Author of the article [written as above]: Title: Subtitle. In: Name of the journal, volume, number (year), pagination, page(s) quoted.
WHEELER, Kathryn: The Moral Economy of Ready-Made Food. In: The British Journal of Sociology, Vol. 69, No. 4 (2018), pp. 1271–1292.
5. Newspaper articles: Author of the article [written as above]: Title: Subtitle. In: Name of the newspaper/magazine, date of issue, pagination, page quoted:
SVOBODA, Jiří: Co bylo, co bude? In: Rudé právo (15. 5. 1969), p. 3.
6. Web references: Author of the article [written as above]: Title: Subtitle. In: Name of the online journal/newspaper/magazine [in italics], platform etc. [online], date. [Accessed 0000-00-00.] Available at: URL address.
KYOSEV, Hristo: Putevoditel na nay-dobrata shkembe chorba v Bulgaria. Vuzhvala na ambroziata [Guide to the best tripe soup in Bulgaria. A song to the ambrosia]. In: Frog News [online], 29. 07. 2011. [Accessed 2021-11-15.] Available at:
TONN, Jenna: Gender. In: Encyclopedia of the History of Science [online]. Pittsburgh, Carnegie Mellon University 2021. [Accessed 2021-11-15.] Available at:
7. Bachelors, masters dissertations, PhD theses:
VERNER, Jiří: Fenomén chmelových brigád v socialistickém Československu [online]. Praha, Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Karlovy 2014. Masters dissertation. [Accessed 2022-11-06.] Available at:
- Enclose an abstract of 15–30 lines together with your article.
- In the author bio, please include the following information about yourself: institutional affiliation, research focus, your key publications with the place and year of publication (if applicable).
- For reviews, please include additional information about the author(s) of the publication under review: translator(s), editor(s), author(s) of preface and afterword, illustrator(s). Please include also additional publication data: publisher, edition/series, indexes, bibliographies etc.
- The authors of texts published in the CJCH are entitled to receive a complimentary copy (two copies if they have published an article) of the relevant issue of the journal. The complimentary copy will either be sent by mail or can be picked up in the editorial office of the journal.
- The authors of reviews, annotations, conference reports and similar texts are remunerated.
- Please submit your manuscript through the online submission system of our journal, following your registration.